Catalogue description 6 items (enclosures in Sir Peregrine Maitland's despatch of 8 March 1820) extracted from...

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Details of MF 1/30
Reference: MF 1/30

6 items (enclosures in Sir Peregrine Maitland's despatch of 8 March 1820) extracted from CO 42/365: plans of lands in Upper Canada (now in Ontario, Canada) proposed to be sold for the endowment of a Royal Invalid Asylum and 'to defray the annual charge of Presents to Indians'. (1) Plan A: 'Sketch shewing the Situation of the Mohawk Tract'. Shows lands on the shore of the Bay of Quinte. Scale: 1 inch to 5 miles. (2) Plan B: 'Copy of a Sketch submitted to His Excell y the Lieu t Governor in July 1819, with some Additions made at this time' (title added in pencil). Shows plots between Lake Erie and Lake Huron; boundary between the London and Western Districts. No scale shown. Compass indicator. (3) Plan C: 'Sketch shewing the situation of the Gore of Toronto'. Scale: 1 inch to 5 miles. (4) Plan D: plan of part of the District of Gore, showing Crown and clergy reserves for the County of Lincoln and for the Six Nations. No scale shown. (5) Plan F: plan of area between Upper George Street and College Square, York, showing occupiers' names. (6) Plan E: plan of lands either side of King Street East, York, showing occupiers' names. No scale shown. Dimensions of sheets: (1, 3, 4, 5) 27 cm x 42 cm; (2) 26 cm x 33 cm; (6) 42 cm x 51 cm.

Date: 1820
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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