Catalogue description Petitioners: Richard Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel. Name(s): Fitz Alan, Earl of...

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Details of SC 8/242/12085
Reference: SC 8/242/12085
Petitioners: Richard Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel.
Name(s): Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel, Richard
Addressees: King.
Nature of request: Fitz Alan requests that he is able to have and enjoy the goods, chattels and debts of his father, as he is his son and heir. The king with the assent of the lords had granted to him all his father's lands, tenements, fees and advowsons.
Nature of endorsement: [None].
People mentioned: Edmund [Fitz Alan], Earl of Arundel, father of the petitioner.
Note: The petition dates to 1331 as the privy seal warrant with which it was formerly enclosed dates to 14 January 1331 [4 Edw. III] (C 81/178/4205). The goods were granted on 14 January 1331 (CPR 1330-4, p.41).
Date: [1331]
Related material:

For the privy seal warrant with which this petition was formerly enclosed, see no. 4205 in C 81/178

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw III, vol. II, 1330-1334, (Public Record Office, 1894), p.41 (grant of the goods)

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