Catalogue description Medical and surgical journal of Her Majesty's hired transport ship John for 13 September...

Details of ADM 101/37/6A
Reference: ADM 101/37/6A

Medical and surgical journal of Her Majesty's hired transport ship John for 13 September 1830 to 30 January 1831 by T B Wilson, Surgeon, during which time the said transport was employed in the conveying 200 convicts from Portsmouth to Van Dieman's Land.

Folios 1-2: John Hilms, aged 19, convict; case number 1; disease or hurt, psora. Put on sick list, 15 October 1830. Discharged cured.

Folio 2: George Freeman, aged 28, convict; case number 2; disease or hurt, ulcus magnum. Put on sick list, 15 October 1830. Discharged 10 November 1830 cured.

Folio 3: George Davis, aged 35, convict; case number 3; disease or hurt, lues venerea. Put on sick list, 23 October 1830. Discharged 5 November 1830 cured.

Folio 4: John Smith, aged 34, convict; case number 4; disease or hurt, hamorrhois. Put on sick list, 26 October 1830 at sea. Discharged 8 November 1830 cured.

Folios 4-5: Henry Saville, aged 23, convict; case number 5; disease or hurt, catarrhus. Put on sick list, 29 October 1830 at sea. Discharged 1 November 1830 cured.

Folio 5: Thomas Wells, aged 37, convict; case number 6; disease or hurt, opthalmia membranarum. Put on sick list, 2 November 1830 at sea. Discharged 8 November 1830 cured.

Folios 6-7: George Clark, aged 26, convict; case number 7; disease or hurt, ictus solis. Put on sick list, 13 November 1830 at sea. Discharged 5 December 1830 cured.

Folios 8-9: George Cardan, aged 38, steward; case number 8; disease or hurt, vulnus capitas contusium. Put on sick list, 23 November 1830 at sea. Discharged 2 December 1830 cured.

Folio 10: Henry Woodford, aged 46, convict; case number 9; disease or hurt, febris catarrhalis. Put on sick list, 15 November 1830 at sea. Discharged 20 November 1830 cured.

Folios 11-12: Joseph Drew, aged 36, convict; case number 10; disease or hurt, pneumonia. Put on sick list, 12 December 1830 at sea. Discharged 30 January 1831 to the General Hospital at Hobart.

Folio 13: John McDonald, aged 28, convict; case number 11; disease or hurt, febris catarrhalis. Put on sick list, December 1830 at sea. Discharged 10 December 1830 cured.

Folio 14: William Clarke, aged 24, private 17th Regiment; case number 12; disease or hurt, opthalmia. Put on sick list, 18 December 1830 at sea. Discharged 24 December 1830 cured.

Folio 15: A nosological synopsis of the medical cases mentioned in the journal.

Folio 16: A list of men who have received wounds or hurts, during the period of the journal. [No names recorded].

Folios 16-18: Surgeon's general remarks. On 12 September 1830, I was appointed Surgeon and Superintendent of the transport ship John fitting out at Deptford to convey 200 convicts from the hulks at Portsmouth to Van Dieman's Land. On the 20 September a detachment of the 17th Regiment (consisting of 30; officers included) embarked to serve as a guard over the prisoners, 8 women and 9 children were attached to the party. On Saturday we sailed from Deptford and arrived at Spithead on the 1 October, early on the morning of the 5th I examined the prisoners (100 on board the York and 100 on board the Leviathan, who were under orders for transportation. On the 14th October we sailed from Spithead. Folios 18-20: An abstract of a meteorological journal kept in the convict ship during a voyage from England to Van Dieman's Land.

[Note: ADM 101/37/6, 6A-6B, are produced as a single document: order as ADM 101/37/6].

Date: 1830-1831
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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