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Boyle, Henry, (1669-1725), Baron Carleton

This page summarises records created by this Person

The summary includes a brief description of the collection(s) (usually including the covering dates of the collection), the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection.

Alternative name(s):
  • Carleton, Baron (Also known as)
Surname: Boyle
Forenames: Henry
Gender: Male
Date: 1669-1725
Title: Baron Carleton
History: Politician. MP for Tamworth, Cambridge and Westminster. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1701; Lord Treasurer of Ireland, 1704-1710; Secretary of State, 1708-1710; Lord President of Council, 1721-1725. Peerage, 1714.
References: DNB; NCA Rules
Name authority reference: GB/NNAF/P275988
Number Description Held by Reference Further information
1709 Aug 31: Marlborough to Boyle: the enemy capitulated and hostages were exchanged, but hostilities...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 01: Marlborough to Boyle: the garrison of Béthune has reached St Omer. He encloses a letter...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 18: Marlborough to Boyle: he recommends that the twelve battalions required to guarantee the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 26: Marlborough to Boyle: the garrison has beaten the chamade and hostages have been...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 23: Marlborough to Boyle: his meeting with the deputies of the states general regarding the...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 01: Marlborough to Boyle: the siege is under way and the artillery is coming up the Scheldt....
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 24: Marlborough to Boyle: morning reconnaissance of Dopf and Cadogan. Extent of the French...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 16: Marlborough to Boyle: Robinson reports the French have only three or four small frigates...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 04: Marlborough to Boyle: he is pleased that the circular letters have been sent to the...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 11: Marlborough to Boyle: no French deserters are to be encouraged to settle in the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 19: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege and failure of an enemy sally. Departure of...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 09: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: the infantry of the left are marching on Marchienne. He asks...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 May 14: Marlborough to Boyle: he has heard of the treaty between the king of Prussia [Frederick...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 22: Marlborough to Boyle: a courier has brought letters from the marquis de Prie with...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 14: Marlborough to Boyle: He thanks him for his offices in the house of commons. He believes...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 10: Marlborough [to Boyle]: the states [general] are alarmed at the large number of forces...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 28: Marlborough to Boyle: he has travelled over thirty miles on the ice from The Hague...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 23: Marlborough to Boyle: difficulties with the mails as the ports are frozen. Prince Eugene...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 30: Marlborough to Boyle: he encloses a letter from the count de la Mothe [ SP 87/3/125 ]...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 31: Marlborough to Boyle: they have taken possession of two of the gates of Ghent according...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 30: Marlborough to Boyle: the prince d'Enghien, Brigadier Cano and M. d'Aubigni have made a...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 24: Marlborough to Boyle: he is encouraged by the news that parliament will take measures to...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 20: Marlborough to Boyle: he has corresponded with the king of Prussia [Frederick I]...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 10: Marlborough to Boyle: Marshal de Boufflers has surrendered the citadel of Lille. He will...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Sep 20: Marlborough to Boyle: the enemy have extended their camp from Tournai almost to...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Sep 07: Marlborough to Boyle: he has received the copy of Mr. Palmes's letter regarding sending...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 06: Marlborough [?to Boyle]: he encloses an answer [ SP 87/3/70 ], and has sent two letters...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jul 02: Marlborough to Boyle: he will acquaint the French commissary with Boyle's remarks on the...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jun 18: Marlborough to Boyle: he has seen what Boyle has written to Pulteney to enable him to...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 May 28: Marlborough to Boyle: he sends a copy of a letter from the landgrave of Hesse [ SP...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jul 05: Marlborough to Boyle: he defers other business to report that the enemy has decamped and...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jul 09-1708 Jul 10: Marlborough to Boyle: Boyle has sent an extract of Admiral Leake's instructions to The...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 17: Marlborough to Boyle, asking that Palmes be sent to meet him at The Hague. He has no...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Mar 04: Marlborough to Boyle: as he has heard from Count Wratislaw that Prince Eugene will...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Sep 13: Marlborough to Boyle, describing an unsuccessful French attack against Brigadiers...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Sep 17: Marlborough to Boyle: on 15 September the French sent twelve battalions into Douai,...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jun 04: Marlborough to Boyle: The copy of the memorials presented by M Welderse agree with what...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jul 19: Marlborough to Boyle: he is pleased that the news from Jersey and Guernsey was false. He...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Jul 30: Marlborough to Boyle: a complaint has been made in the Netherlands over the title of the...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 02: Marlborough to Boyle: the heavy artillery is almost ready to depart from Brussels. Ten...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 03: Marlborough to Boyle: Prince Eugene, the deputies of the states [general] and the chief...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 03: Marlborough to Boyle: Prince Eugene, the deputies of the states [general] and the chief...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 03: Marlborough to Boyle: he sent a parley to Bruges, to which M. Grimaldi replied that he...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 07: Marlborough to Boyle: parliament has voted £220,000 for the augmentation of troops for...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 16: Marlborough to Boyle: severity of the winter and difficulty of travelling. He is...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 17: [Major General] William Cadogan [?To Boyle]: Marlborough has ordered him to return with...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jan 31: Marlborough to Boyle enquiring as to recruitment for the army. The officers stopped by...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 May 31: Marlborough to Boyle: Count Sinzendorff has written that the court at Vienna has decided...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Apr 13: Marlborough to Boyle: his meetings with generals, ministers and Prince [Eugene] of...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Apr 22: Marlborough to Boyle: he is on his way to Hanover. Dated 'on the water'. f. 10
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 09: Marlborough to Boyle: he has informed the [grand] pensionary [Heinsius] of the sea...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 13: Marlborough to Boyle: nothing is likely to satisfy the Russian ambassador. Marlborough...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 22: Marlborough to Boyle: the convoy approaching up the Lys has been attacked by the French,...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 02: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: Count Tilly is returning with his...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Aug 20: Marlborough to Boyle: he has received news of the defeat of the czar's army, which will...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 26: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson, asking him to communicate the enclosed papers [SP...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Sep 03: Marlborough to Boyle: He is sorry to hear that the council of war has decided against a...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Nov 08: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege of the citadel of Lille. M. Chamillard has...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Nov 27: Marlborough to Boyle: interception of their correspondence. The duke of Bavaria's laying...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Nov 29: Marlborough to Boyle: On advancing to Aalst he learned that the elector [of Bavaria] had...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 03: Marlborough to Boyle: he has returned from Brussels to Beirlegem, with his right flank...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 06: Marlborough to Boyle: he thanks him for the speech and the Lords' address; the need to...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 13: Marlborough to Boyle: he intended to cross the Scheldt at Meirelbeke, but the troops...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Dec 17: Marlborough to Boyle: He is dissatisfied with the Gazette's account of the passage of...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 04: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: Dayrolle has his orders about the...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 20: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: the English are to advance that day to...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 01: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: nothing will satisfy Lord Raby but...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 07: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: he congratulates Tilson on the recovery...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Feb 14: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: he is writing to the secretary [Boyle]...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Mar 26: Henry Watkins [British secretary at The Hague] to Tilson: he has forwarded Mr. Secretary...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Oct 11-1708 Oct 13: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: he encloses an extract of a letter from...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Apr 20: Henry Watkins [to Tilson]: he thanks him for remembering him to the secretary [Boyle]....
The National Archives, Kew
1709 May 24: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: he encloses his communication with the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 07: Marlborough to Boyle: he hopes to bring the enemy to battle; otherwise there will be...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 22: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege. Villars has assembled his forces at...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 26: Marlborough to Boyle: movements of the French. Arrival at the camp of Cardinal Bouillon....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 29: Marlborough to Boyle: he is pleased that Mr. Jackson is to be sent back to Stockholm. He...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 02: Marlborough [to Boyle]: no progress at the peace conference at Geertruidenberg. Enemy...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 05: Marlborough to Boyle: he does not believe that Villars will attack during the siege,...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 11: Marlborough to Boyle: his first description of the battle of Malplaquet, and the heavy...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 16: Marlborough to Boyle: he has written to the French marshals to arrange relief for French...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 23: Marlborough to Boyle: no great progress with the siege [of Mons]; the artillery has not...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 26: Marlborough to Boyle: the artillery has arrived from Brussels, but two more convoys will...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 30: Marlborough to Boyle: his thanks for congratulations on the victory [Malplaquet]....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 21: Marlborough to Boyle: he hopes Townshend will be successful in his negotiations on the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 23: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege under Schulemburg and Fagel. Success of...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 28: Marlborough to Boyle: the three regiments in the Isle of Wight intended for Spain....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 30: Marlborough to Boyle: the garrison of Béthune has surrendered and is to be conducted to...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 04: Marlborough to Boyle: he has had no confirmation of the second victory in Spain...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 08: Marlborough to Boyle: he is pleased that troops to support the guarantee of the empire...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 11: Marlborough to Boyle: augmentation of two thousand cavalry for Spain. Captain Cornwall's...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 15: Marlborough to Boyle: he has now received details of the good news from Spain...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jan 1-Dec 31: Marlborough [to Boyle]: the French are concealing the consequences of the great success...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 25: Marlborough to Boyle [in his own hand]: his intelligence from Dunkirk has been delayed...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 25: Marlborough to Boyle: Prince Eugene has no authority to sign any treaty regarding the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Sep 29: Marlborough to Boyle: humane treatment of the allied garrison of Ypres. Marshal...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Oct 02: Marlborough to Boyle: the duke of Argyll is surprised that his friends in England are...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Oct 09: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege [of Aire]. The court of Vienna are raising...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Oct 10: Marlborough to Boyle: he has received intelligence that the ships fitting out at Dunkirk...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Oct 13: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege, which is impeded by the rain. The princess...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 10: Marlborough to Boyle: he is advancing between Montauban and Neuville-Saint-Vaast, hoping...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 14: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege hampered by rain. Fresh artillery and...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 19: Marlborough to Boyle: Lord Townshend's negotiations on the [first] barrier treaty....
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 26: Marlborough to Boyle: he does not favour Lord Galway's project for capturing Vigo. He...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 29: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege. Dated at Tournai. ff. 67, 68
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 07: Marlborough to Boyle: preliminary manoeuvres for the siege [of Mons] and skirmishes with...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 14: Marlborough to Boyle: the army has advanced to the source of the Scarpe. It is...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 17: Marlborough to Boyle: Béthune has been invested and the enemy's chief aim is now...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 21: Marlborough to Boyle: measures have been taken to supply the imperial and Palatine...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 24: Marlborough to Boyle: preliminaries of the siege of Béthune. The heavy artillery is...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 28: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege and repulse of an enemy sortie. The...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 31: Marlborough to Boyle: difficulties of Lord Shannon's expedition. Twenty men per...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 04: Marlborough to Boyle: Lord Shannon's expedition is at an end. Marlborough's responses to...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 07: Marlborough to Boyle: receding flood waters favour the progress of the siege. Resolution...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Aug 11: Marlborough to Boyle: discrepancies between the relations of Lord Townshend and those of...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 09: Marlborough to Boyle: progress of the siege. He encloses the treaty for two battalions...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 30: Marlborough to the earl of Sunderland: he is writing to Sunderland because of Boyle's...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 12: Marlborough to Boyle: instructions for Robinson and endeavours to release 'young Mr....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 16: Marlborough to Boyle: de Villars is unable to release Pagett. Progress of the siege....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 27: Marlborough to Boyle: the capitulation has been signed and the garrison is to be...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jun 30: Marlborough to Boyle: the garrison has marched out of Douai and the [siege] works are...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 03: Marlborough to Boyle: his concern at the replacement of the earl of Sunderland by Lord...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 05: Marlborough to Boyle: Colonel Panton has returned with Boyle's letter, for which he...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 15: Marlborough to Boyle: precautions to stop the East India Company sending too much silver...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 22: Marlborough to Boyle: good progress of the siege. The fall of the town is likely to be...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 25: Marlborough to Boyle: various representations to the duke of Savoy to act against the...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 29: Marlborough to Boyle: the town has surrendered and hostages have been exchanged. Dated...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 08: Marlborough to Boyle: disposition of the army around Orchies. Movements of Villars. The...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 12: Marlborough to Boyle: French marches and countermarches. Progress of the siege of the...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Apr 20: Marlborough to Boyle: Mortagne has changed hands three times and is now under threat by...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Apr 23: Marlborough to Boyle: advance of the duke of Württemberg and Prince Eugene, and retreat...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Apr 28: Marlborough to Boyle: he does not believe any directions are given for the desertion of...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 05: Marlborough to Boyle: he will not permit the marquis de Sugana to stay in 'these parts'....
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 08: Marlborough to Boyle: a sortie by the enemy garrison. Progress of the artillery and...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 May 12: Marlborough to Boyle: the enemy have galleys at Condé to attack the ammunition convoy on...
The National Archives, Kew
1710 Jul 18: Chetwynd to Secretary [Henry] Boyle: on the earl of Sunderland's dismissal he will be...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 11: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: the enemy has debated whether to...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 18: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: he encloses a plan of the attack [on...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 May 07: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: Lord Raby's visit to London and Tokay...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 26: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: Marlborough is sending Mr. Secretary [Boyle] a full account of...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 21: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: the French have offered to capitulate but withdrawn the offer...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Sep 04: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: he encloses a duplicate of a letter from Marlborough to Mr....
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 01: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: progress of the siege and dispute over an outwork. There are...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Aug 05: Adam Cardonnel to Tilson: he intends to send Mr. Secretary [Boyle] a plan of the...
The National Archives, Kew
1708 Apr 13: Adam Cardonnel to Under Secretary George Tilson: Marlborough has sent a letter to Boyle...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 13: Marlborough to Boyle: he has been at The Hague, Rotterdam, Brussels and Antwerp, where...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 20: Marlborough to Boyle: he has arrived at Lille with Prince Eugene, with orders for the...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jun 27: Marlborough to Boyle: reasons for the decision to lay siege to Tournai, which was...
The National Archives, Kew
1709 Jul 08: [Marlborough to Boyle]: reinforcements sent to Warneton arrived too late to save the...
The National Archives, Kew