Catalogue description Copy of admission (Haughley with its Members Manor) of Francis Hogger

This record is held by Suffolk Archives - Bury St Edmunds Branch

Details of 1754/1/495
Reference: 1754/1/495
Title: Copy of admission (Haughley with its Members Manor) of Francis Hogger

Under will of Thomas his father (former to pay gifts under Thomas' father, Clement's will, etc.) of Jullys alias Paynes tenement (24½a.) which with adjacent croft now divided into 2 parts and lie between close of this manor (Preades) to N. and Dagworth manor land to S. abutting on Finningham to Stowmarket way to E. and on close of this manor (Paynes) to W.; and said Paynes Close lies as in two furlongs, with 1a. 1r. formerly exchanged with Thomas Maundvile, lying in N. of same close between Predes and Jullys alias Paynes Croft in part and land formerly of John Debenham in part and said way in part to E. and said land of Dagworth manor and close of this manor to W., abutting on way from Cross Street to N., and land of lord of manor to S., and said 1a. 1r. exchanged lie between land of this manor and abutts on way from Cross Street to N.


Recites will of Thomas Hogger, 25 February 1593/4, and that he acquired said premises .... by surrender of Clement Hogger, 18 May 1592.

Date: 1594 May 23
Held by: Suffolk Archives - Bury St Edmunds Branch, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1 file

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