Catalogue description Exemplification of final concord between Robert Coker and George Worth v John...

This record is held by Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust)

Details of DD/TB/29/33/1-16
Reference: DD/TB/29/33/1-16

Exemplification of final concord between Robert Coker and George Worth v John Caswoodlegh concerning the Manor of West Stoodleigh, East Mere and Cove and the advowson of West Stoodleigh, 1578, assignment of debts of John Bruford of Halse to John Bryant of Stogumber by Robert Perry of Halse, 1626 (endorsed "This concerns Hudford's Tenement", Clatworthy), assignment in trust for Mary, wife of John Walter of West Pennard of 5 ac. land in West Pennard, 1662, will of Thomas Foalkes of Bolsover, Derbyshire, 1655, Justice's order to fine Philip Risdon of Old Cleeve for neglect of road repairs, 1755, agreement by Thomas Carew to lease to Hugh Barlow of Lawrenny, Pembroke, a coney warren and a house called Waste Williamston Park with liberty to dig for limestone, 1758, list of victuallers etc. who owe duty in the Divisions of Stogumber, Stowey and Bridgwater, 1760, case against Thomas Carew for the theft of timber worth £100 (relates to trees planted on land belonging to Kingsmill, a lunatic, at the bottom of the kitchen garden at Crowcombe), 1761, Act for vesting Manors of East and West Stoodleigh and other Devon estates belonging to James Bernard in trust to be conveyed to Matthew Brickdale, 1773, copy assignment of mortgages of Manor of Clatworthy to Revd James Bernard of Combe Florey, 1816.

Date: 1578-1833
Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 16 docs

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