Catalogue description Court roll   Manor(s) of: Fawy   m.16   1453, 15th Oct = cl   1453, 13th Nov = c2  ...

This record is held by Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office)

Details of ART/2/1/6
Reference: ART/2/1/6

Court roll


Manor(s) of: Fawy




1453, 15th Oct = cl


1453, 13th Nov = c2


1453, 14th Dec = c3


1454, 15th Jan (-m.17) = c4




1454, 11th Feb = c5


1454, 22nd Mar = c6


1454, 3rd May = c7


1454, 31st May = c8


1454, 10th Jul = c9




1454, 18th Sep = c10


Selected contents: cl. Law court; inquisition whether Philip Watte assaulted Thomas Watte and unjustly arrested him in Ireland concerning 6s 8d ... custody of the bailiff in hue justly [raised], presented by bailiff the previous year [between Thomas Mayowe, plaintiff, and Philip Watte, defendant, in hue justly (raised); Mayowe did not prosecute -- c2]; plea of taking and detaining 1 'shetelle' [shuttle?]; inquisition whether John Perys unjustly detains 1 horse with saddle and bridle, value 20s, 1 silver girdle, value 26s 6d, and 4 silver "corular'" [?], value 2s each, from goods of Thomas Palle; death of John Skeverell, who held ½ acre Cornish in Myghels...; George Corser has a pig-house in the high street, 'ad nocumentum transientium' [claimed it was on his own free tenement, c3]; appointment of John Covntre as reeve, John Perkyn as bailiff, John Furant and David Taylour as ale-tasters, and George Corser and Thomas Dovne to weigh bread.


c5. Court; inquisition whether Thomas Bartha detains 1 hauberk (lorica), value 10s, and 1 chest with various things in it, value 6s 8d, from goods of Henry John, delivered to him in London by Henry.


c7. Law court; John Kendale places himself in lord's grace (40d) for committing rescue upon Henry Hopkyn, lately reeve, and taking 1 cauldron ('cavderne'), taken for lord's pence in arrears.


c8. Inquisition whether David Taylour and Thomas Raulyn separately kept taverns for strangers (conservaverint tabernas extraneorum) in their houses, without lord's licence.


c10. Inquisition whether Robert Baudyn assaulted William Smyth, and called him thief (et eum vocavit latronem), in plea of trespass of £20.


Selected place-names, etc.: [Fowey]


c1. Henry Leskyrwyll.


c4. Henry Northest.


c8. Thomas Palle and Ibota his wife.


c9. Thomas Stonard.

Date: 1453-1454
Held by: Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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