Catalogue description 'Duisburg-Nienhausen Case'

Details of Subseries within WO 235
Reference: Subseries within WO 235
Title: 'Duisburg-Nienhausen Case'
Note: Generally titled the 'Duisburg-Nienhausen case', which implies there was a borough or district in Duisburg named Nienhausen, but seemingly that is not so. The circumstances of this case, which is variously named in the different files regarding it, concerns the killing of two unknown airmen in the meadow of a farmer named Nienhaus in the vicinity of Hamborn following the shooting-down of an allied aircraft in the Meiderich District of Duisburg in March 1945.
Related material:

For other files regarding this case, please see:

WO 309/299

WO 309/300

WO 309/1160

WO 311/504

WO 235/759

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