Catalogue description Captured ship: Diamond of London (James Clarke master). [D1169]. History: an English...

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Details of HCA 30/756
Reference: HCA 30/756

Captured ship: Diamond of London (James Clarke master). [D1169].

History: an English slave ship, trading from London to Guinea to Havana, taken on the return voyage from Cuba by the French privateer Bellona and retaken by HMS Goliath, August 1803.

Documents: Administrative books the Dutch West India Company and successors for the establishment (including slaves) in Dutch West Africa [Dutch Guinea or Dutch Gold Coast, now Ghana]. Dutch establishment at Elmina, Axim, Fort St Antonius, etc:

1. 'Extracten & papieren van de Buite Comptoiren', 1794.

2. 'Papieren van de Buite Comptoiren, Elmina', January-August 1796 (duplicate).

Note: Re-catalogued to this level of detail in 2017
Date: 1803; [1794-1796]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: Dutch
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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