Catalogue description Flat maps and drawings of special interest

Details of MPM
Reference: MPM
Title: Flat maps and drawings of special interest

This was an artificial accumulation created by the Public Record Office (PRO) in the mid-twentieth century to cater for non-textual material, largely also non-cartographic, extracted to special storage from records of various departments following transfer to the PRO.

Between 1977 and 1983 the MPM extract prefix was abolished. Many of the extracts reverted to their original document references. Others were given new extract references and can now be found within the following series: EXT 9, EXT 11, HCA 65, MFQ 1 and PRO 49.

These references were originally location codes and were never officially treated as catalogue references. No publicly-available list of them in numerical order was ever created. Nevertheless, the former MPM numbers have been noted in the current catalogue entries for these records.

Date: -

The number MPM 12 was assigned to a set of fragments of wallpaper and marble paper; these are now believed to make up most of PRO 49 and some of HCA 65, but it is not now possible to establish their complete storage history. MPM 83 was a number not used

Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Access conditions: No records held at The National Archives in this departmental code

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