Catalogue description Rex v James BELCHER for publishing a libel entitled The Jockey Club, or a Sketch of the...

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Details of TS 11/578/1893
Reference: TS 11/578/1893

Rex v James BELCHER for publishing a libel entitled The Jockey Club, or a Sketch of the Manners of the age. I'll speak of them as they are, nothing extenuate, nor set down ought in malice. Shaksp Dicere Verum, quid vetat? Part the third. London. Printed for H D Symonds, Pater Noster Row, 1792 and for publishing a libel entitled Rights of Man part the second Combined Principle and Practice by Thomas Paine, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to Congress in the American War, and author of the works intitled Common Sense and the first part of the Rights of Man. London. Printed for H D Symonds Pater Noster Row 1792 and also for publishing a libel entitled Letter addressed to the Addressors on the late Proclamation: Warwick Summer assizes, 27 July 1793

Date: 1793
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: 1893
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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