Catalogue description Portugal: Estremadura. Two items. (2) 'A Military Survey of the Lines of Defence in...

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Details of WO 78/740
Reference: WO 78/740

Portugal: Estremadura. Two items. (2) 'A Military Survey of the Lines of Defence in front of Lisbon': covering areas north and west of Lisbon (Lisboa) as far as the Atlantic coast and the River Sizandro. Reference table to heights, roads and military communications. Scale: 1 inch to 800 yards. Compass star. Drawn by Charles Chaplin, Royal Military Surveyor and Draughtsman, October 1814. (1) Outline copy of item (2): '... with the ground of the Positions only marked in'. Signed by S B Howlett, December 1826.

Date: 1814-1826
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: A 46
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Dimensions: 111 cm x 116 cm
Map scale: 1:28800
Physical condition: MS, coloured
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office: 4. Europe and Turkey, ed Geraldine Beech (London, 1998), entry 3862

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