Catalogue description British Council: National Hearths: Correspondence and Papers

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Details of BW 108
Reference: BW 108
Title: British Council: National Hearths: Correspondence and Papers

Surviving files of the Resident Foreigners Section, covering the Netherlands, Polish and Yugoslav homes in London established for refugees during the Second World War.

Date: 1942-1946
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Not Public Record(s)
Language: English
Physical description: 7 file(s)
Selection and destruction information: The records in this series are the only ones known to have survived concerning national hearths.
Administrative / biographical background:

National hearths (or houses) were set up in London, Liverpool and throughout the UK as meeting places for civilians and servicemen of the allied nations, with the aim of making visitors feel they were coming to a home away from home. The Resident Foreigners Section gave assistance in the running of these national and allied centres, each of which was run by an executive committee with a resident director and/or secretary. British Council responsibility for the centres came to an end in 1945 and the buildings were sold off in 1946.

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