Catalogue description Folios 8-10: John Wilson, aged 20, ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, severe pain of the...

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Details of ADM 101/123/1B/2
Reference: ADM 101/123/1B/2

Folios 8-10: John Wilson, aged 20, ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, severe pain of the bowels and griping; put on sick list, 22 July 1815, Java; died 3 August 1815, Samarang.

Folios 10-11: George Maule, aged 15, boy 3rd class; sick or hurt, headache, cold shivering succeeded by heat of the skin; put on sick list, 10 June 1815, Batavia; discharged to duty 15 August 1815, at Samarang.

Folios 11-13: William Cudinhead, aged 22, ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, pain in bowels; put on sick list, 28 May 1815, at sea; died 28 August 1815, Batavia.

Folio 13: David Grewer, aged 36, landsman; sick or hurt, whilst stowing the spanker fell down on the boom, received a violent contusion on the groin and testicle therby producing a scrotal hernia of the right side for which he wears a truss. A smart ticket was given him dated 1 September 1815; put on sick list, 10 January 1815, Madras Roads.

Folio 13: Charles Strattan, age [not stated], ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, in over exerting himself whilst lifting up a heavy sheep into the sheep pen produced a scrotal hernia of the right side, for which he wears a truss. A smart ticket was given him dated 5 September 1815.

Folios 13-15: Michael Mathias, aged 30, captain of the afterguard; sick or hurt, has been employed for several days past on shore assisting the armourer in making iron hoops for a new bowsprit, being exposed to the sun and got very much intoxicated the last night he was on shore and in the water for a length of time, refusing to be brought off to the ship. Complains of violent headache, pulse quick and hard, tongue white and thirsty, general pains and lassitude; put on sick list, 24 August 1815, Samarang, Java; died 6 September 1815, Angier, Java.

Folios 15-16: Francis Owcoff, aged 45, private marine; sick or hurt, violent pain in bowels; put on sick list 13 August 1815, Samarang, Java; died 10 September 1815.

Folios 16-18: John Houston, aged 20, landsman; sick or hurt, pain and fullness of the right hypochondrium, increased on pressure; put on sick list, 21 June 1815, Batavia; died 20 September 1815 at sea.

Folios 19-20: Robert Simpson, aged 29, able seaman; sick or hurt, pain of stomach, loss of appetite and debility; put on sick list, 23 May 1815, Batavia; died 1 October 1815 at sea.

Folios 20-22: Edward Davis, aged 36, carpenter's mate; sick or hurt, severe pains of bowels and frequent purging of white slimy matter; put on sick list, 17 August 1815, Samarang, Java; died 1 October 1815 at sea.

Folio 22: William Smith, aged 26, quarter gunner; sick or hurt, ulcer on the right leg; put on sick list, 15 April 1815, at sea; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815.

Folio 22: Patrick McHenley, aged 23, ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, ulcer on the left leg; put on sick list, 28 August 1815, Batavia; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815.

Folio 22: Joseph Hardcastle, aged 32, yeoman of the sheets; sick or hurt, contusion of the right great toe; put on sick list, 14 May 1815, Straits of Malacca; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815.

Folio 23: Peter Kearn, aged 22, landsman; sick or hurt, ulcer on the right leg; put on sick list, 7 September 1815, Bantam, Java; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815.

Folio 23: James Day, aged 21, carpenter's crew; sick or hurt, griping, tenesmus; put on sick list, 29 August 1815, Java; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815.

Folio 23: John Sheppard, aged 20, ordinary seaman; sick or hurt, hepatitis; put on sick list, 4 September 1815, Straits of Sunda; discharged to the hospital at Trincomalee on 6 October 1815. Died 15 October 1815.

Folios 23-24: Francis Hillman, aged 47, master at arms; sick or hurt, retention of urine; put on sick list, 7 August 1815, Samarang; discharged 13 October 1815 at Trincomalee.

Folio 24: Alexander Smith, aged 27, able seaman; sick or hurt, in assisting to get a cask of sugar out of the afterhold the chime of the cask fell on his foot, by which he lost the third phalanx of the middle and fourth toes of the left foot. I tried to save the middle toe but the contusion was so great that it was necessary to be amputated four days after the accident; put on sick list, 28 February 1815, at sea; discharged 25 September 1815 to duty.

Folio 24: Abraham Powell, aged 30, captain's clerk; sick or hurt, had been bathing astern of the ship (contrary to the captain's orders) and being much intoxicated, fell down from the top of the stern ladder on the pitch stage, producing a compound fracture of the right thigh; put on sick list, 15 October 1815, Trincomalee; died 21 October 1815 at Trincomalee. Also contains details of a post mortem.

Folio 25: a numerical abstract of the medical cases mentioned in the journal.

Folios 25-26: Surgeon's general remarks.

Date: 1814-1815
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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