Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)

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Northern Ireland

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PRONI holds both public and private records

  • Reprographics: digital photography
  • The annual Deputy Keeper's report is available online
  • ARCHON code: 255

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    Collections information

    Businesses (752)

    Organisations (639)

    Persons (820)

    Diaries (107)

    Families (308)

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (160)

    • NRA 28356 Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of Gosford: corresp and papers as governor-in-chief of British North Am
    • NRA 31448 David Acheson Ltd, linen mfrs and finishers, Castlecaulfield
    • NRA 29999 Acheson family, Earls of Gosford: family and estate papers
    • NRA 13276 Alexander family, Earls of Caledon: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31466 Allen & Turtle Ltd, hosiery mfrs, dyers and finishers, Belfast
    • NRA 40079 William John Campbell Allen, banker: corresp and papers
    • NRA 28829 Annesley family, Earls Annesley: family and estate papers
    • NRA 41442 Antrim Iron Ore Co Ltd
    • NRA 23891 Armagh Diocesan Registry
    • NRA 29055 James Brown Armour, Ulster Presbyterian minister and politician: corresp and papers
    • NRA 28831 Ashley-Cooper family, Earls of Shaftesbury: Irish estate papers
    • NRA 34976 Baillie & Sons, engineers, millwrights, iron and brass founders, Bessbrook
    • NRA 31437 Banford Bleachworks Co Ltd, Gilford
    • NRA 33202 Barrett-Lennard family, baronets, of Belhus, Essex: Clones estate letter book
    • NRA 30263 Barrington & Son, solicitors, Dublin and Limerick: clients papers
    • NRA 40040 James Camlin Beckett, historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 31442 Belfast Flax & Jute Co Ltd
    • NRA 31464 Belfast Ropeworks Co Ltd
    • NRA 41443 Belfast Steamship Co Ltd
    • NRA 31453 Belleek Needlework and Sprigging Industry
    • NRA 19564 Lord John George de la Poer Beresford, Archbishop of Armagh, and Dunbar family: corresp and papers
    • NRA 20493 Lord John George de la Poer Beresford, archbishop of Armagh: corresp and papers
    • NRA 39890 Robert Denis Collison Black, economist: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31451 Blackstaff Flax Spinning & Weaving Co Ltd, Belfast
    • NRA 18812 Boyle family, Earls of Shannon: family and estate papers
    • NRA 34901 Joseph Braddell & Son Ltd, gunsmiths and fishing rod mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 31444 Broadway Damask Co, linen mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 41208 Brooke family, Viscounts Brookeborough: family and estate papers
    • NRA 40441 Browne family, Earls of Kenmare: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31458 James Campbell, flaxseed and linen agent, Belfast
    • NRA 17985 Edward Henry Carson, Baron Carson of Duncairn, politician: papers
    • NRA 31439 J & W Charley & Co Ltd, linen mfrs, Dunmurry
    • NRA 31462 William Clarke & Sons, linen mfrs, Upperlands
    • NRA 19966 Clogher RC diocese
    • NRA 18805 Austin Cooper, clerk to the Irish Deputy Vice-Treasurer: accounts
    • NRA 37394 Cooper family of Coopershill: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31446 William Coulson & Sons, linen mfrs, Lisburn
    • NRA 31473 Anthony Cowdy & Sons Ltd, linen mfrs and bleachers, Banbridge
    • NRA 23730 JH Craig, surveyor, Belfast: personal and business corresp and papers
    • NRA 28830 Crichton family, Earls Erne: family and estate papers
    • NRA 34897 Davidson & Co Ltd, mechanical engineers, fan and blower mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 22954 Dawson family, Barons Cremorne and Earls of Dartrey: estate papers
    • NRA 1178 Una Mary Dawson, Baroness de Ros: family papers
    • NRA 28017 Down, Connor and Dromore Diocesan Library
    • NRA 40078 Duffin family of Strandtown Lodge: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 31440 Durham Street Weaving Co Ltd, linen mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 41444 East Downshire Steamship Co Ltd, Dundrum
    • NRA 18815 Ellison-Macartney family of Mountjoy Grange: family and estate papers
    • NRA 34903 Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd, textile machinery mfrs, Leeds and Belfast
    • NRA 29235 Thomas Finnegan, president of Magee University College, Londonderry: corresp and papers
    • NRA 25890 Lord Robert Stephen Fitzgerald, diplomat: corresp
    • NRA 27429 FitzGerald family, Dukes of Leinster: family and estate papers
    • NRA 27263 Foster family, baronets, of Glyde Court, co Louth: family and estate papers
    • NRA 41441 Frontier Town Steamship Co Ltd, Newry
    • NRA 31445 Gailey & Taylor, flax commission agents, Londonderry
    • NRA 31457 Glendinning, McLeish & Co, linen merchants, Belfast
    • NRA 31434 Greer family of Dungannon: family and business corresp and papers
    • NRA 31443 Edward Gribbon & Sons Ltd, linen mfrs, Coleraine
    • NRA 31433 John Gunning & Son Ltd, linen mfrs, Cookstown
    • NRA 31435 Hale, Martin & Co Ltd, linen mfrs, Balnamore
    • NRA 15790 Hamilton family, Dukes of Abercorn: family and estate papers
    • NRA 5700 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood family, Marquesses of Dufferin and Ava: corresp and papers
    • NRA 32782 Harland & Wolff Ltd, shipbuilders, Belfast
    • NRA 23780 Hart family of Kilderry: family corresp and papers
    • NRA 31449 Hazelbank Weaving Co Ltd, linen mfrs, Laurencetown
    • NRA 24715 Cahir Healy MP, Irish nationalist: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31477 Henderson & Eadie, woollen mfrs, Lisbellaw
    • NRA 16313 Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry and 4th Earl of Bristol: political and family papers inc
    • NRA 28357 Higginson family of Nappan and Springmount: family and estate papers
    • NRA 21035 Hill family, Marquesses of Downshire: family and estate papers
    • NRA 19000 Hill family, baronets, of Brook Hall, co Londonderry: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31482 Hillsborough Linen Co Ltd
    • NRA 34894 John Hind & Sons Ltd, engineers and machine makers, Belfast
    • NRA 24566 Holroyd family, Earls of Sheffield: family and estate papers
    • NRA 18829 Hort family, baronets, of Castle Strange, Middx and Hortland, Co Kildare: Irish corresp
    • NRA 40370 Harford Montgomery Hyde MP, barrister and biographer: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31447 Island Spinning Co, linen mfrs, Lisburn
    • NRA 34899 H Kennedy & Sons, ironfounders and agricultural engineers, Coleraine
    • NRA 31799 WJ Kidd & Sons Ltd, leather merchants and handicraft suppliers, Belfast
    • NRA 31438 Kilwee Bleaching Co, Dunmurry
    • NRA 41002 King-Harman family of Newcastle: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31441 William Kirk & Sons, linen mfrs, Keady
    • NRA 31481 Kirkpatrick Bros, bleachers, dyers and finishers, Ballyclare
    • NRA 32467 Knox family, Earls of Ranfurly: corresp and papers
    • NRA 32266 Knox family, Earls of Ranfurly: deeds and estate papers
    • NRA 31472 Lambeg Bleaching, Dyeing & Finishing Co
    • NRA 31463 Larne Weaving Co, linen mfrs
    • NRA 39981 Lauder family, Bunnybeg: family and estate papers
    • NRA 26777 Leader family of Rosnalee, Co Cork: estate papers
    • NRA 25889 Lenox-Conyngham of Springhill, co Londonderry: family and estate corresp and papers
    • NRA 31475 William Liddell & Co Ltd, linen and damask mfrs, Donaghcloney
    • NRA 29135 Londonderry: Magee University College
    • NRA 18797 Lowry-Corry family, Earls Belmore: corresp and papers
    • NRA 6465 George Macartney, Earl Macartney: letterbooks and papers
    • NRA 21036 Sir Henry MacDonald-Tyler, Indian civil servant: personal and misc Tyler of Newtownlimavady family
    • NRA 30991 MacDonnell family of Belfast, Dublin and Kilsharvan, Co Meath: corresp and family papers
    • NRA 40472 Sir Schomberg Kerr MacDonnell, civil servant: personal and family corresp and papers
    • NRA 31154 Madden family of Hilton: family and estate papers
    • NRA 40262 McClintock-Bunbury family, Barons Rathdonnell: family and estate papers
    • NRA 21973 William Frederick McCoy, QC, MP Northern Ireland House of Commons: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31454 Samuel McCrudden & Co (Belfast) Ltd, linen and handkerchief mfrs
    • NRA 28832 McDonnell family, Earls of Antrim: estate papers
    • NRA 34896 J & J McKeown Ltd, ironfounders, engineers and saw mill owners, Belfast
    • NRA 15300 Alexander John McNeile: diary and accounts
    • NRA 18804 BY McPeake: Irish papers incl Colclough corresp
    • NRA 21971 Meade family, Earls of Clanwilliam: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31471 Miller, Boyd & Reid Ltd, wholesale textile and clothing distributors, Belfast
    • NRA 16154 Montgomery family of Blessingbourne: family and estate papers
    • NRA 34900 Musgrave & Co Ltd, mfrs of gates, structural ironwork and air-conditioning equipment, Belfast
    • NRA 19967 Mussenden family of Larchfield: personal, mercantile and estate papers
    • NRA 40684 Needham family, Earls of Kilmorey: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31467 New Northern Spinning and Weaving Co Ltd, Belfast
    • NRA 41440 Newry & Kilkeel Steamship Co Ltd
    • NRA 29653 Nugent family of Portaferry: family and estate papers
    • NRA 18813 Thomas O'Hagan, 1st Baron O'Hagan: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31450 Old Bleach Linen Co Ltd, linen mfrs, bleachers and merchants, Randalstown
    • NRA 31452 Joseph Orr & Sons Ltd, linen mfrs, Benburb
    • NRA 10 Paget family, Marquesses of Anglesey: family and estate papers
    • NRA 30594 Pakenham family, Earls of Longford: family and estate papers
    • NRA 28833 TGF Paterson: Ulster estate papers collection
    • NRA 31479 Phoenix Weaving Co, linen mfrs, Ballymena
    • NRA 24565 Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: misc accessions
    • NRA 31476 Raceview Woollen Mills, Broughshane
    • NRA 31480 Raphael family of Galgorm: family, estate and business papers
    • NRA 31436 Richardson family of Bessbrook: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31470 JN Richardson Sons & Owden, linen mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 34902 Ritchie, Hart & Co Ltd, general engineers, Belfast
    • NRA 31455 HM Robb & Co Ltd, linen and handkerchief mfrs, Belfast
    • NRA 31469 Robinson & Cleaver Ltd, linen mfrs, merchants and general outfitters, London and Belfast
    • NRA 25260 Ross of Bladensburg of Rosstrevor, co Down: family and estate papers
    • NRA 23522 Sir Douglas Savory, MP: corresp and papers
    • NRA 18999 Sharman-Crawford family of Crawfordsburn: family and estate papers
    • NRA 25608 Shirley family of Ettington, Warwicks, and Lough Fea, co Monaghan: Irish estate and misc family pape
    • NRA 6701 Skeffington family, Viscounts Massereene and Ferrard: family and estate papers
    • NRA 19044 Johnson Smyth: Irish papers
    • NRA 40087 Staples family, baronets, of Lissan: family and estate papers
    • NRA 20213 Stewart family of Killymoon, Co Tyrone, and Tyrcallen, Co Donegal: corresp and papers
    • NRA 12865 Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh and 2nd Marquess of Londonderry: corresp and papers
    • NRA 40263 Stewart-Bam family of Ards: corresp and papers
    • NRA 31461 Strain family of Ouley, co Down and Belfast: family and business papers
    • NRA 24731 Stuart family, Earls Castle Stewart: family and estate papers
    • NRA 23442 Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Bt, politician and author: corresp and papers
    • NRA 22645 Thompson-Reid Ltd, motor vehicle and tractor retailers, Belfast
    • NRA 40374 Trench family of Loughton: family and estate papers
    • NRA 22503 Ulster Steamship Co Ltd and G Heyn & Sons Ltd, ships agents, Belfast
    • NRA 31478 Ulster Woollen Co Ltd, Crumlin
    • NRA 25124 Vandeleur of Wardenstown, co Westmeath: family and estate papers
    • NRA 19803 Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry, and Edith Helen, Marchioness of Londonde
    • NRA 25609 Theresa Susey Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of Londonderry: corresp and papers
    • NRA 28860 Vane-Tempest-Stewart family, Marquesses of Londonderry: family and Irish estate papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 38973 Verner family, baronets, of Verner's Bridge: family and estate papers
    • NRA 31465 George Walker & Co Ltd, flax and hemp spinners, Newtownards
    • NRA 29095 Colonel Robert Hugh Wallace, Ulster unionist: personal and family corresp and papers
    • NRA 22504 Anna Watson MD, Belfast: corresp and papers
    • NRA 25191 Westenra family, Barons Rossmore: family and estate papers
    • NRA 20939 Whyte family of Loughbrickland: family and estate papers
    • NRA 25886 Sir Hiram Shaw Wilkinson, consular official and judge: corresp and papers
    • NRA 24047 Wilson & Simms, solicitors, Strabane, co Tyrone
    • NRA 31468 Young & Anderson Ltd, wholesale woollen merchants and warehousemen, Belfast
    • NRA 32061 Young family of Galgorm: family and estate papers


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

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