Catalogue description Undistributed Records

Details of Subseries within T 70
Reference: Subseries within T 70
Title: Undistributed Records

This subseries contains a diverse collection of Royal African Company records which were not easily identifiable when first catalogued. They include: insurance certificates for ship's cargoes; vouchers verifying the annual accounts of the Company; ledger balance sheets; lists of provisions required for several of the Company's forts on the Gold Coast in West Africa; and powers of attorney papers for Company employees. Among the papers there is a treaty from 1753 between Britain and the Fantee people in which the Fantee promise not to let the French establish settlements in their lands, in exchange for munitions (T 70/1695). All the people present are named and details are given of the hostages surrendered by the Fantee. The correspondence of John Roberts, Governor of Cape Coast Castle on the Gold Coast is in T 70/1694.

Note: Some catalogue entries within this subseries were produced using data supplied by Jennifer Goodier, archives and records management student at University College London and originally created as part of a cataloguing project, 2023.
Date: 1718-1834

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