Catalogue description Petitioners: ? No Petitioner named Nature of Request: Inquisition taken at...

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Details of SC 8/204/10159
Reference: SC 8/204/10159
Petitioners: ? No Petitioner named
Nature of request: Inquisition taken at Abingdon before Ayliston and Hungerford, the jury finding that William Beaumont let to Robert atte Beche land in Kingston Bagpuize for 12 years and that the land was taken into the king's hand by the late sheriff because Beche wore the robes of his father, a contrariant. They also find that Beaumont died at the feast of St Gregory 16 Edw. II, and that he held the land in Kingston Bagpuize from Burmyngeham.
Nature of endorsement: [None].
Places mentioned: Abingdon, [Berkshire]; Kingston Bagpuize, [Berkshire].
People mentioned: Robert de Aylistone (Ayliston); Robert de Hungerford; William Beaumond (Beaumont); Alice [Beaumond, (Beaumont)], wife of William Beaumont; William de Wydewere; John Richard; Thomas Bryht (Bright); John Crostacre; John le Muleward (Millward); John de Lyford; Richard de Shupene; Robert Bollok (Bullock); John Coles; John Goneys; William atte Forde; John de Werminstre (Warminster); Nicholas Peytevyn, father of Alice Beaumont; John de Brumptone (Brompton), late sheriff of Berkshire; Robert atte Beche; Philip atte Beche, father of Robert atte Beche; William de Burmyngeham (Birmingham).
Note: The inquisition itself is dated in its dating clause to 2 August 1324 (17 Edw. II).
Date: 1324
Related material:

For the writ ordering the sheriff to empanel the jury for this inquisition, see SC 8/204/10161

For the writ that initiated this inquisition, see SC 8/204/10160

For the writ formerly appended with this inquisition, see SC 8/204/10158

For the petition to which this inquisition was formerly appended, see SC 8/204/10157

For a related petition, see SC 8/203/10133

For a related writ, see SC 8/203/10132

For a related writ, see SC 8/203/10131

For a related writ, see SC 8/203/10130

For a related petition, see SC 8/203/10129

For a related petition, see SC 8/32/1583

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: Latin
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
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