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Details of ADM 137/1907E
Reference: ADM 137/1907E

[Note: ADM 137/1907, 1907A-1907E are produced as a single document: order as ADM 137/1907].

[Listing continued from ADM 137/1907D].

Folios 567-577: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 8 April 1918. NID11611. Translation of extracts from Daily Orders of German High Seas Fleet 11 June 1917.

Folios 578-581: Letter No 888/HF008, 2 April 1918 from C-in-C Grand Fleet to Admiralty requesting further Notification to ID 1042 ? German High Seas Fleet and covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 7 April 1918. NID4702. States new edition of ID 1042 to be issued next few days and gives further information.

Folios 582-584: Admiralty letter NL.17057, 17 May 1918 enclosing copy of report received from Vice Admiral WL Grant, C-in-C North America and West Indies concerning a small incendiary bomb found in the cabin of Engineer Sub-Lieutenant M Butterworth on HMS Alsatian on 9 May 1918.

Folios 585-594: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 27 May 1918. NID12773. Copy of report on interrogation of five Belgian prisoners of war escaped from Germany on 30 March 1918. Named as:- Felix Lefevre, age 27, born in Liège Jean Richard, age 28, born in Flemalle-Haute, near Liège Jules Derivaux, age 35, born in Huy Emile Gilles, age 30, born in St Gervais Pierre Mertens, age 27, born in Fléron.

Folios 595-617: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 29 May 1918. NID12894. Report of interrogation of commander (and sole survivor) of UB.16 including report by Lieutenant WS King-Hall who escorted prisoner. Commander named as Lieutenant Vicco von der Lühe. Those drowned include:- Lange, 1st Class Petty Officer Engelke, 2nd Class Haase, Seaman Koch, Engine room warrant officer Bongart, 2nd class engine room petty officer Schmidt, Leading stoker Wagner, Stoker.

Folios 618-619: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 27 June 1918. NID0165. Report received from Naval Attaché, The Hague regarding measures taken by Dutch Naval Authorities during crises of April last (tension between Holland and Germany.)

Folios 620-635: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 25 July 1918. NID0191. Translation of a secret German book on protective barriers. Titled ?Barrage regulations for the protective barrages of the ?S? Flotilla?, Berlin 1917. Includes coloured diagrams of various barrages.

Folios 636-638: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 15 August 1918. NID0229. Translation of documents recovered from Zeppelin L.70.

Folios 639-642: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 17 August 1918. NID14389. Comments related to replacement of Admiral von Capelle by Vice Admiral Paul Behncke as Secretary of State for The Navy including photograph and biography of Behncke.

Folios 643-645: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 30 September 1918. NID15195 as follow up to NID14389. Further information related to replacement of Admiral von Capelle. Now definitively replaced by Vice Admiral Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler with Vice Admiral Paul Behncke returning to the Fleet. Biography of Mann included.

Folios 646-656: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 31 August 1918. NID14666. List of Flag Officers in the German High Seas Fleet with biography of each.

Folios 657-668: Covering letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 9 September 1918. NID0268. Copy of report of interrogation of a German deserter named as Armand Denny born at Massmünster, Alasace. Contents of report:- I. Introductory remarks. II.Miscellaneous information (i)Socialist propaganda in the German Navy (ii)Decline of morale in the German Navy (iii)Treatment of natives of Alsace and Lorraine (iv)Shortage of raw materials. III.Naval information (i)Old battleship Preussen (ii)Battleship Friedrich Der Grosse (iii)Surveying ship Hyane (iv)Surveying launches (v)Hulk Leipzig (vi)Damage sustained at Battle of Jutland; Prinzregent Luitpold; Von Der Tann; Lutzow. IV.Belgian coast defences (i)Ostend defences (ii)Electrified wire (iii)Bruges.

Folios 669-678: Correspondence related to HMS Nairana visit to White Sea comprising:- Covering letter No 2959/HF0017, 21 October 1918 with; Notes of White Sea facilities for use to other Navy ships entering Russian waters including report by surgeon of HMS Nairana; Admiralty letter M.53029, 29 November 1918 with letter containing complaints of mail arrangements by commander of HMS Nairana; Letter No 3278/HF0017, 10 December 1918.

Folio 679: Letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 1 November 1918. NID15667. Short report titled ?Bolshevik propaganda. ?

Folio 680: Letter from Director of the Intelligence Division to C-in-C Grand Fleet, 14 November 1918. NID1/OL4047. Noted that information received that Okean on way to England via Copenhagen. Left Petrograd ten days ago.

Folios 681-685: Correspondence concerning placing of bombs on Allied warships by Bolsheviks comprising: Navy letter No 500, 9 January 1919; French Naval attaché, Copenhagen letter 7 January 1919; Rear Admiral Walter Cowan letter 8 January 1919.

Folios 686-691: Covering note RA2LCS, No 3633/037, 30 November 1918 enclosing proceedings of HMS Dublin Letter No 5/15, 28 November 1918 covering journey from Leith to Murmansk and return to Scotland starting 17 November 1918. Noted that Major General CM Maynard was given passage on return journey.

Folios 692-693: Admiralty letter M.0142, 14 January 1919 enclosing letter No JC304, 9 January 1919 from the Japanese Naval Attaché, Sd H Iida to Sir Oswyn Murray concerning withdrawing of Japanese warships form the Mediterranean.

Folios 694-697: blank.

Date: 1914-1918
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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