Catalogue description Indenture of Sale. (1) Sir Thomas Seymour kt., and (2) John Warneford, of Sevenhampton,...

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Details of E 328/293
Reference: E 328/293

Indenture of Sale. (1) Sir Thomas Seymour kt., and (2) John Warneford, of Sevenhampton, co. Wilts., gent. and Susan, his wife. King, by letters patent under great seal of England, 11 July 33 Henry VIII, for site and demesne lands of late monastery of Cogyshall, otherwise Coxhall, co. Essex, and manor of Cogyshall, parsonage of Cogyshall, and all manors etc. in Cogyshall, Tolleshunt Maior, Spryngfeld, Wakerynge Magna, Wakerynge Parva, Inworth, Messyng and Braxsted, co. Essex, by indenture, 12 May 33 Henry VIII (see no. 250 above) and £2,693-2-11 paid to Court of Augmentations, granted manor of Sevenhampton, co. Wilts., and all messuages belonging for £4-15-4½ p,a. Sale by Seymour of capital messuage in Sevenhampton, called Warneford place, and rents etc. in Sevenhampton, called Culverham, Mylleham, Morysplotte, Oxonham, Wopulhame, le Roche, le Mede Close, Bailiffs le Pond Close, le Sheppehous close, Reynolds, Lydhall and Bakons, rents etc. of 13 yard lands in Sevenhampton contsining 324 a. arable land, 103 a. meadow, yearly rent of 20s. in Southmarston, called Frencham, Brechellesham, otherwise Wards hame, rents etc. in Sevenhampton and South Marston, parcel of land in Sevenhampton called Wopull, 1 a. land next Wopull pece, tenement etc. called Westhouse, 11 other tenements, 5 cottages, 22 tofts and 25½ yard lands, 1 a. meadow in meadow called Fiftene acres, 2 a. meafow called Chyllade, common of pasture in the summer for 116 oxen etc. in pasture called Byllyngesham. Seal ; Signature : John Warneford.

Date: 23 July 1541.
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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