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Businesses (56)
- Alexander King Brown & Co Ltd, textile merchants Manchester, Lancashire
- AM Heath & Co, literary agents London
- American Cuban Estates Corporation
- Anglo-Argentine Refrigerating Co Ltd
- Anglo-Argentine Tramways Co Ltd
- Anglo-South American Bank Ltd London
- Argentine Transandine Holdings Ltd London
- Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Co
- Australian Royal Mail Steam Packet Co
- Bahia and San Francisco Railway Co
- Balfour Williamson & Co Ltd, Chilean merchants London
- Bank of London & South America Ltd London
- Bank of Tarapaca and Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Bolanos Mining Co
- British Bank of South America Ltd London
- Buenos Aires & Pacific Railway Co Ltd London
- Catalinas Warehouses & Mole Co Ltd London
- Cia Estanifera De Ocuri, mining Chile
- Commercial Bank of Spanish America Ltd London
- Cuban Central Railways Ltd London
- Debrett's Illustrated Peerage & Baronetage, publishers London
- Edward Johnston & Co Ltd, coffee merchants London
- Frederick Huth & Co, merchants and merchant bankers London
- George Routledge & Co, publishers London
- Havana Terminal Railroad Co London
- HK Lewis & Co Ltd, publishers, booksellers and medical and scientific library London
- Hotel du Monte Moro, Saas Saas, Switzerland
- J Henry Schroder & Co Ltd, merchant bankers London
- J Whitaker and Sons Ltd, publishers London
- JC Nimmo, publishers London
- John Francis De Luc, East Indies merchant
- Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, publishers London
- Lobitos Oilfields Ltd Peru
- Lodge's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, publishers London
- London & Brazilian Bank Ltd London
- Mariano & Havana Railway Co Ltd London
- Matanzos Terminal Railroad Co London
- Merchant
- Merchant London
- Mexico Tramways Company Mexico
- Moorside Trust Ltd, investment company London
- Nelson Steam Navigation Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nicholas Trubner, oriental publishers London
- Pacific Loan & Investment Company
- Peruvian Corporation, railway and trading company London
- Real del Monte Mining Co Mexico
- River & Mercantile Trust Ltd, investment company London
- River Plate & General Investment Trust Co Ltd London
- Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, publishers London
- Royal Mail Steam Packet Co London
- Santa Rosa Milling Co Ltd London
- Tlahualilo Agricultural Company Ltd Mexico
- United Railways of the Havana & Regla Warehouses Ltd Cuba
- Villa Maria & Rufino Railway Co London
- Western Railway of Havana Ltd London
- Western Telegraph Co Ltd London
Organisations (49)
- Academic Women's Achievement Group London
- Anglo Norse Society
- Association for Promoting a Teaching University for London London
- Association of University Teachers: University College London branch London
- Basic English Foundation
- Biometrika Journal
- Board of Deputies of British Jews London
- British Maritime Law Association London
- British Mathematical Colloquium
- Chadwick Trust
- Consortium of University Research Libraries
- Flaxman Gallery, London London
- G B Greenough: Grove Lodge, Regents Park, Westminster Westminster, Middlesex
- Gilchrist Educational Trust
- Housman Centenary Exhibition
- Institute of Jewish Affairs London
- Library Association London
- London Mathematical Society London
- London University: Institute of Archaeology London
- London University: University College London
- M25 Consortium of Higher Education Libraries London;Greater London
- Men and Women's Club, London London
- Metropolitan Red Lion Association London
- Norwegian Club, London London
- Royal Geographical Society London
- Royal National Institute for the Deaf London
- Shakespeare Association
- Slade School of Fine Art London
- Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
- Society for the Promotion of Christianity among the Jews
- Spitalfields Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor Spitalfields, Middlesex
- St Christophers Working Boys Club, Fitzroy Square Westminster, Middlesex
- Standing Conference of National and University Libraries London
- Swedish-English Literary Translators' Association (SELTA)
- Tewkesbury parish Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
- University College Hospital Ladies Asociation London
- University College Hospital Medical School, London London
- University College Hospital, London London
- University College London Department of Chemistry South Seas Club London
- University College London Guild of Graduates London
- University College London Gymnasium Society London
- University College London Medical Society London
- University College London Old Students' Association London
- University College London Roundhead Debating Society London
- University College London Union Debating Society London
- University College London Women's Debating Society London
- University College London Women's Union Society London
- University College Medical School, London London
- University College School, Hampstead Hampstead, Middlesex
Persons (898)
- Abercrombie, Michael, (1912-1979), Director, Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Abercromby, James, (1776-1858), 1st Baron Dunfermline, Speaker of House of Commons
- Acland, Sir William Alison Dyke, (1847-1924), 2nd Baronet Admiral
- Adams, William Alexander, (1821-1896), engineer
- Adams, William Bridges, (1797-1872), engineer
- Adey, Daniel Goodson, (1787-1872), Assistant Poor Law Commissioner
- Aguilar, Grace, (1816-1847), Jewish Novelist
- Ainger, Alfred, (1797-1859), Architect
- Aitken, John Thomas, (1913-1992), anatomist
- Aitken, William Maxwell, (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook, newspaper proprietor
- Allen, George Cyril, (1900-1982), economic historian
- Allen, William, (1770-1843), Quaker scientist and philanthropist
- Altmann, Alexander, (1906-1997), rabbi, Jewish scholar
- Amos, Andrew, (1791-1860), lawyer and antiquary
- Andersson, Charles John, (1827-1867), explorer and author
- Angus, Selby, (fl 1988), chemical engineer
- Ansell, Charles, (1794-1881), Actuary
- Anson, Sir William Reynell, (1843-1914), 3rd Baronet MP Warden of All Souls
- Armstrong, Henry Edward, (1848-1937), Chemist and Educationist
- Arnold, Samuel James, (1774-1852), Dramatist
- Arnott, Neil, (1788-1874), Physician and Scientist
- Ashley, Sir William James, (1860-1927), Knight, economic historian
- Ashton, Thomas, (1818-1898), Manchester Merchant and Politician
- Ashworth, Henry, (1794-1880), Founder of Anti Corn Law League
- Astle, Thomas, (1735-1803), antiquary, archivist and palaeographer
- Astor, Francis David Langhorne, (1912-2001), journalist and editor
- Atkinson, Charles Caleb, (1793-1869), Secretary University College London
- Atkinson, James, (fl 1817-1836), Whig Agent
- Austin, Henry, (? 1810-1861), civil engineer
- Austin, Sarah, (1793-1867), translator
- Ayrton, William Edward, (1847-1908), Electrical Engineer and Physicist
- Bacon, Francis, (1561-1626), Viscount St Albans, Lord Chancellor
- Bagehot, Walter, (1826-1877), Economist and Journalist
- Baillie, Joanna, (1762-1851), playwright and poet
- Bain, Alexander, (1818-1903), psychologist, logician and writer on education
- Baldwin, Ernest Hubert Francis, (1909-1969), biochemist
- Baldwin, Robert, (c 1780-1858), Printer and Bookseller
- Balfour, Arthur James, (1848-1930), 1st Earl of Balfour, statesman
- Balfour, Sir George, (1809-1894), Knight General and Politician
- Ball, John, (1818-1889), Scientist and Politician
- Ballard, Edward, (1820-1897), Physician and Botanist
- Bannister, Saxe, (1790-1877), writer
- Barham, John Foster, (1799-1838), politician
- Baring, Alexander, (1774-1848), 1st Baron Ashburton, statesman
- Baring, William Bingham, (1799-1864), 2nd Baron Ashburton, politician
- Barker, Olivia Stuart, (1894-1976), goddaughter of William Paton Ker
- Barlow, Henry Clark, (1806-1876), writer on Dante
- Barlow, Peter, (1776-1862), mathematician
- Barrington, Frederick James Fitzmaurice, (1884-1956), Urologist
- Bateson, William, (1861-1926), biologist
- Bauer, Franz Andreas, (1758-1840), botanical artist
- Bayliss, Leonard Ernest, (1900-1964), physiologist
- Bayliss, Sir William Maddock, (1860-1924), Knight, physiologist
- Beaufort, Sir Francis, (1774-1857), Knight, Rear Admiral, hydrographer
- Beddoe, John, (1826-1911), Physician and Anthropologist
- Beer, Sir Gavin Rylands de, (1899-1972), Knight, embryologist
- Beesly, Edward Spencer, (1831-1915), positivist and historian
- Beggs, Thomas, (1808-1896), Temperance Advocate and Sanitary Reformer
- Bell, Charles, (1774-1842), Knight, surgeon
- Bellot, Hugh Hale, (1890-1969), historian
- Bennett, Enoch Arnold, (1867-1931), novelist playwright and journalist
- Bensusan, Samuel Levi, (1872-1958), Journalist and Author
- Bentham, Jeremy, (1748-1832), lawyer, philosopher, writer on jurisprudence
- Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor, (1894-1977), novelist
- Beresford, Marcus, (1800-1876), General
- Bethune, John Elliot Drinkwater, (1801-1851), administrator in India and educationist
- Birkbeck, George, (1776-1841), Founder of Mechanics' Institutions
- Bithell, John Joseph, (fl 1888), railway engineer
- Black, Arthur, (1851-1893), mathematician
- Black, Joseph, (1728-1799), chemist
- Blackwell, John, (1797-1840), Rector of Maenordeifi, Welsh poet as Alun
- Blair, Eric Arthur, (1903-1950), novelist and journalist
- Blamire, William, (1790-1862), Tithe Commissioner
- Bland, Edith, (1858-1924), writer
- Blomfield, Charles James, (1786-1857), Bishop of London
- Blomfield, Sir Reginald Theodore, (1856-1942), Knight, architect
- Bonar, James, (1852-1941), political economist
- Bonney, Thomas George, (1833-1923), Geologist
- Boole, George, (1815-1864), mathematician
- Booth, David, (1766-1846), lexicographer
- Borenius, Carl Tancred, (1885-1948), art historian
- Borough, Sir John, (d 1643), Knight Herald
- Bourne, Gilbert Charles, (1861-1933), zoologist
- Bowring, Sir John, (1792-1872), Knight, MP, diplomat, colonial governor, author, traveller
- Boycott, Brian Blundell, (1924-2000), zoologist
- Brabrook, Sir Edward William, (1839-1930), Knight anthropologist
- Bracebridge, Charles Holte, (1799-1872), friend of Florence Nightingale
- Bradley, James, (1693-1762), Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford, astronomer
- Bradshaw, Henry, (1831-1886), scholar, antiquary and librarian
- Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph, (1818-1903), Baronet Civil Engineer
- Bramwell, George William Wilshere, (1808-1892), Baron Bramwell, judge
- Brett, Reginald Baliol, (1852-1930) 2nd Viscount Esher, politician
- Brewster, Sir David, (1781-1868), Knight, natural philosopher
- Bridge, Sir Cyprian Arthur George, (1839-1924), Knight Admiral
- Bright, John, (1811-1889), politician Rochdale, Lancashire
- Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, (1783-1862), 1st Baronet, surgeon
- Brooke, Emma Frances, (d 1926), Fabian
- Brougham, Henry Peter, (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, statesman, Lord Chancellor
- Brougham, James, (1780-1833), MP
- Brougham, William, (1795-1886), 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux
- Browning, Oscar, (1837-1923), educationist, historian and mountaineer
- Bruce, Victor Alexander, (1849-1917), 9th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Viceroy of India
- Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, (1806-1859), civil engineer
- Bryce, James, (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce of Dechmount, statesman
- Buckley, Henry Burton, (1845-1935), 1st Baron Wrenbury
- Bullar, John, (c 1806-1867), Barrister
- Bullen, George, (1816-1894), Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum
- Buller, Charles, (1806-1848), politician
- Bulloch, John Malcolm, (1867-1938), author and literary critic
- Bulloch, William, (1868-1941), Bacteriologist
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, (1803-1873), 1st Baron Lytton, statesman and novelist
- Burbury, Samuel Hawksley, (1831-1911), barrister and scientific writer
- Burdon-Sanderson, Sir John Scott, (1828-1905), 1st Baronet, physiologist
- Burgon, John William, (1813-1888), Dean of Chichester, antiquary
- Burgoyne, Sir John Fox, (1782-1871), 1st Baronet Field Marshal
- Burhop, Eric Henry Stoneley, (1911-1980), Physicist
- Burke, Edmund Plunkett, (1803-1834), Judge
- Burke, John French, (1776-1854), Author
- Burnett, John Chaplyn, (1863-1943), Mathematician
- Burrows, Sir George, (1801-1887), 1st Baronet Physician
- Burt, Cyril Lodowic, (1883-1971), Knight psychologist
- Burton, John Hill, (1809-1881), historian
- Burton, Sir Richard Francis, (1821-1890), explorer, diplomat and author
- Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria, (1775-1861), novelist
- Bushnan, John Stevenson, (c 1808-1884), Writer On Medicine
- Busk, Edward Henry, (1844-1926), Knight, Vice Chancellor of London University
- Butcher, Samuel Henry, (1850-1910), classical scholar educationist MP
- Byron, George Gordon, (1788-1824), 6th Baron Byron, poet
- Cairnes, John Elliot, (1823-1875), political economist
- Caley, George, (1770-1829), naturalist
- Cameron, Sir Gordon Roy, (1899-1967), knight pathologist
- Campbell, George Douglas, (1823-1900), 8th Duke of Argyll, statesman
- Campbell, Thomas, (1777-1844), poet
- Carey, Sir Peter Stafford, (1803-1886), Knight Judge and Professor of Law
- Carpenter, Alfred John, (1825-1892), Physician and Public Health Expert
- Carpenter, William Benjamin, (1813-1885), naturalist
- Carswell, Sir Robert, (1793-1857), Knight, physician and pathological anatomist
- Carter, Angela Olive, (1940-1992), author and journalist
- Cavendish, Spencer Compton, (1833-1908), 8th Duke of Devonshire, statesman
- Cayley, Arthur, (1821-1895), mathematician
- Chadwick, Sir Edwin, (1800-1890), Knight, sanitary reformer
- Chalmers, Thomas, (1780-1847), Church of Scotland minister and social reformer
- Chambers, Charles Edward Stuart, (1859-1936), editor and publisher
- Chambers, Raymond Wilson, (1874-1942), scholar and writer on English language and literature
- Champneys, Basil, (1842-1935), Architect
- Chapman, John, (1822-1894), Physician Author and Publisher of the Westminster Review
- Charteris, Francis Richard, (1818-1914), 10th Earl of Wemyss and March
- Chattock, Arthur Prince, (1860-1934), Physicist
- Chaundy, Theodore William, (1889-1966), Mathematician
- Chree, Charles, (1860-1928), Astronomer
- Christie, William Dougal, (1816-1874), MP Diplomat
- Christmas, Henry, (1811-1868), writer
- Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer, (1849-1895), statesman
- Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, (1874-1965), Knight, prime minister and historian
- Clark, Sir James, (1788-1870), 1st Baronet physician
- Clarke, Sir Cyril Astley, (1907-2000), Knight, clinical geneticist
- Clarke, Patricia Hannah, (1919-2010), biochemist
- Clay, Sir William, (1791-1869), 1st Baronet MP Shipowner
- Clifford, Sophia Lucy, (1846-1929), novelist and playwright
- Clifford, William Kingdon, (1845-1879), Mathematician
- Clinton, Wellesley Curram, (1871-1934), Electrical Engineer
- Clough, Arthur Hugh, (1819-1861), poet
- Clowes, William, (1779-1847), printer
- Cobden, Richard, (1804-1865), statesman and businessman
- Cochrane-Baillie, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart, (1816-1890), 1st Baron Lamington, politician
- Cohen, Harriet, (1896-1967), pianist
- Coke, Sir Edward, (1552-1634), Knight Judge MP Law Writer
- Coldstream, Sir William Menzies, (1908-1987), Knight Painter
- Cole, Sir Henry, (1808-1882), Knight, public servant
- Collier, John Payne, (1789-1883), Shakespearean scholar and forger, antiquary and journalist
- Collins, Frederick Howard, (1857-1910), printer, indexer and editor
- Colquhoun, David, (b 1936), pharmacologist
- Comfort, Alexander, (1920-2000), writer and gerontologist
- Connolly, Cyril Vernon, (1903-1974), writer and literary reviewer
- Conolly, John, (1794-1866), Physician
- Conrad, Joseph, (1857-1924), master mariner and author
- Constable, Archibald, (1774-1827), publisher
- Coode, George, (1807-1869), Assistant Secretary to Poor Law Commission
- Cook, James, (1728-1779), Captain RN Explorer
- Cooke, Edward, (d 1862), County Court Judge
- Cooke, George Wingrove, (1814-1865), man of letters
- Cooper, Anthony Ashley, (1801-1885), 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, philanthropist
- Copley, John Singleton, (1772-1863), 1st Baron Lyndhurst, Lord Chancellor
- Coulson, William, (1802-1904), surgeon
- Courtney, William Leonard, (1850-1928), Author and Journalist
- Cowen, Joseph, (1821-1900), politician and journalist Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Cowper-Temple, William Francis, (1811-1888), Baron Mount Temple, politician
- Cox, Francis Augustus, (1783-1853), Baptist Preacher
- Crackanthorpe, Montague Hughes, (1832-1913), Barrister and Author
- Craik, George Lillie, (1798-1866), author
- Craik, Sir Henry, (1846-1927), 1st Baronet, civil servant and author
- Crampton, Thomas, (1817-1885), Composer and Organist
- Crane, Walter, (1845-1915), artist
- Croker, John Wilson, (1780-1857), politician and essayist
- Croker, Thomas Crofton, (1798-1854), Irish antiquary
- Crompton, Henry, (1836-1904), Positivist and advocate of trade unions
- Crook, Eric Mitchell, (1914-1993), biochemical engineer
- Cross, Mary Ann, (1819-1880), novelist and poet Nuneaton, Warwickshire
- Cross, Richard Assheton, (1823-1914), 1st Viscount Cross, statesman
- Crowe, Eyre Evans, (1799-1868), historian
- Currie, Raikes, (1801-1881), MP and banker
- Dale, Thomas, (1797-1870), Dean of Rochester Poet and Theologian
- Dalrymple, Sir John Hamilton Macgill, (1771-1853), 8th Earl of Stair, General
- Daniell, John Frederick, (1790-1845), Physicist
- Darbishire, Arthur Dukinfield, (1879-1915), statistician
- Darwin, Charles Robert, (1809-1882), naturalist
- Darwin, Erasmus, (1731-1802), physician botanist and poet
- Darwin, Sir Francis, (1848-1925) knight, botanist
- Darwin, Sir George Howard, (1845-1912), Knight, mathematician and astronomer
- Darwin, Sir Horace, (1851-1928), Knight, civil engineer
- Darwin, Leonard, (1850-1943), eugenist
- Davidge, Henry Thomas, (1871-1957), engineer
- Davis, Eliza Jeffries, (1875-1943), historian
- Davis, Sir John Francis, (1795-1890), Knight, diplomat and writer
- Davis, Ralph, (1915-1978), economic historian
- Delane, John Thadeus, (1817-1879), editor of The Times
- Denman, George, (1819-1896), judge and MP
- Denman, Thomas, (1779-1854), 1st Baron Denman, Lord Chief Justice
- Dessiou, Joseph Foss, (1769-1853), hydrographer
- Dickens, Charles John Huffam, (1812-1870), novelist and journalist
- Dickins, Frederick Victor, (1838-1915), Orientalist and University Administrator
- Digby, John, (1580-1653), 1st Earl of Bristol, statesman
- Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, (1843-1911), Knight, 2nd Baronet, politician and author
- Disraeli, Benjamin, (1804-1881), Earl of Beaconsfield, statesman
- Dobson, Henry Austin, (1840-1921), Poet and Literary Biographer
- Doll, Sir William Richard Shaboe, (1912-2005), Knight epidemiologist and cancer researcher
- Donald, Maxwell Bruce, (1897-1978), Professor of Chemical Engineering
- Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, (1795-1885), architect, antiquary and archaeologist
- Donkin, Sir Horatio Bryan, (1845-1927), Knight, physician
- Donnan, Frederick George, (1870-1956), Chemist
- Donne, William Bodham, (1807-1882), Examiner of Plays
- Donovan, Desmond Thomas, (b 1921), palaeontologist
- Drake, Sir William, (1606-1669), Knight MP
- Drummond, Sir Francis Walker, (1781-1844), 2nd Baronet
- Drummond, Thomas, (1797-1840), Engineer and Administrator
- Du Bois, Edward, (1774-1850), wit and man of letters
- Dumont, Pierre Etienne Louis, (1759-1829), Swiss political writer and Benthamite
- Duncombe, Thomas Slingsby, (1796-1861), Radical politician
- Eardley-Wilmot, John, (1750-1815), Politician and Author
- Easthope, Sir John, (1784-1865), Knight Politician and Journalist
- Eden, Emily, (1797-1869), Novelist and Traveller
- Eden, George, (1784-1849), Earl of Auckland, Governor General of India, statesman
- Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, (1845-1926), economist
- Edgeworth, Maria, (1768-1849), novelist and children's writer
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, (1744-1817), author
- Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, (1831-1892), novelist and Egyptologist
- Egerton, Francis, (1800-1857), 1st Earl of Ellesmere, politician, poet
- Elderton, Ethel Mary, (1878-1954), Biometrician and Eugenist
- Elderton, Sir William Palin, (1877-1962), Knight Actuary
- Ellice, Edward, (1781-1863), merchant and politician
- Ellis, George James Welbore Agar-, (1797-1833), 1st Baron Dover
- Ellis, Sir Henry, (1777-1869), Knight, Principal Librarian of the British Museum and antiquary
- Ellis, Henry Havelock, (1859-1939), psychologist, writer and social reformer Croydon, Surrey
- Ellis, Richard White Bernard, (1902-1966), paediatrician and author
- Ellis, Robert Staunton, (1825-1877), Indian civil servant
- Ellis, Thomas Flower, (1796-1861), law reporter
- Elwin, Whitwell, (1816-1900), Anglican clergyman, editor of 'Quarterly Review'
- Emerson, William, (1701-1782), mathematician
- Estlin, John Bishop, (1785-1855), Ophthalmic Surgeon Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Evans, Benjamin Ifor, (1899-1982), Baron Evans of Hungershall
- Evans, Sir Charles Arthur Lovatt, (1884-1968), Knight, physiologist
- Everett, Edward, (1794-1865), American Clergyman Diplomat and Statesman
- Falconer, Thomas, (1805-1882), County Court Judge
- Fane, Priscilla Anne, (1793-1879), artist
- Farjeon, Eleanor, (1881-1965), Author London
- Finney, David John, (1917-2018), statistician
- Firbank, Arthur Annesley Ronald, (1886-1926), Author and Playwright
- Firth, Sir Charles Harding, (1857-1936), Knight, historian
- Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer, (1890-1962), Knight Geneticist
- Fitzgerald, George Francis, (1851-1901), Physicist
- Flaxman, John, (1755-1826), sculptor
- Fleming, Charles Elphinstone, (1774-1840), Admiral MP
- Fleming, John, (fl 1825), Admiral
- Fleming, Sir John Ambrose, (1849-1945), Knight, electrical engineer
- Fletcher, Sir Banister Flight, (1866-1953), Knight Architect
- Fonblanque, Albany, (1793-1872), Radical journalist
- Forbes, Duncan, (1798-1868), Orientalist
- Forster, John, (1812-1876), historian and biographer
- Forsyth, Alexander John, (1769-1843), Inventor of the Percussion Lock
- Forsyth, Andrew Russell, (1858-1942), Mathematician
- Fortescue, Hugh, (1783-1861), 2nd Earl Fortescue
- Fortescue, Hugh, (1818-1905), 3rd Earl Fortescue
- Foss, Edward, (1787-1870), Lawyer and Biographer
- Foster, George Carey, (1835-1919), physicist
- Foster, Peter Le Neve, (1809-1879), Secretary of Royal Society of Arts
- Foster, Sir Thomas Gregory, (1866-1931), 1st Baronet, Provost of University College, London
- Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, (1773-1840), 3rd Baron Holland, statesman
- Francis, Sir Philip, (1740-1818), Knight, politician
- Frazer, Sir James George, (1854-1941), Knight, social anthropologist
- Friedlaender, Michael, (1833-1910), Jewish scholar
- Fry, Roger Eliot, (1866-1934), art critic and artist
- Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte, (1812-1885), novelist and philanthropist
- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor, (1906-1963), Statesman
- Galton, Sir Douglas Strutt, (1822-1899), Knight, Captain, Royal Engineers and scientist
- Galton, Sir Francis, (1822-1911), Knight, eugenist, meteorologist, psychologist
- Galton, Samuel Tertius, (1783-1844), banker
- Gardner, Ernest Arthur, (1862-1939), archaeologist
- Garwood, Edmund Johnston, (1864-1949), Geologist
- Gascoyne-Cecil, James Brownlow William, (1791-1868), 2nd Marquess of Salisbury
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, statesman
- Gaster, Moses, (1856-1939), Scholar
- Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, (1814-1906), 1st Earl of Cranbrook, statesman
- Gavin, Hector, (1815-1855), Public Health Inspector
- Gayangos, Pascual de, (1809-1897), linguist and writer
- Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume, (1869-1951), French Writer
- Gilbert, Lionel Felix, (1893-1955), Chemist
- Gisborne, John, (1770-1851), Poet
- Gladstone, William Ewart, (1809-1898), statesman
- Glazebrook, Sir Richard Tetley, (1854-1935), Knight, physicist
- Goldsmid, Sir Isaac Lyon, (1778-1859), Knight, financier and philanthropist
- Goodeve, Sir Charles Frederick, (1904-1980), Knight Government Scientist
- Goschen, George Joachim, (1831-1907), 1st Viscount Goschen, statesman
- Gosset, William Sealy, (1876-1937), statistician and industrial research scientist
- Gowers, Sir William Richard, (1845-1915), Knight Physician
- Gowing, Lawrence Burnett, (1918-1991), painter and writer on painting
- Graham, Sir James Robert George, (1792-1861), 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Graham, Thomas, (1805-1869), chemist
- Grant, Robert Edmond, (1793-1874), Anatomist
- Grattan, Thomas Colley, (1792-1864), author
- Graves, John Thomas, (1806-1870), Jurist and Mathematician
- Gray, Edward George, (1924-1999), anatomist
- Greenbaum, Sidney, (1929-1996), Professor of English Language and Literature, UCL
- Greene, Graham, (1904-1991), novelist
- Greenhill, William Alexander, (1814-1894), physician
- Greenough, George Bellas, (1778-1855), geographer, geologist and cartographer
- Greenwood, Frederick, (1830-1909), Journalist
- Greenwood, Major, (1880-1949), medical statistician
- Greg, Robert Hyde, (1795-1875), MP Corn Law Reformer
- Grey, Charles, (1764-1845), 2nd Earl Grey, statesman
- Grey, Sir George, (1799-1882), 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Grey, Henry George, (1802-1894), 3rd Earl Grey, statesman
- Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley, (1839-1900), Surgeon Registrar General of Ireland
- Gross, Fritz, (1897-1946), Author
- Grosvenor, Robert, (1801-1893), 1st Baron Ebury, politician
- Grote, George, (1794-1871), MP and historian
- Grote, Harriet, (1792-1878), biographer
- Gueterbock, Ernest Adolphus Leopold, (d 1984), Brigadier
- Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume, (1787-1874), French statesman and writer
- Gunther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf, (1830-1914), Zoologist
- Gurney, Edmund, (1847-1888), philosophical writer
- Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson, (1892-1965), geneticist
- Hale, Sir John Rigby, (1923-1999), Knight Historian
- Hales, John, (d 1571), writer
- Haliburton, James, (1788-1862), Egyptologist
- Hall, Basil, (1788-1844), Captain RN, author
- Hallam, Henry, (1777-1859), historian
- Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, (1820-1889), antiquary and literary scholar
- Hamilton, Sir Robert George Crookshank, (1836-1895), Knight Civil Servant Governor of Tasmania
- Hannay, David McDowall, (1853-1934), Journalist and Naval Historian
- Hannay, James, (1827-1873), Novelist and Critic
- Hare, Charles John, (1818-1898), Physician
- Harley, George, (1829-1896), Physiologist
- Harries, Bernard John, (fl 1951-1979), Dean of UCL Medical School
- Harris, James, (1709-1780), MP and philosopher
- Harrison, Frederic, (1831-1923), author and positivist
- Hartog, Sir Philip Joseph, (1864-1947), Knight Educationalist
- Harvey, William, (1796-1866), Wood Engraver and Designer
- Hawksley, Thomas, (1807-1893), Civil Engineer
- Hayward, Abraham, (1801-1884), essayist
- Hayward, Sir John, (c 1564-1627), Knight Historian
- Head, Sir Francis Bond, (1793-1875), 1st Baronet, colonial governor and author
- Heath, Christopher, (1835-1905), Surgeon
- Heathcote, Niels Hugh de Vaudrey, (1895-1985), reader in the History of Science Department, University College London, editor of Annals of Science
- Heaviside, Oliver, (1850-1925), Mathematical Physicist and Electrician
- Hebb, Christopher Henry, (1771-1861), Surgeon
- Heller, Thomas Edmund, (fl 1885), Secretary National Union of Teachers
- Helm, Alex, (1920-1970), Folklorist
- Helsby, Thomas, (1832-1903), historian
- Henning, John, (1771-1851), Modeller and Sculptor
- Herford, Edward, (1815-1896), Manchester Public Prosecutor
- Herzl, Theodor, (1860-1904), Zionist
- Hicks, George Dawes, (1862-1941), philosopher
- Hickson, William Edward, (1803-1870), Educational Writer
- Hill, Archibald Vivian, (1886-1977), MP, physiologist
- Hill, Edwin, (1793-1876), Inventor and Author
- Hill, Frederic, (1803-1896), Prison Inspector and Educationist
- Hill, James Peter, (1873-1954), Zoologist
- Hill, Matthew Davenport, (1792-1872), Legal Reformer
- Hill, Sir Rowland, (1795-1879), Knight, Knight Inventor of Penny Postage
- Hirst, Thomas Archer, (1830-1892), Mathematician
- Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd, (1914-1998), Knight, physiologist Banbury, Oxfordshire
- Hodgskin, Thomas, (1787-1869), Teacher Journalist and Economist
- Hodgson, Robert, (fl 1740-1759), Commander-in-Chief of the Mosquito Shore
- Hogben, Lancelot Thomas, (1895-1975), Zoologist
- Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, (1792-1862), friend and biographer of Shelley
- Holland, Philip Henry, (fl 1840-1870), author and public health reformer
- Hollingworth, Sydney Ewart, (1899-1966), geologist
- Holtby, Winifred, (1898-1935), author and journalist
- Hone, William, (1780-1842), author, publisher and bookseller
- Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, (1817-1911), Knight, botanist, explorer, Director of Kew Gardens
- Hope, Charles, (1763-1851), Lord Granton President of the Court of Session
- Hoppus, John, (1789-1875), Professor at University College London
- Horne, Richard Hengist, (1803-1884), author
- Horner, Leonard, (1785-1864), geologist
- Horsley, Sir Victor Alexander Haden, (1857-1916), Knight, physiologist and surgeon
- Hoult, Norah, (fl 1928-1970), Novelist and Journalist
- Housman, Alfred Edward, (1859-1936), poet and classical scholar
- Howard, George William Frederick, (1802-1864), 7th Earl of Carlisle
- Howard, Henry, (1540-1614), Earl of Northampton
- Howard, Henry, (1757-1842), Antiquary
- Hume, Joseph, (1777-1855), politician
- Hunt, James Henry Leigh, (1784-1859), essayist and poet
- Hunt, William, (1842-1931), Historian
- Hunter, Joseph, (1783-1861), antiquary
- Hunter, Sir William Guyer, (1829-1902), Knight Surgeon General Bombay Army MP for Central Hackney
- Hurstfield, Joel, (1911-1980), Historian
- Hussey, Thomas John, (fl 1826-1851), rector and astronomer Hayes, Kent
- Huth, Frederick, (1777-1864), Merchant
- Ireland, William Henry, (1777-1835), Writer and Forger
- Irving, Washington, (1783-1859), American Author
- Jackson, John, (1801-1848), Wood Engraver
- Jacquin, Nicolas Joseph von, (1727-1817), German scientist
- Jaggard, William, (d 1947), Scholar
- Jameson, Robert, (1774-1854), mineralogist
- Jardine, David, (1794-1860), Historian and Legal Writer
- Jeffrey, Francis, (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey Scottish judge and critic
- Jenkinson, Sir Charles Hilary, (1882-1961), Knight, archivist
- Jenkinson, Robert Banks, (1770-1828), 2nd Earl of Liverpool, statesman
- Jenner, Sir William, (1815-1898), 1st Baronet Physician
- Jennings, Gertrude, (d 1958), dramatist
- Jerrold, William Blanchard, (1826-1884), Author and Journalist
- Jevons, William Stanley, (1835-1882), economist
- Johnson, George William, (1802-1886), Writer On Gardening
- Jones, Daniel, (1881-1967), Professor of Phonetics
- Jones, John Pike, (1790-1857), antiquary
- Jones, John Winter, (1805-1881), Principal Librarian of the British Museum
- Katz, Sir Bernard, (1911-2003), Knight, biophysicist
- Keeling, Stanley Victor, (1894-1979), philosopher
- Keen, Bernard Augustus, (1890-1982), Knight agricultural scientist
- Keith, Sir Arthur, (1866-1955), Knight Anatomist
- Kennedy, Sir Alexander Blackie William, (1847-1928), Knight, engineer
- Kennedy, Margaret, (1896-1967), Lady Davies, Playwright and Author
- Kennedy, Patrick, (1801-1873), Miscellaneous Writer
- Kenrick, John, (1788-1877), Classical Scholar and Historian
- Kenrick, Timothy, (1759-1804), Unitarian minister and Bible commentator
- Ker, Charles Henry Bellenden, (? 1785-1871), Legal Reformer
- Ker, William Paton, (1855-1923), literary scholar India;China
- Key, Thomas Hewitt, (1799-1875), Classical Scholar
- Kibalchich, Victor Lvovich, (1890-1947), socialist writer
- King, William, (1805-1893), 1st Earl of Lovelace
- Kingsford, Reginald John Lethbridge, (1900-1978), Publisher
- Kirkup, Seymour Stocker, (1786-1880), Artist
- Kirwan, Richard, (1733-1812), chemist
- Knight, Charles, (1791-1873), Author and Publisher
- Knight, William Francis Jackson, (1895-1964), Classical scholar
- Koestler, Arthur, (1905-1983), author
- Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand, (1907-1966), Mathematician and Orientalist
- Krasinski, Walerjan Skorobohaty, (1780-1855), Count Hrabia, Polish historian
- Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf, (1900-1981), Knight Biochemist
- Lambarde, William, (1536-1601), Historian
- Lambton, John George, (1792-1840), 1st Earl of Durham, statesman
- Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Felix, (1779-1825), Naturalist
- Lamy, Rowena, (1894-1959), writer
- Lane, Edward William, (1801-1876), Arabic scholar and Egyptologist
- Lankester, Edwin, (1814-1874), Naturalist
- Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray, (1847-1929), Knight, zoologist
- Lardner, Dionysius, (1793-1859), Scientific Writer
- Larmor, Sir Joseph, (1857-1942), Knight, physicist
- Larpent, Sir George Gerard de Hochepied, (1786-1855), 1st Baronet, MP
- Latimer, Thomas, (1803-1888), Editor of the Western Times
- Lavater, Johann Gaspar Christian, (1741-1801), Swiss German Poet and Physiognomist
- Law, Edward, (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Governor General of India
- Laycock, Sir Thomas, (1812-1876), Knight, mental physiologist
- Leathes, John Beresford, (1864-1956), Physiologist
- Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, (1838-1903), MP, historian
- Leeds, William Henry, (1786-1866), Architectural Writer
- Lehmann, John Frederick, (1907-1987), editor and author
- Leighton, Frederic, (1830-1896), Baron Leighton of Stretton, painter
- Lester, Anthony Paul, (b 1936), Baron Lester of Herne Hill, barrister
- Leveson-Gower, Granville George, (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville, statesman
- Levi, Leone, (1821-1888), Jurist Statistician Economic Historian
- Lewes, George Henry, (1817-1878), author
- Lewis, Bunnell, (1824-1908), Archaeologist
- Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, (1806-1863), 2nd Baronet Statesman and Author
- Lewis, Sir Thomas, (1881-1945), Knight, physiologist and cardiologist
- Lewis, Thomas Hayter, (1818-1894), architect
- Lighthill, Sir Michael James, (1924-1998), Knight, mathematician
- Lilly, Malcolm Douglas, (1936-1998), biochemical engineer
- Lindley, John, (1799-1865), botanist
- Lindley, William, (1808-1900), civil engineer
- Lindsay, Lady Charlotte, (d 1849), Lady in Waiting to Queen Caroline
- Lister, Joseph Jackson, (1857-1927), Zoologist
- Loch, James, (1780-1855), MP, economist
- Lockhart, John Gibson, (1794-1854), writer and literary editor
- Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph, (1851-1940), Knight, physicist
- Long, George, (1800-1879), Classical Scholar
- Long, Sydney Herbert, (1870-1939), physician and founder of nature reserves
- Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen, (1903-1971), Chemist and Crystallographer
- Losh, James, (1763-1833), Industrialist and Reformer
- Lubbock, John, (1834-1913), 1st Baron Avebury, politician
- Lubbock, Sir John William, (1803-1865), 3rd Baronet, astronomer and mathematician
- Ludlow, John Malcolm Forbes, (1821-1911), social reformer
- Lushington, Sir Godfrey, (1832-1907), Knight Civil Servant
- Macaulay, William Herrick, (1853-1936), Mathematician
- MacDonald, James Ramsay, (1866-1937), statesman
- Maceroni, Francis, (1788-1846), Aide De Camp to Murat Inventor
- MacGregor-Morris, John Turner, (1872-1959), Professor of Electrical Engineering
- Mackay, Robert William, (1803-1882), Philosopher and Scholar
- Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart, (1780-1848), Knight, mineralogist
- Mackenzie, Robert Shelton, (1809-1880), poet, journalist and compiler
- Macleod, Henry Dunning, (1821-1902), Economist
- Macvicar, John Gibson, (1800-1884), writer on science
- Malden, Henry, (1800-1876), Classical Scholar
- Malkin, Sir Benjamin Heath, (1797-1837), Knight Calcutta Judge
- Mallet, Sir Louis, (1823-1890), Knight, civil servant and economist
- Maltby, Edward, (1770-1859), Bishop of Durham
- Manning, James, (1781-1866), Serjeant at Law
- Markham, Sir Clements Robert, (1830-1916), Knight, geographer and historian
- Marsden, Dora, (1882-1960), author, editor, and suffragette
- Marsh, John Charles Lory, (1823-1888), Surgeon Author and Educationist
- Marshall, John, (fl 1880-1921), Philologist
- Marshman, Joshua Ryland, (1807-1850), Professor of Law
- Martin, Sir David Christie, (1914-1976), Knight and secretary of the Royal Society
- Martin, Francis Offley, (1805-1878), Charity Commissioner
- Martin, William, (1861-1929), barrister, antiquary and archaeologist
- Martineau, Harriet, (1802-1876), writer
- Maseres, Francis, (1731-1824), mathematician, historian and reformer
- Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson, (1908-1983), Knight Physicist
- Masson, David, (1822-1907), biographer and editor
- Masson, James Irvine Orme, (1887-1962), Chemist
- Matthews, Henry, (1826-1913), Viscount Llandaff
- Matthews, John, (c1650-1729), vicar of Tewkesbury
- Mawer, Sir Allen, (1879-1942), Knight, Provost of University College London
- McCarthy, Cavan, (b 1943), bibliographer and poet
- McCosh, James, (1811-1894), Philosopher
- McCulloch, John Ramsay, (1789-1864), statistician and economist
- McKie, Douglas, (1896-1967), chemist and science historian
- Means, Joseph Calrow, (1801-1879), Baptist Minister Biographer Topographer
- Mechi, John Joseph, (1802-1880), Agriculturist
- Meen, Henry, (1744-1817), Prebendary of St Paul's Classical Scholar
- Meredith, George, (1828-1909), novelist and poet
- Merivale, Charles, (1808-1893), Dean of Ely
- Merivale, John Herman, (1779-1844), Barrister and Poet
- Meynell, Alice Christiana Gertrude, (1847-1922), poet, suffragist and critic Barnes, Surrey
- Miers, Sir Henry Alexander, (1858-1942), Knight, mineralogist
- Miles, Sir William, (1797-1878), 1st Baronet MP
- Mill, James, (1773-1836), Philosopher
- Mill, John Stuart, (1806-1873), philosopher, MP
- Milner, James Donald, (1874-1927), Director of National Portrait Gallery
- Minchin, George Minchin, (d 1914), Mathematician
- Minto, William, (1845-1893), professor of Logic and English
- Mitchell, James, (c 1786-1844), Scientific Writer Antiquary
- Mitchison, Naomi Margaret, (1897-1999), Baroness Mitchison, writer and social activist Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Molesworth, William Nassau, (1816-1890), Historian
- Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Walter Francis, (1806-1884), 5th Duke of Buccleuch
- Montague, Francis Charles, (1858-1935), Historian
- Montefiore, Claude Joseph Goldsmid, (1858-1938), Jewish biblical scholar and philanthropist
- Montefiore, Sir Moses Haim, (1784-1885), Knight, philanthropist
- Montefiore, Nathaniel, (1819-1883), Surgeon
- Montgomery, Hugh de Fellenberg, (1844-1924), Senator, Northern Ireland
- Morgan, Augustus de, (1806-1871), mathematician
- Morgan, Edwin George, (1920-2010), writer and poet
- Morley, Henry, (1822-1894), Author
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Morley, Samuel, (1809-1886), politician
- Morris, John, (1913-1977), Historian
- Morrison, James, (1789-1857), MP Merchant
- Moseley, Henry, (1801-1872), Mathematician
- Mott, Charles, (d 1851), Assistant Poor Law Commissioner
- Mouat, Frederic John, (1816-1897), Military Surgeon Local Government Board Inspector
- Muirhead, Alexander, (1848-1920), electrical engineer
- Munro, Thomas Arthur Howard, (1905-1966), physician
- Murison, Alexander Falconer, (1847-1934), jurist and author
- Murphy, Robert, (1806-1843), Mathematician
- Murray, John, (c 1786-1851), Scientific Lecturer
- Murray, John Archibald, (1779-1859), Lord Murray Scottish Judge
- Murray, Margaret Alice, (1863-1963), Egyptologist
- Murry, John Middleton, (1889-1957), writer and journal editor
- Mylne, William Chadwell, (1781-1863), Architect and Engineer
- Napier, John Russell, (1917-1987), primatologist
- Napier, Macvey, (1776-1847), editor of Edinburgh Review
- Nettleship, Edward, (1845-1913), ophthalmic surgeon
- Newman, Francis William, (1805-1897), Scholar and Man of Letters
- Nicholls, Sir George, (1781-1865), Knight, poor law reformer
- Nightingale, Florence, (1820-1910), reformer of hospital nursing
- Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley, (1834-1894), Poet
- Northcote, Stafford Henry, (1818-1887), 1st Earl of Iddesleigh, statesman
- Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, (1808-1877), poet and campaigner for women's rights
- Nourse, John, (d 1780), bookseller
- Nugent-Grenville, George, (1788-1850), 2nd Baron Nugent, politician
- Nutt, Alfred Trubner, (1856-1910), Publisher and Folklorist
- Ogden, Charles Kay, (1889-1957), Linguistic Psychologist
- Olden, Rudolf, (1885-1940), Writer
- Oliphant, Laurence, (1829-1888), diplomatist, traveller and mystic
- Oliver, Francis Wall, (1864-1951), botanist
- Opie, Amelia, (1769-1853), novelist and poet
- Orwell, Sonia Mary, (1918-1980), literary assistant
- Owen, Sir Hugh, (1804-1881), Knight Promoter of Welsh Education
- Owen, Sir Richard, (1804-1892), Knight, comparative anatomist and palaeontologist
- Owen, Robert, (1771-1858), Socialist and Philanthropist
- Paget, Sir James, (1814-1899), 1st Baronet, surgeon
- Paget, Sir Richard Arthur Surtees, (1869-1955), 2nd Baronet, barrister and philologist
- Palaye, Jean Baptiste de la Curne de Sainte-, (1697-1781), lexicographer
- Panizzi, Sir Anthony, (1797-1879), Knight, Knight Principal Librarian of the British Museum
- Parker, John William, (1793-1870), publisher
- Parker, Robert John, (1857-1918), Baron Parker of Waddington, judge
- Parker, Thomas, (1666-1732), 1st Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Chancellor
- Parkes, Joseph, (1796-1865), election agent and reformer
- Parkes, Josiah, (1793-1871), civil engineer inventor of Deep Drainage System
- Parkes, Samuel, (1761-1825), Chemist
- Parnell, Henry Brooke, (1776-1842), 1st Baron Congleton, politician
- Parr, Samuel, (1747-1825), Pedagogue
- Parry, Charles Henry, (1779-1860), Physician
- Pattison, Granville Sharp, (1791-1851), Anatomist
- Paxton, Sir Joseph, (1801-1865), Knight, MP, architect and landscape gardener
- Peake, Mervyn Laurence, (1911-1968), writer, artist, poet, and illustrator
- Pearl, Raymond, (1879-1940), Biologist
- Pearson, Egon Sharpe, (1895-1980), statistician
- Pearson, Karl, (1857-1936), mathematician and biologist
- Pearson, Maria Sharpe, (1851-1928), feminist
- Pearson, William, (d 1907), Chancery Barrister
- Pearson-Gee, Arthur Beilby, (1855-1896), Barrister and Author
- Peel, Sir Robert, (1788-1850), Baronet, 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Penfold, Charles, (1799-1864), Surveyor and Author
- Penrose, Lionel Sharples, (1898-1972), Professor of Eugenics and Human Genetics
- Percy, Algernon George, (1810-1899), 6th Duke of Northumberland
- Perron, Nicolas, (fl 1825-1870), French writer on Islamic culture
- Perry, John, (1850-1920), Mathematician and Engineer
- Perry, William James, (1887-1949), anthropologist
- Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders, (1853-1942), Knight, Egyptologist
- Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, (1780-1863), 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne, statesman
- Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry William Edmund, (1872-1936), 6th Marquess of Lansdowne
- Phillipps, Samuel March, (1780-1862), legal writer and civil servant
- Phillips, Charles, (? 1787-1859), Barrister and Miscellaneous Writer
- Phipps, Sir Charles Beaumont, (1801-1866), Knight, Lieutenant Colonel and official of Royal Household
- Phipps, Constantine Henry, (1797-1863), 1st Marquess of Normanby, statesman and author
- Pinker, James Brand, (1863-1922), literary agent
- Place, Francis, (1771-1854), radical reformer
- Platt, John Arthur, (1860-1925), Classical Scholar
- Playfair, Lyon, (1818-1898), 1st Baron Playfair of St Andrews, chemist
- Pleydell-Bouverie, William, (1779-1869), 3rd Earl of Radnor, politician
- Plowman, Dorothy Lloyd, (1886-1967), author
- Plowman, Mark, (1883-1941), writer, editor and and pacifist
- Plunket, William Conyngham, (1764-1854), 1st Baron Plunket, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Polanyi, Michael, (1891-1976), Hungarian physical chemist, author
- Pollard, Alan Faraday Campbell, (1877-1948), Professor of Instrument Design
- Pollard, Albert Frederick, (1869-1948), constitutional historian
- Pollock, Sir Jonathan Frederick, (1783-1870), 1st Baronet, MP, judge
- Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederick, (1825-1895), Knight, General, private secretary to Queen Victoria
- Porter, George Richardson, (1792-1852), statistician
- Potter, John Phillips, (1818-1847), Surgeon
- Poulton, Sir Edward Bagnall, (1856-1943), Knight Zoologist
- Powell, Anthony Dymoke, (1905-2000), novelist
- Powell, Baden, (1796-1860), Savilian and Professor of Geometry
- Powell, Raphael, (1904-1965), Professor of Roman Law
- Power, Sir Alfred, (1805-1888), Knight Chief Irish Poor Law Commissioner
- Poynting, John Henry, (1852-1914), Physicist
- Preece, Sir William Henry, (1834-1913), Knight, Knight Electrical Engineer
- Prevost, John Lewis, (d 1852), Swiss Consul General in London
- Price, William Philip, (1817-1891), MP for Gloucester
- Prothero, Sir George Walter, (1848-1922), Knight, historian
- Pusey, Philip, (1799-1855), MP, agriculturalist
- Quain, Richard, (1800-1887), Surgeon
- Quirk, Sir Charles Randolph, (1920-2017), Lord Quirk, Professor of English Language and Literature
- Radclyffe-Hall, Marguerite Antonia, (1880-1943), novelist
- Ramsay, Sir William, (1852-1916), Knight, chemist
- Rawle, Richard, (1812-1889), Bishop of Trinidad
- Rawlinson, Sir Robert, (1810-1898), Knight, civil engineer
- Rawson, George, (1807-1889), Hymn Writer
- Rawson, Sir Rawson William, (1812-1899), Knight Colonial Governor
- Redgrave, Samuel, (1802-1876), author and art historian
- Rees, Sir Richard Lodowick Edward Montagu, (1900-1970), 2nd Baronet Author
- Rees, Thomas, (1777-1864), Unitarian Minister and Historian
- Repington, Charles Ashe A'Court, (1785-1861), Lieutenant General MP
- Reynolds, Sir John Russell, (1828-1896), Knight, physician
- Rham, William Lewis, (1778-1843), Agriculturist
- Ricardo, David, (1772-1823), MP Economist
- Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward, (1828-1896), Knight, physician
- Rickman, John, (1771-1840), statistician
- Ringer, Sydney, (1835-1910), Surgeon
- Ritchie, Duncan Leitch, (1800-1865), novelist and journalist
- Rivers, William Halse Rivers, (1864-1922), anthropologist
- Roberton, John, (1797-1876), Surgeon
- Roberts, Robert Davies, (1851-1911), Educational Administrator
- Robertson, George Croom, (1842-1892), Philosopher
- Robinson, Sir Edward Stanley Gotch, (1887-1976), Knight, numismatist
- Robinson, Frederick John, (1782-1859), 1st Earl of Ripon, statesman
- Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, (1827-1909), 1st Marquess of Ripon, statesman
- Robinson, Henry Crabb, (1775-1867), Diarist
- Roe, John, (1795-1874), Surveyor in Chief to the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewer
- Roebuck, John Arthur, (1801-1879), politician
- Rogers, Ben, (fl 1999-2000), author and journalist
- Rogers, Nathaniel, (d 1881), Physician Author
- Rogers, Samuel, (1763-1855), poet
- Roget, Peter Mark, (1779-1869), physician and philologist
- Ronalds, Sir Francis, (1788-1873), Knight, electrical engineer and meteorologist
- Roscoe, Thomas, (1791-1871), Author and Translator
- Roscoe, William, (1753-1831), banker, botanist, historian and politician
- Rose, George, (1744-1818), politician and publicist
- Rosen, Friedrich August, (1805-1837), Sanskrit Scholar
- Ross, Elizabeth Stefanyjia, (1906-1972), Philologist
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, (1828-1882), painter and poet
- Rothman, Richard Wellesley, (d 1856), Registrar of London University
- Rowan, Sir Charles, (? 1782-1852), Knight First Commissioner of Police
- Ruck, Berta, (1878-1978), novelist India;Bangor, Caernarfonshire;Aberdyfi, Merionethshire
- Ruecker, Sir Arthur William, (1848-1915), Knight Physicist
- Ruskin, John, (1819-1900), author, artist and social reformer
- Russell, Lord John, (1792-1878), 1st Earl Russell, statesman
- Russell, Odo William Leopold, (1829-1884), 1st Baron Ampthill, diplomat
- Sabine, Sir Edward, (1788-1883), Knight, General, geophysicist
- Sackville-West, Victoria Mary, (1892-1962), poet, novelist and biographer
- Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman, (1845-1933), literary critic and historian
- Salmon, George, (1819-1904), theologian and mathematician
- Salt, Sir Thomas, (1830-1904), 1st Baronet Banker MP
- Saunderson, Nicholas, (1682-1739), Mathematician
- Sayers, Dorothy Leigh, (1893-1957), playwright, author and humanist Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Schiller-Szinessy, Solomon Marcus, (1820-1890), rabbi and scholar
- Schmitz, Leonhard, (1807-1890), German scholar and Royal tutor
- Schreiner, Olive Emilie Albertina, (1855-1920), South African author
- Schuster, Sir Arthur, (1851-1934), Knight, physicist
- Scott, Joseph William, (1914-1986), librarian
- Scudamore, Frank Ives, (1823-1884), Author and Postal Official
- Sedgwick, Adam, (1785-1873), geologist
- Selden, John, (1584-1654), Jurist MP Antiquary
- Selwin-Ibbetson, Henry John, (1826-1902), Baron Rookwood, politician
- Senior, Nassau William, (1790-1864), economist
- Sharp, Samuel, (1814-1882), Geologist Antiquary Numismatist
- Sharpe, Samuel, (1799-1881), Egyptologist
- Sharpe, Sutton, (1797-1843), barrister
- Sharpe, William, (1804-1870), solicitor
- Sharpey, William, (1802-1880), physiologist
- Shaw, Sir Charles, (1795-1871), Knight Brigadier General Chief Commissioner of Police Manchester
- Shaw, Sir Evelyn Campbell, (1882-1974), Knight Secretary of Royal Commission of 1851
- Shaw, George Bernard, (1856-1950), author and playwright
- Shaw-Lefevre, Charles, (1794-1888), Viscount Eversley, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Shee, Sir Martin Archer, (1769-1850), Knight, portrait painter
- Sheepshanks, Richard, (1794-1855), astronomer
- Shepherd, William, (1768-1847), Unitarian minister political reformer
- Sheppard, William Fleetwood, (1863-1936), Barrister and Civil Service Examiner
- Sinclair, George, (1786-1834), Author of 'hortus Gramineus Woburnensis'
- Sinclair, Sir John, (1754-1835), 1st Baronet, politician and agriculturist
- Sinclair, May, (1863-1946), Author, Suffragist and Critic
- Skeat, Walter William, (1835-1912), philologist
- Skene, James, (1775-1864), artist and antiquary
- Slaney, Robert Aglionby, (1792-1862), politician and social reformer
- Smedley, Edward, (1788-1836), author
- Smith, Cedric Austen Bardell, (1917-2002), geneticist and mathematician
- Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot, (1871-1937), Knight, anatomist and anthropologist
- Smith, James, (1805-1872), merchant and mathematician
- Smith, Michael Garfield, (1921-1993), Jamaican anthropologist and poet Kingston, Jamaica
- Smith, Naomi Gwladys Royde-, (1875-1964), literary editor and writer
- Smith, Philip, (1817-1885), historian
- Smith, Robert Angus, (1817-1884), chemist
- Smith, Sidney, (1889-1979), historian
- Smith, Stanley Patrick James, (1915-1979), journalist
- Smith, Thomas Southwood, (1788-1861), sanitary reformer
- Smith, William Robertson, (1846-1894), theologian and semitic scholar
- Smithells, Arthur, (1860-1939), Chemist
- Smythe, Emily Anne, (1826-1887), nursing reformer and travel writer
- Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, (1780-1855), 6th Viscount Strangford, diplomat
- Sollas, William Johnson, (1849-1936), geologist
- Somervell, Robert, (1851-1933), Bursar of Harrow School Author
- Southern, Henry, (1799-1853), editor and diplomat
- Souttar, Sir Henry Sessions, (1875-1964), Knight, surgeon Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Spalding, William, (1809-1859), author
- Spencer, Herbert, (1820-1903), philosopher
- Spencer, John Charles, (1782-1845), 3rd Earl Spencer, statesman
- Spencer, Thomas, (1796-1853), Clergyman Church and Social Reformer
- Spottiswoode, Andrew, (1787-1866), MP and Printer
- Sprenger, Aloys, (1813-1893), Orientalist
- Spring-Rice, Thomas, (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon in Kerry, statesman
- St Clair, William, (1937-2021), historian Falkirk, Stirlingshire;London
- Stafford, William, (1554-1612), Author
- Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, (1799-1869), 14th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward John, (1802-1869), 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley, statesman
- Starling, Ernest Henry, (1866-1927), Physiologist
- Staunton, Sir George Thomas, (1781-1859), 2nd Baronet, MP, orientalist
- Stephen, Sir George, (1794-1879), Knight Barrister and Reformer
- Stephen, Sir Leslie, (1832-1904), Knight, man of letters, philosopher, biographer, mountaineer
- Stern, Gladys Bertha, (1890-1973), Playwright Journalist and Author
- Stocks, Percy, (1889-1974), Medical Statistician
- Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, (1819-1903), 1st Baronet, mathematician and physicist
- Stokes, Whitley, (1830-1909), Celtic scholar and Indian civil servant
- Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael, (1841-1929), Shakespearean scholar and historian
- Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael, (1880-1958), scientist
- Strachey, Julia Frances, (1901-1979), Writer
- Strang, William, (1893-1978), 1st Baron Strang, diplomat
- Strickland, Sir George, (1782-1874), 7th Baronet MP
- Strutt, John William, (1842-1919), 3rd Baron Rayleigh, mathematician and physicist
- Stuart, James, (1775-1849), Writer to the Signet
- Sully, James, (1842-1923), philosopher and psychologist
- Sumner, Charles, (1811-1874), American Statesman
- Sutherland, John, (1808-1891), Physician Promoter of Sanitary Science
- Sutherland, Norman Stuart, (b 1927), psychologist
- Sylvester, James Joseph, (1814-1897), mathematician
- Taylor, Edward, (1784-1863), Gresham Professor of Music
- Taylor, John, (1781-1864), Publisher
- Taylor, John, (d 1857), Cotton Merchant
- Taylor, William, (1765-1836), Critic and Translator
- Temple, Henry John, (1784-1865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston, statesman
- Thane, Sir George Dancer, (1850-1930), Knight Anatomist
- Thomas, Joseph Anthony Charles, (1923-1981), Professor of Roman Law
- Thompson, George, (1802-1876), Editor Headmaster of Wisbech Great School
- Thompson, Silvanus Phillips, (1851-1916), Physicist
- Thomson, Anthony Todd, (1778-1849), physician and professor, London University
- Thomson, Katharine, (1797-1862), writer
- Thomson, William, (1824-1907), Baron Kelvin, physicist
- Thornely, Thomas, (1781-1862), MP for Wolverhampton
- Tierney, David, (d 1990), historian
- Titchener, Edward Bradford, (1867-1927), psychologist
- Tocher, James Fowler, (1864-1945), chemist
- Tooke, William, (1777-1863), Solicitor MP Educationist
- Torrens, Robert, (1780-1864), MP Economist
- Tottel, William, (d 1626), steward to Francis Bacon
- Townsend, William, (1909-1973), Professor of Fine Art
- Travers, Morris William, (1872-1962), Chemist
- Treece, Henry, (1911-1966), Author
- Tremenheere, Hugh Seymour, (1804-1893), Publicist and Author
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, (1807-1886), Knight, Governor of Madras
- Trotter, Sir Coutts, (d 1837), 1st Baronet
- Trotter, Wilfred Batten Lewis, (1872-1939), surgeon, pioneer in neurosurgery and social psychologist Coleford, Gloucestershire
- Tufnell, Edward Carleton, (1806-1886), Assistant Poor Law Commissioner
- Tufton, Sackville, (1769-1825), 9th Earl of Thanet
- Tupp, Alfred Cotterell, (1840-1914), Indian Administrator Economist Statistician
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, (1818-1883), Russian novelist
- Turner, Herbert Hall, (1861-1930), astronomer and seismologist
- Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, (1832-1917), Knight Anthropologist
- Tyndall, John, (1820-1893), natural philosopher
- Upcott, William, (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector
- Ure, Masterton, (1776-1863), MP for Weymouth
- Usher, Charles Howard, (1865-1942), ophthalmologist
- Vardon, Thomas, (1799-1867), Librarian of House of Commons
- Vaughan, Robert, (1795-1868), Congregational Clergyman Historian
- Venn, John, (1834-1923), Logician and Historian
- Verney, Frances Parthenope, (1819-1890), writer and journalist
- Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, (1840-1901), Empress consort of Emperor Frederick of Germany
- Vigors, Nicholas Aylward, (1785-1840), Zoologist and MP for Carlow Borough 1832-35 and for Carlow County 1837-40.
- Villiers, George William Frederick, (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, statesman
- Vizard, William, (1774-1859), Solicitor
- Waddington, George, (1793-1869), Traveller and Church Historian
- Wade, Thomas Francis, (d 1846), Colonel 42nd Highlanders
- Waite, Arthur Edward, (d 1942), writer
- Wakefield, Edward, (1774-1854), Economist and Philanthropist
- Waley, Jacob, (1818-1873), Economist
- Wall, Patrick David, (1925-2001), neuroscientist
- Wallace, Alfred Russel, (1823-1913), naturalist
- Walsham, Sir John James, (1805-1874), 1st baronet, poor law inspector
- Walshe, Sir Francis Martin Rouse, (1885-1973), Knight and physician
- Ward, Arnold Sandwith, (1876-1950), MP and journalist
- Ward, Dorothy Mary, (1874-1964), daughter of Mrs Humphry Ward
- Ward, Frederick Oldfield, (c 1815-1877), sanitary reformer, physiologist and author
- Ward, Mary Augusta, (1851-1920), novelist and social worker Hobart, Tasmania;Oxford, Oxfordshire;London
- Ward, Thomas Humphry, (1845-1926), author and journalist
- Ward, William George, (1812-1882), theologian and philosopher
- Warren, Sir Charles, (1840-1927), Knight General and Archaeologist
- Warren, George John, (1803-1866), 5th Lord Vernon Baron of Kinderton
- Warren, Samuel, (1807-1877), lawyer and writer
- Watherston, Edward James, (fl 1880), Educationist and Public Health Reformer
- Watson, David Meredith Seares, (1886-1973), palaeontologist
- Watts, Thomas, (1811-1869), Keeper of Printed Books British Museum and biographer
- Waud, Samuel Wilkes, (1801-1887), Rector of Rettenden Mathematician
- Weaver, Harriet Shaw, (1876-1961), Editor of the Egoist
- Webber, Charles Edmund, (1838-1904), Major General
- Webster, Thomas, (1773-1844), Geologist
- Webster, Thomas, (1810-1875), Barrister
- Weir, William, (1802-1858), journalist
- Weizmann, Chaim, (1874-1952), chemist, scholar and Zionist leader
- Welby, Victoria, (1837-1912), Pioneer of Linguistic Philosophy
- Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael, (1860-1906), zoologist
- Wellesley, Arthur, (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman
- Wellesley, Richard Colley, (1760-1842), Marquess Wellesley, statesman
- Welsh, John, (1824-1859), meteorologist
- West, Dame Rebecca, (1892-1983), critic and novelist
- Westmacott, Sir Richard, (1775-1856), Knight, sculptor
- Weymouth, Richard Francis, (1822-1902), Philologist
- Whalley, George Hammond, (1813-1878), MP for Peterborough
- Wheeler, Sir Robert Eric Mortimer, (1890-1976), Knight, archaeologist
- Whiston, Robert, (1808-1895), Headmaster of Rochester Cathedral School
- White, John Meadows, (1799-1863), parliamentary solicitor and legal writer
- Whitworth, Sir Joseph, (1803-1887), Baronet Engineer
- Wicksteed, Philip Henry, (1844-1927), economist
- Wilberforce, William, (1759-1833), MP, philanthropist
- Wilde, James Plaisted, (1816-1899), 1st Baron Penzance, judge
- Williams, Philip Maynard, (1920-1984), Historian and Political Scientist
- Williamson, Alexander William, (1824-1904), chemist
- Willich, Charles Madinger, (d 1867), Printer and Writer
- Willis, Robert, (1800-1875), Mechanician and Architectural Historian
- Wilson, Harriette, (1786-1846), Society Mistress
- Wimperis, Harry Egerton, (1876-1960), aeronautical engineer
- Wolf, Abraham, (1876-1948), Professor of Logic
- Wolf, Lucien, (1857-1930), journalist
- Wollaston, William Hyde, (1766-1828), physiologist, chemist and physicist
- Wood, Dudley Orson, (1887-1965), physicist
- Wood, John, (1790-1856), Chairman of the Inland Revenue Board
- Woodger, Joseph Henry, (1894-1981), biologist
- Woodward, Sir Arthur Smith, (1864-1944), Knight, Knight, palaeontologist
- Woolf, Adeline Virginia, (1882-1941), author and critic Kensington, Middlesex
- Wordsworth, William, (1770-1850), poet
- Wornum, Ralph Nicholson, (1812-1877), Art Critic, Biographer and Keeper of the National Gallery
- Wrottesley, John, (1798-1867), 2nd Baron Wrottesley
- Yates, James, (1789-1871), Unitarian and Antiquary
- Yates, John Ashton, (1782-1863), Author
- Youatt, William, (1776-1847), Veterinary Surgeon
- Young, Sir George, (1837-1930), Knight Administrator and Essayist
- Young, John Zachary, (1907-1997), anatomist and neurologist
- Young, Thomas, (1773-1829), Physician Physicist and Egyptologist
- Yule, George Udny, (1871-1951), statistician
- Zola, Emile, (1840-1902), French Novelist
Diaries (7)
- Carlill, John Burford, (1814-1874), Physician
- Davis, Lesley, (fl 1940-1944), nurse London
- Jeaffreson, Christopher Dullingham, Cambridgeshire
- Jones, Henry, (1731-1769), Vicar Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
- Jones, Penry, (d1754), Vicar Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
- Norris, Arthur, Railway Engineer South Africa
- Thane, Vendla Harriett Matilda, (1885-1976), Teacher Cambridge, Cambridgeshire;Wimbledon, Surrey;Oldham, Lancashire
Families (2)
- Brougham family, Barons Brougham and Vaux Brougham Hall, Westmorland
- Brown family, merchants and bankers of London London
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (58)
- NRA 41124 Ernest Hubert Francis Baldwin, biochemist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24776 Balfour, Williamson & Co Ltd, Chilean merchants, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 33776 Bank of London & South America Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 27944 Henry Clark Barlow, Dante scholar: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33773 Sir William Maddock Bayliss and Leonard Ernest Bayliss, physiologists: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14723 Edward Spencer Beesly, historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29882 Arnold Bennett, author: corresp and papers rel to his estate link to online catalogue
- NRA 20655 Jeremy Bentham, philosopher: literary MSS and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14258 George Boole and Augustus de Morgan, corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 31344 Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, statesman and James Brougham MP: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 24778 Buenos Aires & Pacific Railway Co Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 14259 Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, physiologist: personal and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36166 Eric Henry Stoneley Burhop, physicist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19560 Sir Roy Cameron, anatomist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21653 Sir Edwin Chadwick, sanitary reformer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 30483 Chadwick Trust link to online catalogue
- NRA 23133 Raymond Wilson Chambers, professor of English: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14720 Frederick George Donnan, chemist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14721 Sir John Ambrose Fleming, electrical engineer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19968 Sir Francis Galton, eugenist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16929 Moses Gaster, Chief Rabbi: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33777 Lionel Felix Gilbert, chemist: corresp and papers rel to biography of WH Wollaston link to online catalogue
- NRA 24838 George Bellas Greenough, geographer and geologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29880 George Grote, historian, and Harriet Grote, biographer: diaries and corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 18114 David Hannay, author: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21451 Alex Helm, folklorist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33631 Sir Victor Horsley, physiologist and surgeon: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24782 Edward Johnston & Co Ltd, coffee exporters, Santos Brazil link to online catalogue
- NRA 26088 Sir Bernard Augustus Keen, agricultural scientist: misc corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 33774 William Paton Ker, scholar and author: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18113 James Loch, economist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20647 Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, scientist: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 18117 London University: University College corresp
- NRA 20580 London University: University College, interim handlist of scientific papers University College, Lo
- NRA 33772 London University, University College: James Joyce Centre archives
- NRA 24781 London University: University College misc accessions
- NRA 14722 CK Ogden: Arnold Bennett MS collection link to online catalogue
- NRA 6318 Parkes family of Warwick and Birmingham: political and family papers
- NRA 18115 Karl Pearson, mathematician and biologist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23657 Lionel Sharples Penrose, geneticist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23945 Peruvian Corporation, railway company, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 33775 Mark (Max) Plowman, writer and pacifist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14260 Sir William Ramsay, research chemist, and Professor MW Travers corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 14256 George Croom Robertson, philosopher: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20377 Rogers, Sharpe, Reid and Kenrick family papers incl Samuel Rogers diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22647 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, publishers, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 20649 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 24775 Santa Rosa Milling Co Ltd, Chile: London office link to online catalogue
- NRA 18112 William Sharpey, physiologist: corresp as Secretary of Royal Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 22241 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge link to online catalogue
- NRA 14257 James Sully, philosopher: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 24780 United Railways of the Havana & Regla Warehouses Ltd, Cuba link to online catalogue
- NRA 24917 University College Hospital, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 19562 Sir Francis Martin Rouse Walshe: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19802 Thomas Humphry Ward: family diaries and letters link to online catalogue
- NRA 36203 David Meredith Seares Watson, palaeontologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24779 Western Telegraph Co Ltd, Brazil link to online catalogue
- NRA 40235 John Zachary Young, anatomist and neurologist: scientific corresp and papers link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.