Catalogue description Clifton Hundred

This record is held by Bedfordshire Archives

Details of HSA/1673 W/8
Reference: HSA/1673 W/8
Title: Clifton Hundred

Clifton Hundred: Petty Sessions at the sign of the Cocke in Sheford on Monday 10 March 1672


(Constables present omnia bene unless otherwise stated)


Clifton: Tho. Winch and Daniell Burtt present Sam Hill of Clifton for selling of beare without license


Camyton: Benja. Davie and Charles Harris present Johnathan Shackspere of Camyton for selling ale without lycense


Sheford: Rich Stevens and Joseph Crocker


Henlowe: Tho. Underwood and Robt Bonfield


Arleseys Rich Crawley & Will Seare


Statfoold: Will Eaton and John Ford


Shitlington and Netherstandon: Tho. Fipp and Tho. Goodall


Hollowell: Charles Deare


Overstandon: Iserall Renolds


Meppershallt John Briant and Gorge Sole


I doe present Thomas Crouch of Langford in this county for his dog wouring of sheep and Lames giveing warning of him twice then he seleth him to the nebour towne there he did more hurt. John Haggis


John Haggis


Rich Lilley

Date: 1672
Held by: Bedfordshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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