Catalogue description Family Letters, volume II   CR 2017/C2/111 M[ary Marchioness of] Hamilton to her brother...

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Details of CR 2017/C2
Reference: CR 2017/C2

Family Letters, volume II


CR 2017/C2/111 M[ary Marchioness of] Hamilton to her brother [Basil] Viscount Feilding [later 2nd Earl of Denbigh, undated: court gossip.


CR 2017/C2/112 The same his sister to [? the same], 5th March (last page only).


CR 2017/C2/113 The same to her brother, the same, undated c. 1630: whilst he was on his travels; on her pregnancy which is a source of great satisfaction to all, especially her father "affore" his journey.


CR 2017/C2/114 The same to her brother, the same, 30th March [c.1631]: she is with child again, court news, etc.


CR 2017/C2/115 The same to her brother, [the same], undated, during his absence abroad: court news; the Queen is going to the waters at "Tunbrey" where the writer will drink her brother's health.


CR 2017/C2/116 The same to her father, the 1st Earl of Denbigh, undated, c.1631, on the births of her daughters Harriet [Henrietta] and Anne.


CR 2017/C2/117 B[asil Viscount] Feilding in Turin to his sister [Mary, Marchioness of Hamilton], 4th June (new style) 1638. Loose: [Lewis Boyle, Viscount] Kynalmeakye from "Vous scavey d'ou" to his brother [in law] Lord Feilding at court, undated, on personal problem.


CR 2017/C2/118 [Lady] Anne Hamilton as a child to her uncle Lord Feilding, undated: complimentary.


CR 2017/C2/119 The same his niece, at Hamilton to the same, now 2nd Earl of Denbigh, November 1651: asking for his assistance.


CR 2017/C2/120 Letter written on behalf of the above by Basil Hamilton from Hamilton to the same, 9 November 1651, fearing that previous letters have gone astray for his Lordship has not answered them.


CR 2017/C2/121 Copy of the 2nd Earl of Denbigh's letter to Lady Anne Hamilton, undated, c.Nov. 1651.


CR 2017/C2/122 [Lady] Anne Feilding to her father, the [1st] Earl of Denbigh undated, c.1631, whilst he was abroad and her brother the Earl of Desmond was in France.


CR 2017/C2/123 [Lady] Elizabeth Feilding to her brother, Lord Feilding, undated, complimentary.


CR 2017/C2/124 The same to her father, the[1st] Earl of Denbigh, undated, c.1631, during his absence abroad.


CR 2017/C2/125 The same to her brother Viscount Feilding, undated, on the death of his wife, Viscountess [Anne Weston] Feilding.


CR 2017/C2/126 The same to her brother, the Ambassador, [the same], undated, recommending a young friend to him as his doctor in order to help the young man who wants to go to Rome.


CR 2017/C2/127 The same to her brother [Lord Feilding], undated: her hopes that his attachment to Lady Carlisle's niece is not too strong for she is to be married very soon.


CR 2017/C2/128 The same ( now Viscountess Kynalmeaky) at the Hague to her brother the same, 3rd June: this and the 3 following letters urge him to support the King.


CR 2017/C2/129 The same to her brother the same,11th June.


CR 2017/C2/130 The same to her brother the same, 30th June: mentioning the escape of the Queen from a plot laid against her in Newcastle.


CR 2017/C2/131 The same to her brother the same at his house in the Covent Garden, London, 28th July.


CR 2017/C2/132 The same to her brother the same, undated, recommending a kinswoman as a maid for her sister [? Basil's wife].


CR 2017/C2/133 [Lewis Boyle Viscount] Kynalmeaky at Park to his brother [in law] the same at court, 27th July 1641: lighthearted complimentary letter sending him wolfdogs and the Earl and Countess of Desmond a cast of merlins.


CR 2017/C2/134 The same at Park to his brother the same in London, 4th October 1641: "The least word from you shall present you the fairest wolfe dog in Ireland"


CR 2017/C2/135 The same at Bandon [Co. Cork] to his brother, the same, 20th May 1642: asking himto procure him the independent command of Bandon and some standing command and garrison there at the end of the wars.


CR 2017/C2/136 The same at Bandon to his brother the same in London, 7th June 1642, importuning his help for the town of Bandon and for himself.


CR 2017/C2/137 Barbara [Viscountess] Feilding to her husband [the same], 20th October, seeking a benefice for her uncle, Richard Crompton.


CR 2017/C2/138 [Lady] Henriette Marie Feilding to her brother, the same, undated, recommending the bearer of her letter who speaks, writes and reads French to be his servant.


CR 2017/C2/139 George [Earl of] Desmond to his brother the same, undated, about a visit from my Lord Duke [?2nd Duke of Buckingham] and his brother, etc.


CR 2017/C2/140 [Lady] Bridgett Feilding his niece to the same, undated [1666]: complimentary


CR 2017/C2/141 B[ridgett, Countess of ] Desmond to her brother[in law] the same, undated c.1666: her unhappy financial position and her wish to have her daughter [Lady Bridgett] back to bear her affliction with her.


CR 2017/C2/142 The same to her brother, the same, undated [c.1666]: her delight at having with her again her daughter who has been "Bread upe" with Lord Denbigh. Her son's recent marriage.


CR 2017/C2/143 The same to her brother, the same, whilst he was still Viscount Feilding, undated, begging that he will lend her some hangings for the period of Lord Purbeck's visit.


CR 2017/C2/144 The same to her brother [the same] undated: personal matters, including the securing of a court position for the Earl of Desmond.


CR 2017/C2/145 The same to her brother [the same], undated: seeking his assistance in some personal matter.


CR 2017/C2/146 The same to her brother [the same], undated: on the same matter as the foregoing letter.


CR 2017/C2/147 M[ary Viscountess] Grandison to [Edward Sackville 7th] Earl of Dorset, undated [between 1639-1648] : imploring his help.


CR 2017/C2/148 Copy letter from B.[Viscount] Feilding to [? John Mordaunt 1st] Earl of Peterborough,undated, c.1640, having been entrusted with the Earl's vote, Lord Feilding wishes to know how he would bestow it in the bill to take the bishops' votes.


CR 2017/C2/149-171 The following letters from his 3rd wife Elizabeth [Bourchier] to Viscount Feilding later 2nd Earl of Denbigh abound with delightfully tender outpourings of her affection for him in his absence, whilst reproaching him for neglecting to write to her. To almost all the letters there is at least one postscript and occasionally a note is added in the corner. In one of these she exclaims "Dear, how thy Bety loves thee"


CR 2017/C2/149-151 Elizabeth [Viscountess] Feilding to her husband Viscount Feilding, undated.


CR 2017/C2/152 The same to her husband [the same], undated, containing news of the war and of a villainous pamphlet libelling Charles I and the Duke of Buckingham who are said to have poisoned James I.


CR 2017/C2/153-154 The same, now Countess of Denbigh to her husband [the 2nd Earl of Denbigh], undated.


CR 2017/C2/155 The same to her husband, the same, at Stafford, undated.


CR 2017/C2/156-157 The same to her husband, the same, undated.


CR 2017/C2/158 The same at Coventry to her husband, the same, at Stafford, 25th May 1644.


CR 2017/C2/159-161, 162,163 The same to her husband, [the same], undated.


CR 2017/C2/164 The same to her husband, [the same], undated.


CR 2017/C2/165 The same to her husband, the same, undated.


CR 2017/C2/166 [The same] to [the same], 24th August.


CR 2017/C2/167 The same to her husband [the same], 27th May 1644.


CR 2017/C2/168 The same to her husband [the same], 2nd July 1644.


CR 2017/C2/169,170,171 The same to her husband [the same], undated.


CR 2017/C2/172 The same at Newnham to the same in London, 19th April 1657: " ... I desire you wold pleas to ade to the things you know I wante some hoods and skarfes garters and ribin gloves darke coulered and white, pinnes and laces some combes a roall for my head, and a thimbell, I hoape you will pardon this rudnes".


CR 2017/C2/173-174 [Lady] Ann Bourgchier to her brother [in law] Lord Feilding, undated: complimentary.


Loose: The same to her brother [the same], undated: complimentary.


CR 2017/C2/175 [Richard Weston the Earl of] Portland his father [in law] to the same, 10th Dec. 1634: he has sent him £1000 express; his Majesty's approval of Feilding's conduct.


CR 2017/C2/176 Roger Feilding to his brother William [1st] Earl of Denbigh, 19th January: about his Lordship's business matters, written whilst Denbigh was in the Far East.


CR 2017/C2/177 The same to his brother, [the same], 20th February 1631[/2]. The Marquis of Hamilton has set sail with his army for Sweden, the King not having credited the villainous plots Hamilton's enemies laid to stay him; court and family gossip.


CR 2017/C2/178 The same to his nephew, Lord Feilding, 3rd August: complimentary, perhaps written on Feilding's marriage.


CR 2017/C2/179 Elizabeth Feilding [? his sister] at Newmarket [Suffolk] to [William 1st] Earl of Denbigh, 10th March 1631[/2]: news of his family, of the Court and other acquaintances.


CR 2017/C2/180 [Lord] Walter Aston in Madrid to the same, 13th May 1624 old style, about a servant boy of Denbigh's who had run away.


CR 2017/C2/181 [Francis,Baron Norris] Norreys to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh, undated.


CR 2017/C2/182 John Reynolds in Compiegne [France] to William [1st] Earl of Denbigh, 29th May 1624, English style, reporting from France where Lord Feilding had accompanied the Lords Carlisle and Kensington.


CR 2017/C2/183 ? The Carew to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh, undated c.1631: family news.


CR 2017/C2/184 J. or T. Banbury of ? Brittan to the Earl of Denbigh [not clear which one], 16th April.


CR 2017/C2/185 [? Sir] Thomas Aylesbury to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh, 23rd January 1631, English style, whilst he was abroad.


CR 2017/C2/186 George Fildinge [Feilding] to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh [? his brother], 20th Feb. 1631[/2]: his Lordship's office "suffereth much" in his absence, his bailiff has proved dishonest, but there is good news of his family.


CR 2017/C2/187 William Ryplingham at the Wardrobe to the same, 3rd March 1631[/2] news of the war, the court, his Lordship's office and family.


CR 2017/C2/188 The same at the Wardrobe to Captain [John] Weddall, admiral of the East India Fleet, 3rd March 1631[/2] on sending him "a small truncke for my Lord of Denbigh" the contents of which are listed. Weddall was to meet Denbigh and return to England with him.


CR 2017/C2/189 Denis Legrand at Dover to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh in Persia "enperchia" 16th March: news of Lord Feilding's reception in France, of [George, Earl of] Desmond,etc.


CR 2017/C2/190 Elizabeth Cornwallies in Whitehall to the same, 27th Jan 1632/3: complimentary, whilst he was abroad.


CR 2017/C2/191 Barbary Villiers his sister to the same, 23rd Ju: 1631: complimentary, whilst he was abroad.


CR 2017/C2/192 J. or T. Hollande to the [? 1st] Earl of Denbigh, 21st Aug. seeking patronage for the bearer of the letter.


CR 2017/C2/193 Katherina Copinger to the [? 1st] Earl of Denbigh,undated: her need for his assistance.


CR 2017/C2/194 W. Balfour from Hartmor in Surrey to [? the same] 3rd October.


CR 2017/C2/195 Ursula Beamount his "bedeswoman" at Court to the same, 20th February 1631[/2]: family news.


CR 2017/C2/196 [Henry Rich Earl of] Hollande from Court to the same, 24th August: with a message from Charles I, ? at the time of Buckingham's assassination.


CR 2017/C2/197 The same at St. James' to Basil Lord Feilding "Lord Ambassador with the State of Venise" 29th March.


CR 2017/C2/198 W[illiam Cavendish, Earl of] Devonshire in Rome to the same Ambassador for his Majesty of "great Britayne" at Venice, 4th January 1635: complimentary, etc.


CR 2017/C2/199 The same in Rome to the same in Venice, 29th March 1636: on the route of his journey back into France.


CR 2017/C2/200 Edward Hyde [1st Earl of Clarendon] at the Middle Temple to the same, Ambassador Extraordinary of his Majesty of Great Britain to the State of Venice and the Princes of Italy, 23rd February 1635: on the writer's having had no answer to his letters and on his cousin's sentence in the Star Chamber.


CR 2017/C2/201 The same at the Middle Temple to the same, Ambassador Extraordinary of his Majesty of Great Britain to the State of Venice and the Princes of Italy at Venice, 1st June: complimentary, court news, the rumour of Lord Feilding's return from Italy.


CR 2017/C2/202 M. Croft at the Hague to the same, 14th November, complimentary, the good wishes of the King and Queen, the birth of a daughter to the Queen.


CR 2017/C2/203 Bulleyn Reymer in London to [the same], 22nd April 1635: reporting on his actions on his Lordship's behalf since his arrival there.


CR 2017/C2/204 [Philip Herbert 4th Earl of] Pembroke and Montgomery at Hampton Court to [the same], 17th June 1636: on the "excessive courtesies and great civilitie" shown to the writer's son by Lord Feilding during his son's stay in Venice.


CR 2017/C2/205 [Edward Sackville, Earl of] Dorset at Hampton Court to[? the same] 13th Sept. 1637


CR 2017/C2/206 J[ohn Villiers Viscount] Pourbeck [Purbeck] to his nephew, the same, "this present Twesday 1640" seeking his company at dinner the next day.


CR 2017/C2/207 [George Viscount] Chaworth to [the same] Midsummer Day 1638: on the Queen's not being able to assist as regards his Lordship's employment in Venice; young, wealthy widows etc.


CR 2017/C2/208 Elizabeth Poullter his beadswoman to [the same], 12th November: concerning a scandal in connection with some jewels apparently belonging to the family of Lord Feilding's 1st wife Anne Weston, now dead, as a result of which Mrs. Poullter has been treated unfairly.


CR 2017/C2/209 Copy of [Lord Feilding's] reply to Elizabeth Poulter, undated: answering the above letter and assuring her of his continuing friendship and support for her in this matter.


CR 2017/C2/210 Henry Bathon at Tawstock to Lord Feilding, 12th Sept. 1641: perhaps in connection with the marriage settlement of Lord Feilding's 3rd wife, Elizabeth Bourchier, the writer's kinswoman.


CR 2017/C2/211 Samuel Pyndar to the [1st] Earl of Denbigh, Master of his Majesty's Great Wardrobe, 1st October 1641, endorsed " Pindar concerning Townsend".


CR 2017/C2/212-13 Copy letters from [the 2nd Earl of Denbigh] to "My Lord" and "Noble Sir", undated, sent with other papers about "my importunities to his Majestie for the arrears of my Embassy haveing bene wholly laid aside . . ." not numbered:Paper endorsed "Accompt of the Kings iewells"


CR 2017/C2/214 Elizabeth Tanfeild his kinswoman to the [2nd] Earl of Denbigh, undated: seeking financial assistance from him.


CR 2017/C2/215 Anne [Kerr Countess of] Ancrame [Ancram from 1621-1656/7] to the [? 2nd] Earl of Denbigh, 14th October: seeking employment for the bearer of the letter.


CR 2017/C2/216 Henry Cholmeley to the [2nd] Earl of Denbigh, 17th November, recommending the bearer, Gabriel Vincent, to him as his butcher and caterer.


CR 2017/C2/217 Alexander Noel his kinsman at Whitewell to the same at his lodgings in Queene St., 8th January 1644, on his Lordship's assistance to his sister Castlehaven.


CR 2017/C2/218 [Lady] Mary Aston to [the same], 23rd May: begging his assistance for herself and her children.


CR 2017/C2/219 W. Aylesbury at Bologna to the [2nd] Earl of Denbigh, 9th June new style: he is making haste to bring their Lordships home.


CR 2017/C2/220 The same in Venice to the same, 16th June new style: there have been financial problems, but he hopes they will be in Paris by mid July, etc.


CR 2017/C2/221 The same in Venice to the same in London, 30th June 1646: the problem of finance and ? other difficulties, but he hopes to reach Milan next week.


CR 2017/C2/222 Chichester Wrey to the same, 25th August 1662: concerning a dispute with Lady Grey, connected with Nos. 223-224 below.


CR 2017/C2/223 Thomas Grey and Chichester Wrey in London to the same, 16th Sept. 1654: concerning the Bath estate and the claim Lady Bath has on it for her jointure.


CR 2017/C2/224 Thomas Woodford to the same at Newnham, 5th October 1654: on the claims of Lady Bath to the Bath estate.


CR 2017/C2/225 William Meigh in Alleslie parish to the same at Newnham, 3rd April 1657, on the death of his aged kinsman Mr. Bassill Feildinge whom the writer attended in"his late languyshing condition".


CR 2017/C2/226 Copy of a letter from the 2nd Earl of Denbigh at Newnham to "Sir" his cousin, 23rd December 1657, concerning some dispute with "my Lady Lane" from whom he has not deserved ill.


CR 2017/C2/227 [Sir] Kenelme Digby in London to [the 2nd Earl of Denbigh] 23rd November 1663: of the Queen Mother's "settled temper of friendlinesse and kindenesse" towards Denbigh.


CR 2017/C2/228 H? Benoist in London to the same, 6th April 1665 enclosing a letter from Monsieur Dupuy regarding Denbigh's payment of 300 crowns to Dupuy. Endorsed by the 2nd Earl "Ansd 8th Aprill 1665".


CR 2017/C2/229 Copy of the 2nd Earl of Denbigh's reply to his nephew from Newnham Paddox, 11th July 1665: his inability to raise him to "better fortunes"


CR 2017/C2/230 Copy letter from [the same] at Newnham Paddox to his sister [in law, the Countess of Desmond], 20th March 1665[/6]: he is at a loss to know what to say to her, for her misfortunes can only be laid at the door of her husband and herself. Reference is made to his care of her daughter whom he returned to the Countess at her command.


CR 2017/C2/231 Elias Ashmole to Basil Earl of Denbigh at his house at Newnham, with directions that it should be left at the post house in Coventry "to be sent as is directed", 28th January 1668/9: about a book lottery and Ashmole's having books bound for him. Reference is made to Dugdale who has been further informed as to Denbigh's genealogy and the discovery of his ancestor's sword.


CR 2017/C2/232 Copy in his own hand of the [2nd Earl of Denbigh's] letter to [Elias] Ashmole, 26th June 1670: concerning finding his coat of arms in the windows at Bitteswell Church and the interest shown by Duke Victor Amadeus of Savoy in his (Denbigh's) descent and arms; this Duke like Prince Thomas of Savoy stiled him cousin, etc.


CR 2017/C2/233 E[lias] Ashmole to Basil Earl of Denbigh at Newnham Paddox, 2nd November 1671: complimentary, Mr. Ogilby is "preparing his new published account of America to present your Lordship with".


CR 2017/C2/234 Copy of a letter from [the 2nd Earl of Denbigh] to [Elias] Ashmole, 10th December 1671: thanking him for the books sent and asking him to send him additional information lacking in one of them in order that he can add it to his book of evidences and "assert the authority of my quartering those arms" [ie those of St. Liz].


Reference to his family not having received adequate mention in Mr. Ogilby's "Britannia"


CR 2017/C2/235 [The same] to the same, 12th Jan 1672/3: on his genealogy and the use of the word "fert" in the motto of Duke Victor Amadeus of Savoy.

Date: 1624-1672/3
Held by: Warwickshire County Record Office, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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