Oxfordshire History Centre

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St Luke's Church

Temple Road


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Oxfordshire History Centre holds the records of the former Oxfordshire Record Office, Oxfordshire Studies and Oxfordshire Health Archives

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    Collections information

    Businesses (173)

    Organisations (1188)

    Persons (46)

    Diaries (35)

    Families (77)

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (167)

    • NRA 35078 Adderbury manor records
    • NRA 38323 Annesley family, Viscounts Valentia: deeds and papers
    • NRA 38335 Annesley family, Viscounts Valentia: family and estate papers
    • NRA 41901 Arbery & Sons Ltd, drapers, Wantage
    • NRA 20738 Miss Edith Arkell: Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire local history collection
    • NRA 26977 Ascott-under-Wychwood: Poor Estate Charity
    • NRA 37046 Banbury and District Musical Society
    • NRA 20736 Banbury Borough: see online catalogue link to online catalogue
    • NRA 20737 Banbury Library: local history collection (Oxfordshire and various counties)
    • NRA 38391 Banbury Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 44728 Banbury Rural District Council
    • NRA 12282 Banbury Society of Friends
    • NRA 37047 Baskerville family of Crowsley Park: family and estate papers
    • NRA 41112 Belson family, formerly of Aston Rowant and Kingston Blount: papers
    • NRA 29454 Berkshire parishes
    • NRA 1965 Bicester Urban District Council
    • NRA 553 Bloxham (Oxon) feoffees
    • NRA 18620 Bradwell Grove estate link to online catalogue
    • NRA 30717 WH Brakspear & Sons Ltd, brewers, Henley-on-Thames
    • NRA 41210 Bridgwater collection of deeds and papers rel to medieval Oxford
    • NRA 6306 Brooks family (brewers and surgeons) of Henley-on-Thames, Oxon
    • NRA 44721 Bullingdon Rural District Council
    • NRA 28422 Cannon & Clapperton Mill, paper mfrs, Sandford-on-Thames
    • NRA 36634 F Cape & Co Ltd, wholesale and retail drapers, Oxford
    • NRA 44424 Castell & Son, tailors and robe makers, Oxford
    • NRA 571 Cavendish family, Barons Chesham: deeds and papers (various counties)
    • NRA 21193 Chalgrove Methodist Church
    • NRA 1051 Charlbury and district deeds and papers
    • NRA 99 Charlbury deeds (Mrs LR Shilson's collection)
    • NRA 735 Charlbury, Oxon: manorial documents
    • NRA 41221 Checkendon Village Hall
    • NRA 21192 Chinnor Primitive Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 30367 Chipping Norton and Stow Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 4389 Chipping Norton Borough
    • NRA 589 Clerke Brown family of Kingston Blount: deeds and papers
    • NRA 29931 George Coggins, solicitor, Deddington
    • NRA 23609 Frank Cooper Ltd, marmalade mfrs, Oxford
    • NRA 37126 Hubert Kestell Cornish, clergyman: personal and family corresp and papers
    • NRA 38679 County of Oxford Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association
    • NRA 36324 Courage Ltd, brewers, London: Oxon public house deeds
    • NRA 25914 Cowley St John Cricket, Tennis and Bowls Club
    • NRA 674 Croke family of Studley: estate papers
    • NRA 36952 Frank Cull, historian of Standlake: working papers
    • NRA 21861 Cullen's Stores Ltd, grocers, Wantage
    • NRA 23226 Dalby & Co, timber merchants, Banbury, Oxford
    • NRA 3426 Deddington Congregational Church
    • NRA 7176 Dillon family, Viscounts Dillon: family and estate papers (various counties)
    • NRA 21819 Druce family of Eynsham: misc family papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 72 Early's of Witney plc, blanket mfrs
    • NRA 39773 Evetts family of Tackley: deeds and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 41922 Ewelme Honour
    • NRA 27083 Eynsham Catholic Apostolic Church
    • NRA 20464 Eynsham: Twelve Acre Farm deeds
    • NRA 1069 Fane family of Wormsley, Bucks: family and Essex estate papers
    • NRA 36398 Fane family of Wormsley: family and estate papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 37717 Fermor family of Tusmore: estate papers
    • NRA 13984 Bertram Thomas Carlyle Ogilvy Freeman-Mitford, 3rd Baron Redesdale: Rectory Farm, Westwell, diaries
    • NRA 25593 Frilford and Longworth Congregational Home Mission
    • NRA 14841 Sir Geoffrey Gibbs: Clifton Hampden deeds link to online catalogue
    • NRA 19216 Gillett Brothers Discount Co link to online catalogue
    • NRA 36560 Brigadier Frank Reginald Lindsay Goadby: working papers, mainly rel to history of Standlake
    • NRA 28315 Goring: Lybbe's Almshouses
    • NRA 5326 AH Greenfield: Clanfield (Stephens family) and Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, deeds
    • NRA 39772 Hall's Oxford Brewery Ltd link to online catalogue
    • NRA 25027 Headington British Workmens Institute
    • NRA 36426 Henley Constituency Labour Party
    • NRA 40624 Henley Golf Club
    • NRA 36064 Henley Savings Bank, Henley-on-Thames
    • NRA 3697 Henley-on-Thames Borough link to online catalogue
    • NRA 568 George Herbert, shoemaker and photographer: memoirs
    • NRA 44175 Hitchman & Co Ltd, brewers, Chipping Norton
    • NRA 27560 HM Prison, Oxford
    • NRA 4875 Huckvale family of Over Norton: deeds and papers
    • NRA 44176 Hunt Edmunds & Co Ltd, brewers, Banbury
    • NRA 1100 Iffley manorial documents
    • NRA 28755 Kidlington and Witney cinemas
    • NRA 3986 Ledwell family deeds (Bucks and Berks)
    • NRA 736 Lenthall family of Burford: papers
    • NRA 7032 Littlemore Mental Hospital link to online catalogue
    • NRA 37843 Henry Long & Sons Ltd, ironmongers, Witney
    • NRA 16812 Lowndes-Stone-Norton family of Brightwell: estate papers
    • NRA 37045 James Marriott Ltd, coal, coke and salt merchants, Witney
    • NRA 633 Marshall & Galpin, solicitors, Oxford
    • NRA 16380 Marshall family of Little Tew: family and estate papers
    • NRA 5341 TP Maslen collection
    • NRA 895 Maxwell & Stillgoe (land agents), Banbury
    • NRA 1564 Morrell, Peel & Gamlen, solicitors, Oxford
    • NRA 36172 Morris Garages Ltd, motor car mfrs and garage proprietors, Oxford
    • NRA 37052 Neate family of Alvescot: deeds and papers
    • NRA 41219 North Hinksey Parish Council
    • NRA 44724 North Oxfordshire and Banbury Auto Club
    • NRA 23782 North Oxfordshire Conservative Association
    • NRA 22281 Northampton Museum collection
    • NRA 24729 Nuffield Fund for Cripples
    • NRA 44690 Ormond family of Wantage
    • NRA 24160 Oxford archdeaconry tithe records
    • NRA 44531 Oxford Bach Choir
    • NRA 41498 Oxford Blue Coat School For Girls
    • NRA 36965 Oxford City Moral Welfare Association (later Skene Welfare Association)
    • NRA 25450 Oxford Congregational churches
    • NRA 41918 Oxford Conservative and Unionist Association
    • NRA 7504 Oxford diocese link to online catalogue
    • NRA 25943 Oxford Fieldpaths Society
    • NRA 44691 Oxford Jewish Congregation
    • NRA 36425 Oxford Ladies Association for the Care of Friendless Girls
    • NRA 11861 Oxford Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 44021 Oxford Regional Health Authority
    • NRA 44022 Oxford Regional Hospital Board
    • NRA 41857 Oxford University Invariant Society
    • NRA 43983 Oxford Women's Centre
    • NRA 23225 Oxfordshire Agricultural Society
    • NRA 29110 Oxfordshire boards of guardians
    • NRA 10865 Oxfordshire Clerk of the Peace: railway plans and books of reference link to online catalogue
    • NRA 44046 Oxfordshire County Council
    • NRA 37291 Oxfordshire county courts
    • NRA 44711 Oxfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes
    • NRA 828 Oxfordshire Ironstone Co Ltd, Banbury: deeds and papers
    • NRA 29487 Oxfordshire parishes
    • NRA 4100 Oxfordshire Quarter Sessions link to online catalogue
    • NRA 21610 Oxfordshire Record Office: misc accessions
    • NRA 28423 Oxfordshire registers of duties on land values
    • NRA 32658 Oxfordshire schools
    • NRA 23590 Oxfordshire Society of Friends
    • NRA 23783 Peers of Chislehampton: family and estate papers
    • NRA 21038 Pennington & Son, solicitors, London
    • NRA 40535 Peyton family, baronets, of Doddington: deeds and papers
    • NRA 14838 Mrs BN Pickford: Oxon and Glos deeds (Lovett, Mills, Lunn, Bateman and Secker families) link to online catalogue
    • NRA 35349 Powys-Lybbe family of Hardwick: deeds and papers
    • NRA 4055 Ravenor & Batt, solicitors, Witney
    • NRA 35122 Reade family of Shipton Court: deeds and papers
    • NRA 10241 Rivington & Son, solicitors, London: Oxfordshire deeds and papers
    • NRA 35740 Raphael Samuel, historian: working papers relating to Headington Quarry
    • NRA 35026 Samuelson & Co Ltd, agricultural and general engineers, Banbury
    • NRA 44386 Sawyer family of Heywood, Berks: Oddington deeds and legal papers
    • NRA 30992 Shepherd & Woodward, tailors and gentlemen's outfitters, Oxford
    • NRA 132 Sibford Gower and Sibford Ferris, Oxon: enclosure awards (copies)
    • NRA 23027 Simpkins family of Henley-on-Thames: deeds and papers
    • NRA 23946 Slatter, Son & More, solicitors, Stratford-on-Avon: Oxfordshire deeds and papers
    • NRA 5673 EL Smith collection: deeds and misc papers (various counties)
    • NRA 22550 Dr R Squires: Wantage medical records
    • NRA 41215 Stoke Lyne Parish Council
    • NRA 23784 Stonesfield Friendly Society
    • NRA 35431 Stopes family of Britwell: deeds and papers
    • NRA 38393 Summertown Congregational Church
    • NRA 239 TW Taylor collection: deeds and Shutford (Oxon) parish constables accounts (various counties) link to online catalogue
    • NRA 42594 Thame Congregational Church
    • NRA 38623 AF & RW Tweedie, solicitors, London: Oxfordshire clients papers
    • NRA 7547 Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes family, Barons Saye and Sele: family and estate papers
    • NRA 38324 Vizards, solicitors, London: Oxfordshire deeds and papers
    • NRA 38390 Walker family of Oxford: family papers
    • NRA 30366 Wantage and Abingdon Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 21907 Wantage local history collection
    • NRA 38678 Watlington Park deeds and papers
    • NRA 22825 John Welch & Stammers, solicitors, Witney: Oxfordshire deeds
    • NRA 35709 Wheate family of Glympton: deeds and papers
    • NRA 41220 Wheatley Common Allotment Charity
    • NRA 41569 Leslie Charles Wheeler: collected deeds and papers mainly rel to Oxfordshire
    • NRA 290 Whitmore-Jones family of Chastleton: family and estate papers
    • NRA 21860 CB Willcocks, architect, Caversham, Berks: Oxfordshire drawings, plans and misc papers
    • NRA 36708 Witney and Faringdon Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 24404 Witney Congregational Church
    • NRA 45104 Witney Urban District Council
    • NRA 3037 Woodstock Borough
    • NRA 37852 Wychwood Lodge deeds and papers
    • NRA 35747 Daniel Young Ltd, mechanical engineers, boilermakers, brassfounders and millwrights, Witney
    • NRA 22856 N Denholm Young: Oxfordshire deeds collection
    • NRA 25757 Zacharias & Co, waterproof clothing mfrs, Oxford


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

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