Catalogue description Petitioners: Roger Frank, monk of Fountains. Name(s): Frank, Roger ...

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Details of SC 8/23/1124
Reference: SC 8/23/1124
Petitioners: Roger Frank, monk of Fountains.
Name(s): Frank, Roger
Addressees: Commons of parliament.
Occupation: monk of Fountains
Nature of request: Roger Frank states that he was lately abbot of Fountains for three years and more, but that he has been expelled by one John Rypon, abbot of Meaux, who has a bull from the pope, acquired on false allegations. Roger claims that this bull is prejudicial to the king, his crown, and the statutes and ordinances made on this matter, and asks the commons to ask the king that if he, and the lords spiritual and temporal, find that the bull is prejudicial in this way, they might have Roger restored to the abbacy, by authority of parliament.
Nature of endorsement: [On face] Soit baille au Roy (It is to be delivered to the king).[On dorse] Because there is a writ founded on the Statute of Provisors now pending in the King's Bench between the parties named in this petition, through which the matters contained in it can be tried between the same parties, as William Hankeford, Chief Justice of the said bench, has said, the king wills that the aforesaid parties await the end of that trial.
Places mentioned: Fountains, [West Riding of Yorkshire]; Meaux, [East Riding of Yorkshire].
People mentioned: John Rypon (Ripon), Abbot of Meaux; William Hankeford (Hankford), Chief Justice of King's Bench.
Note: Rot. Parl. vol. IV, p.28b, (no.4), assigns this petition to 1414, but it can be seen from CCR 1413-19 pp.112-3, which states that information against John Rypon, concerning the papal bull, was laid in Chancery on 3 June 1413, and from CPR 1413-16 p.180, which records John Rypon's appointment as abbot, as the pope has merely confirmed his election, dated 7 March 1414, that this petition is more likely to have been presented at the parliament of May 1413 (1 Henry V). CPR 1413-16 pp.145 and 147 is dated at Westminster, 14 December 1413.
Date: [? 1413]
Related material:

A similar petition from John Rypon, also accusing Roger Frank, is SC 8/23/1125

For a related petition from John Rypon, accusing Roger Frank, is SC 8/18/885

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: Parliamentary Petition 3444
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Calendar of Close Rolls, Hen V, vol. I, 1413-1419, (Public Record Office, 1929), pp.112-3 (memorandum concerning information laid in Chancery concerning the papal bull mentioned in this petition)

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Hen V, vol. I, 1413-1416, (Public Record Office, 1910), pp.145,147 (two enrolments of the commission of Fountains abbey and its possessions to the archbishop of York and bishop of Durham, as a result of the dispute between Roger Frank and John de Ripon over the abbacy) & p.180 (appointment of John de Ripon as abbot of Fountains)

Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et Petitiones, et Placita in Parliamento, vol. IV, Hen V and Hen VI, (Record Commission, 1783), p.28b (no.4) (full edition of original petition)

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