Catalogue description Register of salaried and waged staff. Includes stationmasters, porters, guards, ticket...

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Details of RAIL 410/1798
Reference: RAIL 410/1798

Register of salaried and waged staff. Includes stationmasters, porters, guards, ticket collectors, clerks and breaksmen.

Gives some or all of the following details: number, name, capacity, date of appointment, salary or wages, date of increase or reduction, age at time of joining service, height and remarks including information of death or where transferred to.

Some extra staff lists have been bound at the back of the volume. These include a list of staff at Willesden Junction March 1873, a return of Traffic staff at Rugby 30 November 1873, a list of apprentices in Southern Division 1 May 1873 and a list of staff on the Hampstead Junction Line.

Appears to cover stations in the Southern half of the network only.

Date: 1870 - 1876

Arranged in the main alphabetically by station name.

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: LNW 15/2
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Closed For 75 years

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