Catalogue description Receipt by John de Haya, knight. for 10 marks received from the Chamberlain of Scotland...

This record is held by National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)

Details of E 39/94/5/16
Reference: E 39/94/5/16

Receipt by John de Haya, knight. for 10 marks received from the Chamberlain of Scotland as his fee. Perth. Annexed: Warrant for payment of the above sum. Receipt: [Stevenson, i. 114]. Transferred to the Scottish Record Office, 1949

Date: 1289 Nov. 25.
Held by: National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland), not available at The National Archives
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Custodial history: Formerly held by The National Archives, Kew, until transferred to the Scottish Record Office.

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