Catalogue description Correspondence mainly with and filed by the Honourable Charles Monson

This record is held by Lincolnshire Archives

Details of MON 25/2
Reference: MON 25/2
Title: Correspondence mainly with and filed by the Honourable Charles Monson

The Honourable Charles, brother of the 1st Lord Monson, was elected MP for Lincoln in 1734, 1741 and 1747 and was Deputy Paymaster of His Majesty's Forces until 1745. He died unmarried on 26 August 1764. Some letters addressed to the Honourable Colonel Monson (presumably George, nephew of Charles) have been put with these letters for continuity of subject. Some of the letters, even when endorsed by Charles Monson, appear to relate to matters concerned with Trade and Customs and may have been dealt with by Charles on behalf of his brother, Lord Monson, who was First Commissioner for Trade and Plantations. Some of the letters, both to the Honourable Charles Monson and to the 1st and 2nd Lords Monson, were for the support of their interest generally with the Newcastle connection and for obtaining preferment of various kinds.

Held by: Lincolnshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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