Catalogue description Richard KAUDER, alias Klatt: Austrian. An Abwehr officer operating first from Vienna,...

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Details of KV 2/1498
Reference: KV 2/1498

Richard KAUDER, alias Klatt: Austrian. An Abwehr officer operating first from Vienna, then Sofia and later Budapest under the title Dienstelle Klatt, KAUDER reported mainly on the Soviet order of battle (under codename Max) and his information was highly regarded. His reporting on the British Middle East (under codename Moritz) was less reliable. One of the Klatt bureau's principal subsources on the USSR was a White Russian, Ira Longin, based in Sofia with wide access in White Russian circles and what were claimed to be wireless agents in the Soviet Union itself. Another contact was a leading White Russian in Rome, General Turkul. After the war it was concluded that Ira Longin and possibly Turkul had been under Soviet control all along

Note: Contains the Klatt radio traffic
Date: 1941 Jan 01 - 1944 Dec 31
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: PF 602358 LINK A
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Retained Until 2004
Record opening date: 30 March 2004

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