Catalogue description John Gransden of Wrotham, yeoman, in £20, to appear at Gaol Delivery to prosecute and give evidence against Richard Holland of the same, labourer, in gaol, charged with feloniously taking, a silver cup, a girdle, a dagger, a pair of white yarn stockings and two dead conies belonging to the said John and a green cloth jerkyn, a fustian doublet, a pair of ash colloured cloth britches, a knife, a felt hat with a double 'Cipris' belonging to Henry Gransden and a pair of gloves, two falling bands, a pair of green yarn stockings belonging to Richard Earnes, all from the house of the said John, in Wrotham.
This record is held by Kent History and Library Centre
Reference: | QM/SRc/1602/177 |
Title: | John Gransden of Wrotham, yeoman, in £20, to appear at Gaol Delivery to prosecute and give evidence against Richard Holland of the same, labourer, in gaol, charged with feloniously taking, a silver cup, a girdle, a dagger, a pair of white yarn stockings and two dead conies belonging to the said John and a green cloth jerkyn, a fustian doublet, a pair of ash colloured cloth britches, a knife, a felt hat with a double 'Cipris' belonging to Henry Gransden and a pair of gloves, two falling bands, a pair of green yarn stockings belonging to Richard Earnes, all from the house of the said John, in Wrotham. |
Date: | 23 Sept. 1602 |
Held by: | Kent History and Library Centre, not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English |
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