Catalogue description Draft Will of Thomas [I] Walton (described as in PA/101/8/903)

This record is held by Coventry Archives

Details of PA/101/8/904
Reference: PA/101/8/904
Title: Draft Will of Thomas [I] Walton (described as in PA/101/8/903)

The testator bequeaths his business to his son James and everything else to his own wife Alice: when she dies, a tenement in Far Gosford St., Coventry (occupied by the testator's son John) will go to John for life with remainder to his wife during her widowhood and then to their children with right of survivorship; the testator leaves his own Bubbenhall dwelling and four nearby tenements (let to Sarah Butcher, Richard Duel, John Leacock and John Mitchell) to his son Thomas [II] with remainder as for John; Wolston (Warws.) premises inhabited by the testator's son-in-law John Fitter will pass to him if he discharges the £140 he owes the testator; a Wolston messuage adjoining J. Fitter's (let to - Liggins) will be kept by the trustees on behalf of the testator's daughter Elizabeth Fitter with successive remainders to her husband during his widowerhood and to their children with right of survivorship; two other Wolston houses (occupied by -- Isaacs and -- Braunston) will be retained by the trustees for the lifetime of the testator's daughter Jane with remainder to any husband for his widowerhood and then to their children with right of survivorship; four Gosford St. tenements (no occupants named) formerly belonging to William [I] Robinson's executors will be held by the trustees for the lifetime of the testator's daughter Alice (wife of Richard) Townsend with remainder as for Jane; a house fronting Gosford St., which is part of the testator's development called "Victoria Place", will (with one behind) go to the testator's daughter Phoebe (wife of William) Farren with remainders as for the Fitters; the next two houses back in Victoria Place will pass to the testator's son James with remainder as for John; two houses further will be taken by the trustees for the lifetime of the testator's daughter Mary (wife of John) Turner with remainder equally to her children James and Alice Harpwood and then to any other of Mary's children (both interests having right of survivorship) - Mary will not interfere if the testator or his estate is called upon for the £100 owed by John Turner to James Mayo; the two tenements seventh- and eighth-back in Victoria Place will be assigned to the trustees for the life of the testator's daughter Sarah (wife of William) Butcher with remainder as for Alice Townsend's; the five messuages lying behind Sarah Butcher's will be consigned to trustees for the testator's children J. and A. Harpwood and Thomas Coleman equally with remainder to their issue with right of survivorship; the remaining two Victoria P1. dwellings will be enjoyed by the testator's son William for life with remainder as for John - upon achieving entitlement to a Victoria P1. house, its prospective owner will be proportionately responsible for that yard's well, garden and sanitation built upon ground formerly belonging to W. Robinson's executors, and a general cross-limitation of remainders is raised, subject to spouses' interests: the testator's son Thomas [II] will accept consumables; the residuary estate will be sold and the clear proceeds divided between those of the testator's children still alive when his wife dies - if the personalty is insufficient to pay debts, the trustees should service them with rents from the messuages bequeathed to grandchildren; the trustees will maintain infant beneficiaries from their shares; the testator's sons John, William and James are named executors. Codicil: Elizabeth Fitter, her husband and children, will also enjoy a garden next to the testator's Wolston premises which he bought through sale of part of the estate he had at Harnall Place; Jane Walton's premises are charged with 1/- for the testator's granddaughter Alice Harpwood.

Date: 21st Feb, 1845
Held by: Coventry Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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