This record is held by The London Archives: City of London

Details of N/C/070
Reference: N/C/070

Deeds 1858 - 1872 N/C/070/1-2


Certificate authorizing solemnization of marriages at the church 1855 N/C/070/3


Church meeting minute books 1853 - 1969 N/C/070/4-8


Register of baptisms (For baptisms and marriages 1854 - 1948 see N/C/070/4-6) 1949 - 1969 N/C/070/9


Deacons' meeting minute books 1869 - 1970 N/C/070/10-14


Sunday School teachers' meeting minute books 1907 - 1935 N/C/070/15-16


Correspondence and papers concerning pastors 1874 - 1896 N/C/070/17-112


Church membership roll 1967 N/C/070/113


Account book 1872 - 1887 N/C/070/114


Material relating to church property 1886 - 1954 N/C/070/115-120

Date: 1858 - 1954
Held by: The London Archives: City of London, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Blackheath Congregational Church

Physical description: 44 Files
Administrative / biographical background:

The foundation stone of Blackheath Congregational Church was laid on 18 July 1883 and the church, which was designed by the architects Brandon and Ritchie of Greenwich, was opened for public worship on 11 July 1854.


The church was badly damaged during the Second World War. In February 1957 a new building, designed by Dannatt, was erected within the walls of the old church. The ecumenical developments of the 1960s led to the union of the Baptist and Congregationalist congregations in Blackheath, and in 1974 the Blackheath Congregational Church was closed.

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