Catalogue description Series not now used: Records transferred to HLG 29.

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Details of HLG 147
Reference: HLG 147
Title: Series not now used: Records transferred to HLG 29.

This series previously held Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Bill Files (B Series). These records were transferred to HLG 29/2236-2249 in July 2009.

Bill files were created by all divisions within the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and, later, the Department of the Environment (DOE), covering all stages in the legislative procedure up to Royal Assent. The files were raised in 1961 and were used by all divisions within the Ministry when they were responsible for sponsoring a bill. The lead division in each piece of legislation would establish a section to steer the bill through the various stages up to Royal Assent. Pre-introduction covered correspondence between the department and Parliamentary counsel while post-introduction covered the introduction, first reading, second reading report and third reading stages in the Houses of Commons and Lords. During the passage of the bill through Parliament the responsible division did not usually hold other related files. Bill files were regarded as classified, even if they contained unclassified material. Subsequently, the docket books for the files were returned to DOE's classified registry.

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