Catalogue description Report of Conference on the transit of animals of by air, 11 January 1949

This record is held by Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Archive

Details of EXE/8/3/4/1
Reference: EXE/8/3/4/1
Title: Report of Conference on the transit of animals of by air, 11 January 1949

Typewritten Report of a conference between Chief Secretary Arthur W Moss, CVO Major Hancock and senior Inspectors, with representatives of MAFF, NVMA and British/Irish AIr Companies concerning air transit of animals, including proposals for building premises at major airports including London Heathrow, in discussion with the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Date: 11 January 1949
Held by: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Archive, not available at The National Archives

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