Catalogue description 1. British Participation in the War Against Japan. JP(45)179(Final). 2. Participation...

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Details of CAB 79/37/10
Reference: CAB 79/37/10

1. British Participation in the War Against Japan. JP(45)179(Final).

2. Participation in"CORONET" - Information for the Dominions. JP(45)185(Final).

3. Manpower - Acceleration of the Release Scheme. JP(45)180(Final).

4. Treatment of Japan after Surrender.

5. SEAC and SWPA - Discussions with Admiral Mountbatten. JP(45)181(Final).

6. Manpower for the Housing Programme. COS(45)152.

7. Situation in Greece. JP(45)184(Final).

8. Publicity in the Far East. COS(45)507(O).

Date: 1945 Aug 03
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: COS(45)191st
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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