Catalogue description Records of Embassies, High Commissions, Consulates and other British overseas representatives

Details of Division within FCO
Reference: Division within FCO
Title: Records of Embassies, High Commissions, Consulates and other British overseas representatives

The series in this division contain records produced at the overseas posts (embassies, high commissions, consulates, governors' offices, missions and delegations) maintained by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in foreign or Commonwealth states, UK dependencies and at international organisations. Most such posts were already in existence before the formation of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in October 1968, and where earlier records have been selected for permanent preservation, the post-1968 records will continue to be found with the records of the earlier creating bodies: the Foreign Office (FO); the Commonwealth Office, the Commonwealth Relations Office, the Dominions Office (DO); and the Colonial Office (CO).

This division therefore only contains series of records where the first selected file produced by the overseas post dates from after the formation of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The posts covered by this division are as follows:

Records of embassies for the following: Chad, FCO 88; Panama, FCO 91; Chile, FCO 100; Muscat, FCO 101; Jedda, FCO 102.

Records of high commissions for the following: Uganda, FCO 89.

Records of governors' offices for the following: Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno IslandsFCO 94.


Registered files of the Office of the Deputy Commandant, British Military Government, Berlin, FCO 90.

Office of the Governor (Spandau Prison), British Military Government, Berlin files, FCO 161.

Political Office, Dubai, FCO 164.

Crown Agents; loan agreements with sovereign states, FCO 165.

Date: 1938-2000
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Physical description: 10 series
Access conditions: Subject to 30 year closure unless otherwise stated

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