Catalogue description E.H.Kenneth Dibden to Lawrence [Bragg]

This record is held by Royal Institution of Great Britain

Details of W.L. BRAGG/14C/13
Reference: W.L. BRAGG/14C/13
Title: E.H.Kenneth Dibden to Lawrence [Bragg]



2 pages, MS; postcard


Was sorry he was unable to call on Bragg when he was in Britain. Was so involved with official business that he accomplished little of a personal nature. He did not get Taylor's job. Sartain was deservedly promoted. Several Cambridge administrative posts have become vacant. He is applying for the Treasurership and for a Senior Assistant Registrarship. Comments on these posts and asks if Bragg would act as a referee. Will appreciate any help Bragg can give. Hopes Bragg has fully recovered from his operation.

Date: 3 June 1961
Held by: Royal Institution of Great Britain, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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