Catalogue description Registered Papers, 1879 - 1900

Details of Subseries within HO 45
Reference: Subseries within HO 45
Title: Registered Papers, 1879 - 1900

In the period 1879-1900 the files were registered under one or more of the following alphabetical subject headings:

Addresses to H.M./ Agriculture/ Albert Medal/ Aliens/ Anatomy/ Animals/ Appointments/ Armorial Bearings - Grants or Augmentations of Arms/ Armorial Bearings - Supporters/ Assizes/ Bankruptcy/ Banks/ Baronets - Notes/ Baronets - List of Creations/ Bastardy and Maintenance/ Bigamy/ Bills and Acts - General Matters/ Bills and Acts/ Births/ Blasphemy/ Boilers/ Boroughs/ Bridges/ Building Societies/ Burials/ Bye-Laws/ Census of Population/ Channel Islands - General/ Channel Islands - Guernsey/ Channel Islands - Jersey/ Channel Islands - Isle of Man/ Charities/ Charters/ Children/ Chimney Sweepers/ Clerks of the Peace/ Clerks to Justices/ College of Arms/ Colonies/ Commissions and Committees/ Commissions of the Peace/ Commissions Rogatoires/ Common Lodging Houses/ Commons and Open Spaces/ Compensation/ Contagious Diseases Act (Women)/ Coroners and Inquests/ Court House Accommodation/ Courts, County/ Courts, General/ Cremation/ Criminal/ Crystal Palace/ Customs/ Dangerous Drugs/ Dangerous Performances/ Dangerous Structures/ Debtors/ Deeds/ Denization/ Deserters/ Diplomatic Privilege/ Distress/ Disturbances/ Durham Palatinate/ Ecclesiastical/ Elections/ Emigration/ Entertainments/ Epping Forest/ Evidence/ Executions/ Exequaturs and Recognitions/ Exhibitions/ Exhumation/ Explosives/ Extradition/ Factories/ Fairs/ Fines/ Fire/ Firearms/ Fisheries/ Food/ Foreign / Friendly Societies/ Gambling/ Game/ Gas/ Gladstone/ Government Departments/ Hackney Carriages and Omnibuses/ Home Office (Staff and Office Questions)/ Honours/ Hospitals/ Indecent Publications etc/ Inebriates/ Inflammable Goods/ Ireland/ Isle of Wight/ Judges/ Juries/ Knighthoods - General/ Law Officers' Opinions/ Liquor Licensing/ London/ London Gazette/ Lords Lieutenant of Counties and Custos Rotulorum/ Lunacy/ Magistrates/ Manchester Ship Canal/ Markets/ Marriages/ Mayflower Log Book/ Mayors/ Medical/ Meetings and Processions/ Military/ Mines/ Monuments, Historical/ Mortmain, Licences in/ Municipal Trading/ Museums and Gymnasiums/ Names and Arms, Change of/ Nationality/ Naturalization/ Naval/ Oaths/ Official Analyst/ Papal Registers/ Pardons/ Parks, Open Spaces and Commons/ Parliament/ Passes (Ivory Passes)/ Pawnbrokers/ Pedlars Acts/ Peerages - Notes/ Peerages: List of Creations/ Petition of Right/ Petitions to Her Majesty/ Pigeons, Homing/ Poisons/ Police - County and Borough/ Police - Metropolitan/ Police Courts (Metropolitan)/ Poor Law and Paupers/ Post Office/ Precedence/ Printing/ Prisons and Prisoners/ Property/ Prosecutions/ Prostitution and White Slave Traffic/ Provisional Orders/ Publications/ Public Servants/ Quarter Sessions/ Queen Anne's Bounty/ Railways/ Rates/ Recognizances/ Recorders/ Records/ Registration Act, 1885/ Registration of Births, etc/ Rewards/ Ripon, Chief Bailiff/ Rivers/ Royal - Patronage/ Royal - Other Matter/ St Patrick, Order of/ Salvation Army/ Schools/ Scilly Islands/ Scotland/ Seals/ Sewers - Notes/ Sewers, Commissioners of - List of Appointments/ Sheriffs/ Ships/ Shops/ Slaves/ Stamp Acts/ Statistics/ Street Trading/ Strikes/ Summary Jurisdiction/ Sunday/ Telegraphs/ Tower of London/ Trades Unions/ Traffic/ Treasure Trove/ Truck/ Universities/ Vaccination/ Vagrancy/ Verification of Signatures, Seals and Documents/ Victoria and Albert, Order of/ Vivisection/ Wales/ War/ Wards/ Warrants/ Water/ Wellington College/ Wild Birds/ Wills/ Witnesses/ Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability.

Note: The dates stated in the subseries titles relate to the date the papers were registered at the Home Office, rather than the dates of the documents.

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