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  • Division within INF1915-1998General records of the Central Office of Information and its predecessor government information departments and ministries

    General records of the Department of Information 1917-1918, Ministry of Information 1918, interwar government publication work, Ministry of Information 1939-1946 and Central Office of Information (COI) from 1946 relating to the provision of government publicity and public information and comprising:

    • A collection of papers from various sources on First World War information and propaganda services and papers relating to the planning of the Ministry of Information, 1939-1946, INF 4
    • Papers relating to the planning of the Ministry of Information, 1939-1946 and files of the Ministry, INF 1
    • Ministry of Information 1939-1946 and COI publicity material, INF 2 and INF 13, together with selected photographs used in such material, INF 14 and original art work, INF 3.
    • COI divisional reports to the Director General, INF 8
    • COI registered files, INF 12
    • COI annual service reports, INF 18
    • Minutes of COI regional officers' conferences, INF 19
    • Press summaries, COI Welsh Office, INF 20
    • COI personal files, INF 21
    • COI staff lists, INF 22
    • Ministry of Information 1939-1945 and COI, minutes of Departmental Whitley Council meetings, INF 23
    • Dixon Scott Collection of photographs, INF 9
    • British Empire Collection of photographs, INF 10
    • British Council Photographic Collection, INF 11