Catalogue description LANDMAN, Samuel; alias Samuel LANDMAN, alias LANDMANN: Russian, British. A suspended...

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Details of KV 2/3134
Reference: KV 2/3134

LANDMAN, Samuel; alias Samuel LANDMAN, alias LANDMANN: Russian, British. A suspended solicitor, LANDMAN came to notice in 1940 when charging aliens considerable sums of money in order to obtain for them concessions from the Home Office. He was legal adviser to, and a member of the executive of, the revisionist New Zionist Organisation. In 1947 he was shown to be involved with the Zionist activities of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (Herut Group) and later with Israeli Intelligence, as its channel of communication from Werner ARON

Note: Serial 193b: summary
Date: 1947 Nov 26 - 1948 May 02
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: PF 46494 VOL 3
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Retained Until 2010
Record opening date: 08 March 2010

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