Catalogue description Miscellaneous papers and books of Nathaniel Gerard Clark (ob. c. 1852), shipwright of...

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Details of TS 11/19
Reference: TS 11/19

Miscellaneous papers and books of Nathaniel Gerard Clark (ob. c. 1852), shipwright of Blackwall, relating to ships and shipping; the formation of the Shipwrights' Provident Union, seamen's charities, local affairs in Poplar where he was churchwarden at All Saints Church, as Assistant Surveyor to Lloyds, and as executor of the will of Mrs Sarah Jacob. They include many tradesmen's accounts. 3 books of surveys of ships.

Date: 1840-1843

TS 11/11-23: Each box contains papers on a variety of subjects, but so far as possible within each box the papers on such subjects have been grouped together.

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: 47
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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