Catalogue description Prisoner name: Joseph Buxton. Prisoner occupation: innholder. Court and date of trial:...

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Details of HO 17/32/7
Reference: HO 17/32/7

Prisoner name: Joseph Buxton.

Prisoner occupation: innholder.

Court and date of trial: Wiltshire Summer Assizes 1832.

Crime: Arson - setting fire to his own house.

Initial sentence: death.

Annotated: Nil.

Petitioner(s): 191 inhabitants of Bradford, Wiltshire; William Hale, also of Bradford, Wiltshire, forwarding the petition.

Grounds for clemency: Good character for honesty, industry and sobriety; convicted on circumstantial evidence.

Date: 1832 Jul 31
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: DR7
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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