The Schools' Census datasets contain data on individual schools derived from their Schools' Census returns. Data is currently available for the following years: 1975-2001. The data for the years 1975-1994 are divided into datasets which are based on the major categories of schools covered by the census. The following list outlines the sub-series of datasets which are currently available:
- Primary, middle and secondary schools: 1975-1994;
- Special schools: 1975-1994;
- Nursery schools: 1977-1994;
- Independent schools: 1975-1994.
After 1994, the Department continued to collect information on all the above school types, but no longer maintained the data in separate datafiles.
The datasets for 1975-1977 contain records on schools in England and Wales. From 1978 onwards only English schools are included, except in the datasets for independent schools, which continue to include Welsh schools up until 1985. For reasons which are unclear, the independent school datasets for 1975-1976 also contain data on LEA-maintained and direct-grant nursery schools. From 1977 onwards, data on nursery schools is held in separate datasets.
The datasets provide the following types of information:
- Basic details about schools, such as the school's LEA and region, the type of school, any denominational affiliation, the sex of the pupils, and the school's establishment number. Establishment numbers (known as ESTAB or SCH numbers) act as a unique identifier for each school when combined with its LEA number. The names of schools are not included in the datasets, although it may be possible to identify schools using another database transferred to NDAD, the Register of Educational Establishments (see Related Material).
- Numbers of pupils by age, sex, whether full-time or part-time, and (for pupils with special educational needs) by type of disability. The latter data is not included in the 1989-1994 datasets.
- Numbers of staff by sex, type and whether full-time or part-time, plus the full-time equivalents of part-time staff.
- Data on classes on the registers of the school and classes taught at a particular period of the school day, by type of class, numbers of pupils, and numbers of teachers teaching.
- Data on courses of study in secondary and independent schools, including the numbers of pupils by age and sex pursuing examination courses ('A' level, 'O'/CSE level etc). This data is not included in the datasets for 1986-1991 inclusive; after 1992 it is reinstated.
The datasets in this series are available to download. Links to individual datasets can be found at piece level.