Catalogue description Asiago Front: British sector Operations maps without trench and battery positions 1918

Details of Subseries within WO 369
Reference: Subseries within WO 369
Title: Asiago Front: British sector Operations maps without trench and battery positions 1918
Note: See graphic index, piece 12 and WO 1925 typed index, piece 3, page 5. Sheets listed in alphabetical order by title. These maps are in the same series as Operational ("trench") maps of this Front listed as pieces 407-426 but were kept separate by WO as not having trenches marked on these editions. See graphic indexes, pieces 12 and 15 and WO 1925 typed index, piece 3, page 7. Sheets listed in alphabetical order by title. Editions without trench positions are listed as pieces 191 to 229, following the same basic organisation as that adopted by WO, GSGS Map Room. Intelligence maps and Target maps listed by WO at the end of page 7 are here listed under the Intelligence maps section, pieces 153 to 190. Allied positions O/P in blue, enemy in red.

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