Catalogue description 2 individual petitions (prisoner, undersigned by 53 people (trades and addresses given))...

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Details of HO 17/71/66
Reference: HO 17/71/66

2 individual petitions (prisoner, undersigned by 53 people (trades and addresses given)) on behalf of George Quantock, broker, cabinet maker and journeyman of Brook Hill, Clerkenwell [Middlesex], (tried with Alfred Boone and Ann White (Mrs Boone)) convicted at the Old Bailey Sessions on 2 January 1838, for conspiracy to defraud, value £5 19s 10d, £18 6s 10d and £14 15s 2d, from Coates Fennell, grocer and tea dealer of Paradise Row, Chelsea, George Davis, grocer of Knightsbridge and James Bennett. Other papers include the following:

  • A certificate from Charles Walter, attorney, explaining he would have been found innocent at trial if witnesses to his character had been called.
  • 4 affidavits.
  • A letter from A Quantock, prisoner's wife, regarding his petition and 2 cheques to the value of £20 6s 2d dated 3 December 1837 and £20 0s 5d dated 5 December 1837 signed George Locke to Mr William Leather, tea dealer of 42 Chapel Street, Pentonville and Princes Street, Drury Lane [cheques not included].

Grounds for clemency: innocent, blames Ann White who goes under many aliases, there were discrepancies in evidence from witnesses, did not know Alfred Boone, ill-health (fits), was employed and had good credit, previous good character, has wife and 4 children dependent on him and his wife cannot work as she had lost the use of her right arm. Initial sentence: 2 years imprisonment, held in Giltspur Street Compter prison, London. Annotated: nil. MY20

Date: [1838 Jan; 1838 Jun]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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