Use this form to request military service records for a person born between 1909 and 1939.
We have different forms for:
- requesting records for a person born before 1909
- requesting your own record if you were born before or in 1939 (or if you are doing this on behalf of a living person)
Visit GOV.UK to request records for those born after 1939.
Military service records contain personal data, including medical information. They are closed under Freedom of Information (FOI) exemptions until 115 years past the date of birth of the individual. We treat each submitted form as a FOI request. Each record will need to be sensitivity assessed and may be redacted, and we will release information from the record to you unless it is subject to an exemption.
Any information we can provide will also become available at The National Archives to everyone.
Before filling in this form, search Discovery to see if the record is already in our catalogue.
How it works
Step 1: Fill in the form below with details of the individual whose record you are requesting. Include proof of death and your own contact details.
Step 2: We will check if the record is held at The National Archives.
Step 3: Our team will contact you with the results of the search within 30 working days.
If we find a record of the individual(s) you have requested a search for, we will let you know:
- what information we hold
- what information can be provided to you
- and how you can access this information