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Inside you will find

  • Division within BT1847-1998Records of Advisory Committees, Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils, Departmental Committees, Royal Commissions, Tribunals and Trusts

    Records of advisory committees, boards, commissions, committees, councils, departmental committees, royal commissions, tribunals and trusts relating to various investigations and functions.

    Advisory Committees:


    • Air Safety, BT 256
    • Coal Controllers, BT 189
    • Cotton Control, BT 7
    • Simpler Trade Procedures, BT 375
    • Simplification of International Trade Procedures, BT 337
    • Tobacco and Matches Control, BT 72



    • Bankruptcy Law Amendment (Blagden) Committee, BT 148
    • British Film Fund Agency Committee, BT 383
    • Central Price Regulation, BT 94
    • Company Law Amendment (Cohen Committee), BT 146
    • Company Law (Jenkins), BT 147
    • Compulsory Insurance, BT 178
    • Consumer Credit, BT 250
    • Co-ordinating Departmental Policy in connection with Patented and Unpatented Inventions, BT 305
    • Enemy Debts, BT 8
    • Engineering Profession (Finniston Committee), BT 251
    • Imperial Shipping, BT 188
    • Insolvency Law Review, BT 260
    • Merchandise Marks, BT 215
    • Patent System and Patent Law (Banks Committee), BT 136
    • Patents Committee (Swan Committee), BT 306
    • Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyd's, BT 275
    • Shares of No Par Value, BT 287
    • Shipbuilding Industry (Geddes Committee), BT 186
    • Shipping (Rochdale Committee), BT 137
    • Small Firms, BT 262
    • Trade Marks (Goschen Committee), BT 304
    • Trawler Safety, BT 149


    Departmental Committees:

    Royal Commissions, Tribunals and Trusts:

    • Royal Commission on Compensation for Suffering and Damage by Enemy Action, BT 69
    • Licensed Dealers Tribunal, BT 300
    • Nazi Victims Relief Trust, BT 105
    • The Great Exhibition, London, 1851, BT 342