Catalogue description JOURNAL of SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL, Lord Deputy.

This record is held by Lambeth Palace Library

Details of

(From 24 June 1594 to 27 May 1597.)


June 24th, 1594.--My Lady [Russell] took her journey from Chiswick to St. Alban's.


25th.--My Lord went with the Queen from Tiballs, the Lord Treasurer's house, to Mr. Wrothe's, at Enfeilde, where her Majesty dined. In the afternoon my Lord took leave and went to Donstable.


26th.--My Lord went to Stonystratford, and met my Lady, with the Earl of Bedford. [The names of the lords and gentlemen who met or entertained Lord Deputy Russell in his journey are specified.]


27th.--Went to Coventry, to the sign of the Pannier.


28th.--To Lichefeilde.


29th.--To Stone.


30th, Sunday.--To Nantwich. "My Lord's chaplain preached in the forenoon."


July 1st, 1594.--To Westchester.


2nd.--Visited by several gentlemen, who sent him venison.


5th.--My Lord and Lady dined at the Mayor of Chester's.


8th.--Dined at Serjeant Warborton's, vice-chamberlain of Chester. Visited the Bishop, Dr. Chaterton, who lay sick.


9th.--A packet despatched to my Lord Treasurer [Burleigh].


11th.--From Westchester to Hillbrye. Waited for a wind until Sunday 14th. Then put to sea, and went down the river to Gayton.


15th.--"We went to hunt at the Earl of Derby's, at Nestow Lodge."


17th.--"My Lord wrote to Mr. Maynarde about explanation of that point in the Queen's letter concerning his entertainment;" and to Lady Warwick and Mr. Oldiswoorth about the same.


18th.--My Lord and Lady went aboard the Queen's ship.


19th.--The wind continuing contrary, they landed again on the Welsh side.


20th.--To Glothaithe.


21st.--At Mr. Mostian's.


22nd.--Letters to the Lord Treasurer, Lord Essex, and Lady Warwick, enclosed to Smithe.


23rd.--Over Abraconwaye passage and Penmen Mawre to Bea Morris (Sir Richard Burklye's).


24th.--To Hollyheade. Waited for a wind until the 31st, when we took shipping in the morning, and arrived that night at the Head of Hothe. My Lord lay that night at my Lord of Hothe's.


August 1st, 1594.--To Dublin. Were met by the Council, captains, mayor, and other gentlemen, to the number of 500 horse. "My Lord lighted at one Mr. Bise's, a new house near the Castle."


2nd.--My Lord met the Council, and desired before receiving the sword to learn the state of the country. Appointed officers of his household.


3rd.--"My Lord's concordatum about land carriage was signed and allowed."


4th.--His arrival notified to the Council [in England].


5th.--Warrant for the repair of the Castle against my Lord's entrance.


6th.--Sir Richard Bingham went to the relief of Eliskellin (Enniskillen) Castle.


7th.--My Lord dined at Kilmainham; my Lady went to the Castle [of Dublin] to prepare it.


8th.--My Lord of Ormonde came to visit my Lord.


9th.--The Bishop of Fernes, the Earl of Thomond, and others came to visit my Lord.


10th.--Sir Thomas Norries came to visit my Lord. Sir Richard Bingham returned upon news that our people had received an overthrow at Eliskellin, under Sir Edward Harbert and Sir Henry Duke, and lost men, horses, and an ensign. My Lord first dieted in the Castle.


Sunday, 11th.--My Lord received the sword with great solemnity. Sir William FitzWilliams dined with my Lord; Sir Stephen Thornar knighted.


12th.--The Council engaged in preparing warrants and orders for general hostings.


13th.--News that 2,500 Scots had landed and preyed Kerifergus (Carrickfergus).


14th.--"News came of the Earl's (of Tyrone) coming to do his duty to my Lord, a thing unexpected of all men generally." Sir William FitzWilliams took his leave.


15th.--The Earl of Tyrone came in to my Lord and the Council, and delivered his submission in writing.


16th.--"My Lord took a view of all the men that were to go out of Dublin to attend Sir Richard Bingham, and he refused them, and gave Captain Streete licence to find voluntary men for that service."


17th.--"My Lord's company of gentlemen, being holberders, musketeers, and callivers, set forward towards Eliskellin Castle, under Collier."


18th, Sunday.--My Lord went to the church for the first time as Deputy; Dr. Hanmer ["Hammon" in the margin in Carew's hand.] preached.


19th.--My Lord prepared my ["F. Michell" in the margin.] despatch for England to the Court, with letters to her Majesty and the Council. My Lord began his journey to Elliskellin. The wind proved contrary, and I could not go till the next day. My Lord lodged at Trim, at Mr. Ashe's, his own man's house. He was accompanied by Sir Robert Gardiner, Sir George Bowrcher, Sir Richard Bingham, Sir Thomas Norreis, Sir Geoffrey Fenton, and others.


20th.--My Lord went to Mullingar (Mr. Hope's).


21st.--To Athlone Castle (Sir Richard Bingham's).


22nd.--Stayed there for the munition.


23rd.--To Roscommon (Mr. Malbie's).


24th.--To the abbey of Boyle (Sir George Bingham's).


25th.--Stayed at Boyle for the companies appointed to meet there.


26th.--Over the Curlewes to Dromdona, with the companies.


27th.--To the hill of Killargan, alias Mallaghenenuragh.


28th.--To Ballaghnemerlaghe; passed the bogs with very great danger.


29th.--To Glacknemaucha. "My Lord went in person to see the cashes made towards the pass near the river Ellis; but it could not that night be performed sufficiently."


30th.--It was resolved that some companies should beat the pass, and work a passage over the river, "grown great by fall of much rain." About 400 or 500 men were passed over the ford by 2 o'clock, with whom my Lord marched towards the Castle, and entered it without any let. Letters came from the constable that the enemies were fled. The Earl of Tyrone sent letters to my Lord.


31st.--The rest of the army reached the Castle. Some men and garrons were lost at the river.


September 1st, 1594, Sunday.--After the sermon by Mr. Richardson, my Lord's chaplain, Sir William Clerke and Sir Robert Needham were knighted. Sir Richard Bingham was sent on before to pass the river Erne.


2nd.--My Lord with the rest of the army passed the Erne in a great boat; some essaying to ride over were drowned, among them Mr. Cicil, a pensioner. Encamped at Aghnerina.


3rd.--Ballaghleina, between two great and foul passes, where the enemy had encamped before.


4th.--To Agrioghe in Dortrye, where Sir John Orreille and the rest of that name met my Lord.


5th.--To the Cavan. "The bands were mustered, and order taken for their discharge, or repair to places of garrison."


6th.--To Logchrine (Mr. Plunkett's).


7th.--To Abrechan (my Lord of Meath's), and stayed there all Sunday the 8th.


9th.--"They returned all to Dublin Castle."


10th to 14th.--My Lord reposed himself.


15th.--Letters to England; but the wind contrary:


16th.--"I (Michell ?) landed with my letters from her Majesty, from the Lords of the Council, and my Lord's private friends, and news of 8,000l. treasure."


17th.--The Earl of Kildare and the Baron of Dunkellin returned from the Court and visited my Lord.


18th to 23rd.--"0."


24th.--"My Lord passed Rocester's ward."


25th.--"My Lord sent away letters by Sir Edward Yorke, who went post to the Court. And divers of my Lord's people were then put to their pension to live at 8d. and 12d. the day, or else to return home with letters to their friends." Letters sent by Mr. Collier. The packet of the 14th sent to Westchester. Sir Robert Needham departed into England.


26th.--"Sir Edward Moore went away, about dealing with the Earl of Tyrone, to Mellifante."


27th.--"My Lord went to take the air." Sir William Weston, Chief Justice, died, and was buried on the 28th.


29th.--"The old mayor [of Dublin] feasted my Lord and Lady at his house."


30th.--"The old mayor came and yielded up the sword to my Lord. The Recorder made a speech of the charters of the city. My Lord made choice of Garret to be mayor, and delivered him the sword and the staff, and made a speech."


October 1st, 1594.--Letters from Sir Edward Moore about a month's truce with the Earl of Tyrone; and a ship brought the Earl's steward.


2nd.--Moore's letters answered.


3rd.--7,000l. brought by one Crosse from the Lord Treasurer.


4th and 5th.--A ship came upon the Bar; suspected to be a pirate, or to have prohibited goods. My Lord sent to make search and confiscate.


6th.--Mr. Francis [Russell], my Lord's son, sick.


7th.--Two prisoners that made resistance in the ship committed by my Lord.


8th.--Packet from Sir Robert Cicill.


9th.--"Sir Robert Gardiner was stayed by my Lord of his journey into England."


12th and 13th.--Moore returned from the truce with Tyrone. "Sir William Clerke returned from the journey of bringing the Lady Wallop home to Eneskorfen."


16th.--My Lord sent a packet to the Court by my man. Letters from Knockfergus of spoils done thereabout.


21st.--"My Lord granted a commission to search in Wexford, Rosse, and Waterford for prohibited wares to pass for France; Mr. Brisket was a commissioner." He signed Hartpole's fiant for Carlowe Castle. Wrote to the Lord Treasurer and Sir Henry Wallop by Crosse.


22nd.--Letters from Sir E. Moore about "more time of truce" with Tyrone.


23rd.--"News came of the death of Dowde, and wardship of his son; slain by Crofton."


24th.--"Letters were made ready for England, to be sent by Crosse, Sir H. Wallop's man, to Smith, concerning serving (?) the fishing with cash (?)."


25th.--Commission to search at Galway for prohibited commodities. Letter to Sir R. Bingham.


26th.--"Letters from the Lord Admiral about one Trevor to make trial of beef and bacon" for the shipping. My Lord granted him a letter to Sir Thomas Norreis.


27th, Sunday.--The Bishop of Limerick preached. "Thorneboroughe, Crofte, and Higham were in the field."


28th.--My Lord granted the Bishop of Limerick leave to go to England. Letters to Cragfergus, by Mr. Egerton, constable there. "News came that Jones was killed at Chester by Goldwell (Colonel ?) Rogers."


29th October to November 3rd, 1594.--"Little done, save some letters written to Feagh McHughe for some truce, upon his desire of going or sending into England."


4th and 5th.--"The judges sat about the choosing of sheriffs for the whole realm."


6th.--The first day of full term. "The Lords came to visit my Lord; and all the judges strangers." Warrants of full pay to the Clerk of the Cheque.


12th.--Warrants for Brian FitzWilliam's patent of 10s. the day, and for 10 horsemen for Sir William Clerke, my Lord's uncle.


13th.--"My Lord sent the warrant to the Queen's Council after the Serjeant had signed it, but the Solicitor would not, and Mr. Attorney did, but scraped out his name, and it passed with one counsellor's hand."


14th.--Letter to England about the former matter.


15th.--My Lord sat the first time in the Star Chamber.


16th.--Patent for Sir W. Clerke's pension. "One was executed for treason."


17th, Sunday, the Queen's [accession] day.--"My Lord was wonderfully attended on with five bishops, the councillors and divers earls and lords. This day my Lord pricked the sheriffs privately by himself, a roll being delivered and their warrants."


18th.--"There were divers made shows, and my Lord Kildare on the one side and Warham St. Leger on the other side ran at ring, and Mr. Malby and Mr. Norton; and after went to tourney in armour."


19th.--Letters from England, by a messenger of the [Queen's] Chamber.


20th.--Other letters from England.


21st.--"A great consultation by my Lord with all the lordborderers, to stand upon their defence with their own powers."


27th.--Mitton concluded with my Lord about the "great grant."


28th.--The term ended.


December 17th, 1594.--Packet [for England] by Tashe, who had long waited for a wind. The two Duttons, Wentworth, and Manchester departed. Caverlie and Beeston mustered the 200 men brought by them out of Lancashire and Cheshire. Sir William Clarke and Mr. Brisket went to Enyscorthy to the Lady Wallopp's, for Christmas. [After this date the journal is written by a different hand.]


January 16th, 1594[-5].--"My Lord took a hunting journey to Ballenecar, and drove Feogh McHugh out of his house into the Glinnes, and placed a garrison there of Captain Street's company."


17th.--"Feogh McHugh, Risse his wife, Walter Reogh, and all their sons and followers were proclaimed traitors." My Lord came to Newcastle (Sir H. Harrington's).


18th.--My Lord returned to Dublin.


19th, Sunday.--Captain Street sent in five of the traitors' heads.


21st.--Captain Chichester sent to Ballenecor with powder and shot.


22nd.--"More provision sent by water to Arcklo for the garrison at Ballenecor."


24th.--"Captain Chichester returned, and brought in Feogh's brother, who came in voluntarily and submitted himself. Mr. Michell [Qu. the writer of the first portion of this journal.] sent into England with a packet of letters. The mayor and sheriffs of Dublin rescued a ward of the Queen's, whom my Lord had sent the Queen's sergeant for. The ward was one widow Doughill's son. This night, in the watch within the city, a spy was taken which came from Feogh McHugh, who was committed to the Castle."


25th.--"The spy which was committed was examined. The mayor sent in the ward, and came and submitted himself to my Lord on his knee, craving pardon for that he had done. My Lord appointed him to be at the Council Chamber in the afternoon. My Lord and the Council met this afternoon in Council."


26th.--Felimy Toole's son taken by the sheriff of co. Dublin, and committed to the Castle. The Earl of Ormond visited my Lord. Feogh's porter taken.


27th.--"Hugh Duffe came in, certifying my Lord he had taken certain of the traitors' heads." My Lord and the Council sat.


28th.--Lords Ormond and Delvin dined with my Lord.


29th.--My Lord and the Council sat; and on the 30th.


30th.--This night Garrald FitzGarrald (W. Reogh's brother), with 80 followers, burned Crumlin. "My Lord went out into St. Thomas' Street, and caused the gates to be opened, and sent horsemen thither."


31st.--"My Lord and the Council sat in the Exchequer Star Chamber in the forenoon, and in the Council in the afternoon."


"MY LORD'S JOURNEY to BALLENECOR, being accompanied with Sir George Bourchier, Sir Geoffrey Fenton, Sir Harry Harrington, lieutenant, Sir Ralph Lane, Sir William Clarke, knights, with many other gentlemen: beginning the 1st of February 1594[-5]. Captain Chichester, sergeant-major; Mr. Bowen, marshal. Corporals of the field:--Captain Prise, Captain Kellie, Mr. North, Mr. Beeston."


February 1st.--To Newcastle (Sir H. Harrington's).


2nd, Sunday.--Divers of Feogh McHugh's followers received in upon protection.


3rd.--Encamped at Killnomanagh.


4th.--Encamped near Ballenecor. A messenger from Feogh McHugh and Walter Reagh desiring to parley with Sir Harry Harrington.


5th.--My Lord began the fortification [of Ballenecor]. Captains Streete and Wyllis sent forth on service. Licence to Harrington to parley with Feogh and Walter. He met them, accompanied by horse and foot, between two great hills two miles from the camp. They desired mercy and pardon.


6th.--"The camp continued fortifying at Ballenecor" till the 22nd.


7th.--Streete and Wyllis's companies returned, bringing in a girl who had warned six kerne to escape by her cries. "The foragers took a prisoner in a house, wherein they found a bag of bullets newly molten for the enemy." He was executed.


8th.--My Lord marched five miles into the Glinnes with Streete and Wyllis's companies. Letters from England.


9th, Sunday.--The camp continued near Ballenecor. Mr. Wheeler preached in the forenoon. Letter from the Earl of Ormond. Streete and Wyllis's companies sent forth. My Lord was certified that James FitzGarrald, Walter Reogh's brother, was taken prisoner by Dermond McMorris [Kavanagh].


10th.--The Earl of Ormond came to the camp.


11th.--100 churls came out of the O'Birnes' country, to work at the fort.


12th.--Street and Wyllis's companies brought in a follower of W. Reagh. Letters from England. Victuals sent for to Dublin.


13th.--My Lord went to see a pass cut near the camp. The prisoner executed. The foragers brought in the head of a follower of Feogh McHugh. Certain soldiers, having strayed from their companies, were benighted, and took a house and barn to defend themselves. Before Captain Chichester, sergeant-major, could relieve them, the enemy had fired the house and killed three of our soldiers and two boys. The sergeant-major met some of Ormond's company, and not knowing one another they skirmished; but little harm was done.


14th.--Victuals came from Dublin.


15th.--Sir William Clarke with horsemen rode to Arcklo, and brought James FitzGarrald to the camp as prisoner.


16th, Sunday.--Mr. Wheeler preached. Proclamation to bring in all the goods and chattels of the traitors, "whomsoever had received the same."


17th.--"My Lord rode up to Dromkitt, the pass being cut as his Lordship passed, the strength of the place being reported to be such as one man might resist ten; but my Lord found it otherwise."


18th.--My Lord rode to Killcomen to see the pass cut there. Ormond met him.


20th.--Letters from Ormond.


21st.--News from Streete and Wyllis that they had driven Walter Reagh from his house at Ballenehorne, and that Garrald McMorris, Reagh's brother, Daniel Reerton, one of their chief shot, and another were slain, their heads being brought in. Some of Ormond's company assisted them. The Earl of Ormond dined with my Lord; "after which they rode to Ballenecor to view the fort."


23rd, Sunday.--Mr. Wheeler preached. The camp rose and marched towards Dublin, as far as the New Town. Letters from the North, from Captain Greemes, certifying the overthrow of the enemy there. "Morris, Hugh Duff's son, brought in on (one?) Redman Ogg his head, and a prisoner whose name was Daniell Birne, a kinsman of Feogh's."


24th.--The camp broke up. My Lord returned to Dublin. The Lord Chancellor (Archbishop Loftus) with the rest of the Council met my Lord; likewise the Earl of Kildare, the Lord of Howth, and others; in all, 200 horse.


25th-27th.--My Lord and the Council sat; and almost daily till 10 April.


27th.--Mr. Ashe sent into England with letters. "A prisoner condemned in the Castle broke his fetters, and by the help of other prisoners got over the wall at the grate, and escaped."


28th.--News that about the Navan the enemy was 700 strong. "This night two drunkards, falling out within the suburbs of Dublin, raised the cry, which put many presently in readiness with armour and weapon." News that Arcklo was burned.


March 1st, 1594[-5].--Mr. Chester came to Dublin.


2nd.--The Primate [John Garvey, Archbishop of Armagh.] died this day.


5th.--"The Primate was buried, at whose funeral my Lord and the Council was present, Mr. Richardson preaching the funeral sermon at Christ Church." Walter Reagh's father committed, upon suspicion of relieving his son.


7th.--Letters from England.


9th.--Sir Richard Bingham came to Dublin.


10th.--Mr. Chester took leave for England.


11th.--Sir R. Bingham departed.


13th.--Letters to England by Mr. Linche.


15th.--Letters and 8,000l. received from England. Sir Ed. Yorke arrived. Mr. Phifould's servants brought in the head of Edmond Leonard, a follower of Feogh, and took a prisoner. Mr. Ashe arrived with letters from England.


18th.--Sir Harry Norris certifies the arrival of British soldiers at Waterford.


19th.--The Lords of Slany and Delvin came to visit my Lord.


24th.--Letters out of England from Mr. Michell.


25th.--The heads of Shaan McDermond Ogge, Dermond Dore, and John Kellie, followers of Feogh, were brought in.


29th.--Plot of prisoners in the Castle dungeon to escape by undermining the wall.


April 1st, 1595.--Captain Russell mustered his 50 horsemen on the Green.


2nd.--Sir Harry Norris came to Dublin.


5th.--Two heads of Feogh's followers brought in. "The Britten soldiers came into Dublin." My Lord and Sir H. Harrington laid a plot for the taking of Walter Reogh.


7th.--The Britten soldiers were mustered at the Green. James FitzGarrald and another executed. Mr. Mountague brought word of the taking of Walter Reogh in a cave by Sir H. Harrington.


8th.--Walter Reogh brought into the Castle.


9th.--W. Reogh examined before the Lord Deputy and Council, and sentenced to be hanged in chains. Letters to England by Mr. Bostock and Mr. Talbott.


10th.--W. Reogh hanged in chains.


"MY LORD'S JOURNEY into COSHAN and SHEELELA, being accompanied with the Lord of Howth, Sir George Bourchier, Sir Geoffrey Fenton, Sir Edward Yorke, Sir William Clarke, knights, and with divers other captains and gentlemen: beginning the 11th of April 1595. Sir Harry Harrington, lieutenant-general; Captain Chichester, sergeant-major; Mr. Bowen, marshal. Captain Prise, Captain Kellie, Mr. North, [and] Mr. Higham, corporals of the field."


April 11th. 1595.--From Dublin to Castle Dermon (Mr. Noble's).


12th.--Stayed for the companies. Garrald McShaan Begg's head sent in by Doulin McBrian.


13th.--To Kilknock. Letters from the Lord Chancellor and Council at Dublin.


14th.--Two prisoners, Edmond McMorris, gent., and Turlagh O'Nolane, kerne, brought in by Captain Willis, and executed.


15th.--Sir Harry Norris visited my Lord at Kilknock. Lieut. Greemes brought in one Hall, a seminary priest, taken at the Lady Colie's house. He was examined before my Lord and the Council, and committed close prisoner to Dublin Castle.


16th.--To Newston, at Mr. Peirse Butler's castle. Letters from the Lord Chancellor and Council.


17th.--Word brought by Captain Mince that the enemy had left the woods.


18th.--To Monies. Word brought that Captain Street's lieutenant was slain in rescuing cows at Ballenecor from the enemy; at which time Garrald Reogh, one of the enemy's chief shot, was slain. An unsuccessful assault was made by Feogh's sons and followers on the fort there.


19th.--Letters from Captain Willis "that he had the day before the enemy in chase from Ballenecor through the Glinnes, but night falling could not overtake them, yet forced them by their speed to leave their mantles, swords, and targets in the way behind."


20th, Easter Sunday.--The camp still at Money. "Mr. Wheeler preached; after which my Lord knighted Sir Edward Munings."


21st.--"My Lord rode abroad hunting stud." Heads of Morrough O'Birne Mulchonery and Torne Roe, two kernes, brought in. Mr. Mountague, Lieutenant Greemes, and Donnio Spannio "sent abroad upon service several ways." Morrough McEdmond examined, and committed to the Marshal.


22nd.--My Lord rode to Mr. Masterson's castle at Fernes, where he passed the night.


23rd.--My Lord returned to the camp at Moneys. Mr. James FitzGarrald sent in three traitors' heads, whose names were Mortough O'Eowter, Morrow Boy O'Birne, and Edmond McGarrett.


24th.--Mr. St. Lawrance and Hugh Duffe sent on service with the Lord of Howth's company. Mr. Mountague and Lieutenant Greemes returned to the camp.


25th.--"My Lord rode to view Ballenchorne, Walter Reogh's late habitation." Mr. James Butler brought in the heads of Turlaugh McCahire, O'Toole Sollis, Richard Balligh, Shaan McCasheene Farrill, Towhill McKeagho, Roorie McKeagho, and Edmond Reogh. Three of Feogh's shot came in and craved pardon. Victuals from Dublin.


26th.--My Lord rode to Eniscorffie, to Sir Harry Wallop's.


27th.--Mr. Masterson brought in two prisoners and a woman.


28th.--My Lord returned to the camp at Money. Letters from Sir H. Harrington, that Rise Feogh's wife and a sister of hers were taken prisoners. Two traitors' heads brought in.


29th.--Sir H. Harrington brought in Rise Feogh's wife and her sister, who were examined before the Council. The two men whom Mr. Masterson brought in were executed.


30th.--Sir Geoffrey Fenton, being unwell, took his journey towards Dublin. Captain Mince brought in the head of Feogh's piper. Captain Willis brought in two traitors' heads.


May 1st, 1595.--Captain Streete brought in the head of Patrick McShaan Bribb.


2nd.--My Lord surveyed the country.


3rd.--Captain Streete sent upon service.


4th, Sunday.--Mr. Wheeler preached. Mr. St. Lawrence and Hugh Duffe returned, bringing in two prisoners.


5th.--My Lord went a hunting.


6th.--Letters from England. Fire in the camp; 10 houses burned. News of Sir John Norris's landing at Waterford.


7th.--Captain Street returned, bringing in three prisoners.


8th.--The prisoners examined before my Lord and the Council.


9th.--The camp marched from Money to Rossebaune.


10th.--My Lord went a fishing. Letters received from England, and from the Lord Chancellor and Council at Dublin.


11th.--Mr. Wheeler preached. "This night, after the watch set, by the noise of a great tree which fell, the cry was raised throughout the camp, and every one ready expecting th' alarum."


12th.--Letters from the Council in England by Mr. Cuffe.


13th.--"The camp (at Rossebaune) broke up, and the companies appointed to places of garrison." My Lord rode to Baltinglas, where he lay at the abbey (Sir Harry Harrington's). Sir H. Harrington took two of the Toolis, brothers, who were examined before the Council, and condemned by martial law. Mr. Masterson brought in Donnio Reogh prisoner.


14th.--My Lord went to St. Olstan's (Mr. Allen's). The two Toolis were executed at Baltinglas.


15th.--My Lord returned to Dublin. The Lord Chancellor and Council, with many knights and gentlemen, met him in the way. He sat in Council immediately; and did so almost daily till the end of June.


18th.--My Lord was certified by Captain Merrimans that the Earl of Tyrone's forces were spoiling the Queen's subjects in co. Longford. Order taken for the relieving of Monohon.


20th.--Despatches to England.


21st.--"Sir Edward Yorke and Sir Wm. Clarke took their journey towards the Newrie, to Sir Henry Bagnall, who was sent Lieutenant-General over 1,500 soldiers for the relieving of Monohon." Captain Trever landed at Dublin with his company.


22nd.--Letters from Sir John Norris.


23rd.--My Lord and the Council sat in the Star Chamber. Mr. Phillipes, the Lord of Buckhurst's secretary, sent into England with letters. "Donnio Reogh was arraigned for receiving Redman McFeogh, who was a proclaimed traitor, and suffered him to depart without apprehending; for which he was tried by a jury and found guilty of treason, and condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered." Captain Belinge brought in Donnio McDallio prisoner, who was a reliever of Feogh McHugh and his sons.


24th.--Three prisoners condemned for felony were executed.


26th.--Rise Toole, Feogh McHugh's wife, arraigned, and by a jury found guilty of treason.


27th.--Feogh's wife sentenced to be burned. A Britten soldier for murder condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.


28th.--Donnio Reogh and Donnio Dallio hanged, drawn, and quartered for treason. One executed with them for helping a prisoner to escape from the Castle. This day my Lady "found" to Sir Henry Harrington's son, who was named Russell Harrington.


30th.--Sir Edward Moore certified receipt of intelligence that the Marshal had relieved Monohon, and was returned to the Newrie, between which and Dundalk Tyrone lay with his forces to stop our army's passage. Captain Streete certified that some of his company had met with Feogh McHugh, and one of our soldiers wounded Feogh with a "skayne" in flying, and brought away his sword, target, and head-piece. Two of Feogh's company, named Thomas McHugh McOwen and Dermond McHugh McOwen, were slain, and their heads brought in. Sir John Norries came to Dublin, and visited my Lord.


June 1st, 1595, Sunday.--Lieut. Tucher came to Dublin, with the report of the relieving of Monohon, from Sir Henry Bagnall and the rest of the commanders. [This "report" is copied into the journal. It is calendered on MS 612, pp. 109-110.]


2nd.--"Sir John Norris, Sir Henry and Sir Thomas, with other captains and gentlemen, dined with my Lord, where they were honorably feasted."


3rd.--Mr. John Clarke arrived with letters from the Marshal at the Newrie.


4th.--One of the O'Reilies sent in the heads of McMahon's brother and two others. Mr. Michell arrived with letters from England.


5th.--Letters sent into England by Captain Dearing.


6th.--"My Lord sat in the Council of wars. Letters from Sir Richard Bingham certifying "the betraying and murdering of Captain George Bingham at Sligo Castle by one of the Bourks (Ulick Bowrke), his ensign, who took the castle the same time for the enemy, and slew all the English of the ward."


7th.--Sir Edward Yorke, Sir William Clarke, and the rest returned to Dublin from the Newrie, "and disposed of the companies to their places of garrison."


9th.--Mr. Baptist sent into England with letters.


13th.--Sir John Norris dined with my Lord, and departed for the Newrie. The Lord of Delvine sent in, out of the Breny, six traitors' heads.


15th.--The Earl of Thomond came to Dublin, and visited my Lord.


18th.--My Lord began his journey into the North, accompanied by Sir John Norris, Lord President of Munster, Sir George Bourcher, Sir H. Bagnall, Sir Geoffrey Fenton, Mr. William Brabson (councillors), Sir H. Norris, Sir Ralph Lane, Sir Edward Yorke, Sir John Dowdall, Sir Robert Salisburie, Sir William Clarke, and other gentlemen. "From Dublin to Mellivant, 23 miles, at Sir Edward More's."


19th.--To Dondalke. The Lord President met my Lord, and brought him into the town.


20th.--Stayed at Dondalke for the companies of the risings-out. Sir H. Bagnall certified that the pass between the Newrie and Dondalke was clear, the enemy lying about the Blackwater.


21st.--Letters from Sir Richard Bingham.


22nd, Sunday.--After the sermon my Lord and the Council sat, and then rode to Sir John Bedlowe's, at Castleton, where they dined.


23rd.--"Tyrone, O'Donell, O'Rorcke, McGwire, McMahon, with the rest were proclaimed traitors at Dondalke by the Queen's Sergeant-at-Arms, the Provost Marshal, her Majesty's Pursuivant, and the bailiffs of Dondalke, with other officers; delivered by one ---- both in English and Irish."


24th.--To Roskragh. Hugh O'Moloy carried the Queen's standard before my Lord.


25th.--The camp moved to Carrickbaume, but my Lord, the Lord President, and the Council lay at the Newrie. Letters to them from Tyrone brought by a priest whom Sir H. Bagnall employed; "but he being already proclaimed, my Lord and the Council utterly refused to receive them." O'Hanlon carried the Queen's standard before my Lord.


26th.--My Lord and the Council rode to the camp, to see the risings-out mustered. Tyrone and the rest were again proclaimed traitors at the Newrie.


28th.--The camp marched towards Armagh, and encamped near the Ten Mile Church. Captain Merriman despatched with letters to Sir Turlaugh O'Neall. The enemy first showed themselves, to the number of 60 horse. Letters from Sir H. Duke by a messenger who had been taken by the enemy, and committed to the custody of a gallowglas, who falling asleep, the messenger escaped, bringing away the head of the gallowglas with him. Letters sent to England.


29th.--The camp marched a mile beyond Armagh, where the enemy again showed themselves. The Council sat at Armagh, and concluded to fortify it, and leave a garrison there.


30th.--The camp marched some miles, for better provision of horse meat. My Lord appointed the pioneers to begin the fortification at Armagh. "Between 12 and 1 of the clock this night, the enemy came near the skirts of our camp, and gave us a volley of shot, by which means th'alarum had like to have been taken, but my Lord being abroad at that instant stayed the same. About an hour after they came again to another side of our camp, and gave us another volley." No harm done.


July 1st, 1595.--Intelligence by a spy that O'Donell, McSwyne, and others with their forces had joined Tirone.


2nd.--The pioneers continued fortifying Armagh. Sir Edward Yorke was sent in pursuit of some of the enemy's horse, but they escaped. Patrick Poyney, one of their chief shot, slain, and his head brought in.


3rd.--The camp marched towards the Newrie, nine miles, leaving a garrison at Armagh.


4th.--A supply of victuals for relieving Monohon sent for to the Newrie, and brought to the camp. 400 of the enemy's horse showed themselves on a hill near us, but fled on our horse drawing towards them. My Lord and the Council sat. Letters sent to England by Captain Trever's brother.


5th.--The camp marched eight miles, and encamped near Armagh. The enemy in sight, but attempted nothing. The Council sat.


7th.--Marched towards Monohon, six miles. The enemy showed themselves.


8th.--Marched to----, six miles. My Lord, the Lord President, and the Council then rode to Monohon and victualled it.


9th.--Marched to Knockfarren alias Raynie Hill, towards the Newrie.


10th.--Fords impassable.


11th.--Camp marched to Balleglasse, near the Newrie.


12th.--Scouts reported that the enemy were passing towards the pass of the Moyrie. My Lord and the Lord President commanded all the horse to be in readiness, and appointed as many shot on horseback as horses could be provided for. We had the enemy in chase some five miles, "very ill way and full of bogs," but at a main bog 500 of their shot made a stand whilst their horse escaped. O'Hanlon, my Lord's chiefest guide and standard-bearer, was hurt. We killed four of the enemy's men, one of whom was foster brother to Cormocke McBaron, Tyrone's brother, named Donneell; and another was a Scot, brought to the camp and beheaded. They left behind many "horses, swords, horsemen's staves, and mantles, with divers other baggages, provision of butter, cheese, and other things." My Lord and the Council sat.


13th.--My Lord and the Council rode to the Newrie, to Sir H. Bagnall's, where they took order for appointing the companies to places of garrison.


14th.--The camp marched eight miles, and encamped near Dondalke, by the church on the hill. We passed through the pass of the Moyrie without hindrance, the enemy having been lately dispersed. My Lord ordered the pioneers to cut the said pass.


15th.--Letters received from England by Mr. Baptist.


16th.--The camp broke up. My Lord rode to Tredaugh. The Council sat.


17th.--My Lord and the Council dined with the Mayor of Tredaugh.


18th.--Returned to Dublin. Turlaugh McFeogh executed under the Castle wall.


22nd.--"James Rea went into England, and carried a packet of letters to Chester, at which time Mr. Percie went over to procure his company."


August 3rd, 1595. [From this date to 21 October the journal is resumed by F. Michell.] --"Mr. Peirce went with divers letters into England from my Lord and Lady. Martin went with hawks,--a cast to Sir Robert Cicill, a cast to the Countess of Warwick, a cast to the Lord Thomas Hayarde, one goshawk to Fulke Grivill, a cast of marlians (merlins) to the young Lord Essex, and a cast of marlians to the young Mr. Morrison, and a goshawk to the Countess of Essex; in all 12."


4th.--"News came of the landing of the Scots at Copland Island, and of their overthrow by the Queen's shipping, The Moon, The Popingye, and one that Captain Riggs had charge of."


5th.--Marviliacke went with despatches to England.


6th.--"Divers passengers landed at night, the wind having been contrary seven weeks before."


7th.--Two packets from the Lord Treasurer. "Divers came with letters, as suitors for captains' places of the men that then were to come over."


9th.--"Some landed of the men, and Captain Tutcher came with them."


10th.--"Some others landed of the horse companies."


11th.--Sir J. Norreis took his journey for the North. Divers of the companies mustered upon the Green.


12th.--Captains Piercey, Chichester, and Noell had companies delivered them. The Council sat almost daily till 8 Sept.


14th.--Sir Richard Bingham came to the town for forces.


16th.--Captain Piggott had a company delivered him. Sir Henry Norreis went to England. A packet for England sent to the post of Chester. Letters came out of the North from the Scots. Captains Tutcher and Pigott went to Connaught with their companies.


17th, Sunday.--"The Council met about serious occasions of Connaught matters."


18th.--"The Council discharged Captain Harecourte, his company being but 16 English left, the rest being ran away." Sir Henry Duke, Mr. Martin, Mr. Malby, and Tibbot Dillon "had 50 horse put in pay the piece."


19th.--Mr. Manneringe went with a packet into England. News came that all the cows of the Newry were preyed.


20th.--My Lady [Russell] extremely sick.


21st and 22nd.--Letters from Sir John Norreis.


23rd.--Francis Shane's matter debated in Council; "and he had leave to go into England, to complain of the ill-dealing of Fox, Crowe, Capstock, and Boyle in taking his land."


24th, Sunday.--Sir Edward Brabzone and Sir William Walgrave, son to Sir William Walgrave, knighted in Christ's Church. Doctor Hanmer preached a very bitter sermon.


25th.--The Council sat.


26th to 29th.--"Nothing done, but receiving of letters out of England, and 1,000 foot, 100 horse--Captain Deringe, Captain Mountague."


30th.--General muster upon the Green. Sir William Walgrave went to England.


September 1st, 1595.--News of Mr. Warren's capture by the enemy.


2nd.--Sir Robert Napper returned from the circuit.


3rd.--Captain Parsons and Captain Minshewe's companies went to Connaught.


6th--Letters received from England.


9th.--My Lord took his journey towards Kells, "a place thought most fit to answer the service either in the North or in Connaught." In his company went the Earl of Thomonde, Sir George Bourcher, and Sir Jeffrey Fenton. He lay that night at Lessmullin (Mr. Cusack's). Thither came Captain Francis Stafforde with letters from the camp from Sir John Norreis, describing a skirmish with the Earl's forces, in which Sir John was hurt, and Sir Thomas Norreis and divers horses lost; "but the Earl driven to retreat, by reason of a stand made at a ford by our forces." Captain Harvy, High Sheriff of Westmeath, met my Lord. My Lord sent Eustace, a man of his own, to collect beefs and garrons for Sir John Norreis.


10th.--My Lord went towards Kells. The Earl of Kildare and Mr. Plunket, with horsemen and foot companies, met my Lord. The Bishop of Meath met us at his house called Arbrachen. My Lord was attended by Captain Montague and Captain Dearing's horse, and by Captain Stanton, Captain Parker, and the Earl of Thomond's foot companies.


11th.--The day being so wet my Lord could not take the musters. He lodged in Kells, at a poor thatched house of one Betaghe, and dined with the Earl of Kildare. "The Earl of Thomond's man, and some other letters brought over from Westchester by James Rea, and were sent to my Lord."


12th.--"My Lord sent letters to Sir John Norreis, &c., and a packet to Dublin, to the Council there."


13th.--"The Earl of Thomond's 50 were mustered, and entered into the country pay."


14th, Sunday.--Mr. Graves preached in the church of Kells. Sir Rafe Lane directed letters about the cheques of the companies. "Sir Henry Bagenoll and Sir Henry Duke certified of the death of old O'Neile, and that Tyrone had created himself O'Neile."


15th.--Sir George Bourcher and Mr. Newtervile mustered the horsemen.


16th.--My Lord went to Nobber, passing Karne hills. He sent two companies and a company of horse into the Fewes' country, "the draft for a prey being laid by an Irishman of the Geraldines." Lord Slane mustered 50 horse.


17th.--The forces sent forward the day before met us at the hill called ----, but without the prey, "in respect that the cry was up, and warning was given before." My Lord returned to Kells. Marviliacke returned with a packet out of England.


19th.--The Earl of Ormonde came to Kells, but left his company at Arbrachen. William Warren delivered out of prison, and came to Kells from the Earl of Tyrone.


20th.--Sir Jeffrey Fenton went from Kells "about the defence of Munster from invasion of Spaniards."


21st.--Captains Dearing and Montague, with 50 horse each, Lord Dunsany with 12 horse, and Captains Stanton, Parker, Garret, and Brett, with their foot companies, were sent to Dondalke to the relief of Sir John Norris.


22nd.--My Lord marched to Ardye with the Earl of Ormonde. The rebels had preyed the country thereabout.


23rd.--The Baron of Slane, Lord Louth, and others came thither. The camp marched to Tredaghe, where my Lord lodged at the Primate's house. "My Lord left with my Lord of Ormonde my Lord of Thomond's 100 and his Lordship's own 100 horse."


26th.--My Lord dined at Mellifount, at Sir Edward Moore's, and there he hunted a tame stag.


27th.--The Lord of Slane sent in the heads of two rebels. Joan O'Neile, with 12 others, her servants and tenants, were protected at my Lord of Louth's suit. Philip O'Reylly's wife, Maguire's sister, brought by my Lord of Slane to my Lord. The Earl of Ormonde visited my Lord.


28th.--My Lord dined with the Mayor of Tredaghe. A seminary priest, named Piers Cullen, was apprehended. My Lord had a sermon preached by the Primate. Mr. Mannering came with letters from England.


29th.--My Lord went to Dublin. He was met by Lord Gormaston, Mr. FitzWilliams of Meriom, Sir H. Wallope, Sir Robert Napper, and Sir Anthony St. Leger. New Mayor of Dublin sworn.


October 2nd, 1595.--"Sir Henry Harrington complained of Captain Lea, about the murdering of one of the Tooles, protected by the Council." My Lord dined at the new Mayor's. Richardson the chaplain was buried, and Mr. Graves, another of his Lordship's chaplains, had the "chantership" given him.


3rd.--Letters from Sir John Norreis of his departure for the relief of Monaghan. Captain Smith came to Tredagh extremely sick, and Sir Edward Yorke came to Dublin sick.


4th.--"The Council sat. Mannering passing the office of searchership,"&c.


5th.--"Mr. Henry Browne, my Lord's servant, went with the packet for England; and Dudley Norton and Spackman and others that passage. Letters came from Sir John Norres of his return from Monaghan, and sent therewith certain offers of the Earl's."


6th.--"Letters came from Sir Jeffrey Fenton, that all was well in Munster concerning matter of invasion by Spaniards. The Council sat. Order went for the discharge of all the officers of the field both to Sir John Norreis and Sir Rafe Lane."


7th.--Letters from the General and Captain Russell.


8th.--Letters sent to England by the post of Chester. "Letters written to Captain Lea, upon Sir Henry Harington's complaint, that he should bring the body of Dermot O'Toole, and not make his own house a prison."


9th.--"The men of Tredagh complained of laying garrison with them."


10th.--News of the killing of Captains Foule and Mince, and one Mr. Terote (or Tewte ?), and of much other loss in Connaught done by the Bourks.


11th.--The Earl of Ormonde, Sir John Norreis, Lord Thomonde, &c. came home to Dublin. A prisoner, Dermot O'Toole, sent in by Captain Lea, with many soldiers. "Captain Moyle was with the Queen's ship discharged." Letters written to Egerton "to set the pledges of Scots at liberty, for that they had kept their word to go out of Ireland without doing hurt."


12th.--"Sir J. Norreis and the Earl of Ormonde came to dinner to my Lord. They sat in Council after dinner."


13th.--The Earl of Ormonde departed. Samuel Norton came home with letters from England. Munition landed. A horseman of Captain Mountague's executed for running away.


15th.--News that Rory Oge had burned in the county of Leax. Garrisons planted.


16th.--The matter betwixt Sir Henry Harrington and Thomas Lea, "about killing of O'Toole being protected," was debated in Council.


17th.--"News came of some of the Baron of Delvin's men that were gone, and some stir in Meath. The Council sat, and sundry of the gentlemen of Meath were assembled."


18th.--The Council sat about the quarrel between the Earl of Thomonde and Darcye, who were both bound. The term adjourned to Crastina Animarum. Packet to England. Henry Willins and Mr. Thorpe went that passage.


19th, Sunday.--"They went to the church before and after dinner."


20th.--"Some letters came that Sir Fra. Drake had taken Cales" (Cadiz).


21st.--The Council sat "about despatch of suitors."


24th.--Sir Geoffrey Fenton returned from Munster. Mr. Pratt came with letters from Connaught.


26th.--Mr. William and Francis Clarke set to sea for England.


28th.--The Earl of Kildare came to Dublin.


29th.--Captains St. Leger and Warren returned from parleying with the Earl of Tyrone.


30th.--Mr. Henry Browne returned from England with letters.


November 2nd, 1595, Sunday.--The Bishop of Limerick preached.


7th.--Sir H. Harrington brought Feogh McHugh in upon my Lord's protection.


8th.--Feogh McHugh submitted himself upon his knees before the Council, and craved pardon.


9th.--My Lord knighted Captain Richard Winckfield in Christ Church after the sermon.


10th.--My Lord began his journey towards Galway, being accompanied by the Lord Chancellor, Sir Geoffrey Fenton, the Earl of Kildare, Sir Dudley Loftus, Sir W. Clarke, and others. He went as far as Mr. Ashe's house at Trim.


11th.--To Mollingar (Mrs. Hope's).


12th.--The Sheriff of Meath presented his letter [See 8 Nov. 1595. MS 612, p. 41.] with Sir John Tirrell and many others of that county.


13th.--To Ballemore (Lady Straunge's).


14th.--To Athlone Castle (Sir Richard Bingham's).


15th.--To Balleneslow (Mr. Brabson's), where Mr. Malbie and Tibbott Dillon came to my Lord.


16th.--To Lough Reogh (the Earl of Clanricard's).


17th.--To Galway, where my Lord lay at Mr. Dominick Lynche's. "As soon as my Lord entered the city, four great pieces of ordnance were discharged on the outer wall, without the gate of the town. The mayor and aldermen were ready in their scarlet gowns to receive and welcome my Lord, and there delivered the keys of the town gates to his Lordship, with an oration written in Latin; which done, the townsmen, to the number of 200, with their ensign and in arms, stood on both sides the street guarding my Lord to his lodging, where being alighted, they discharged a volley of shot." There were assembled at Galway the Earls of Kildare, Thomond, and Clanricarde, Lords Brimegeam, Roche, and Dunkellie, and divers knights and gentlemen.


18th and 19th.--My Lord sat in Council.


20th.--Sir Charles O'Carrell came to Galway "with report of divers of his men slain by the Butlers."


21st.--Letters from England.


22nd.--Letters from Mr. Malbie about his coming in with the O'Conners. The mayor and aldermen came and invited my Lord to dinner the following day. Mr. Leman, of co. Mayo, brought in his complaints against Sir Richard Bingham, his brothers, and followers.


23rd, Sunday.--The Bishop of Kilmaccowe preached before my Lord and the Council, both in English and Irish. My Lord and the Council dined at the mayor's, after which Mr. Graves preached. Mr. Brabson and Tibbott Dillon returned from parleying with the Bourckes.


24th.--His Lordship walked out of the town to see the abbey.


25th.--Intelligence that O'Donell was come into Connaught, and had dissuaded the Bourkes from coming in as they had promised; whereupon Mr. Brabson was once more sent to them. Doctor Neland's son committed, being lately come out of Spain.


26th.--Captain Conwaie's company came to Galway.


27th.--Morrough McMurie ["O'Flahargtie" in the margin.] came in and submitted himself before the Council, and put in a pledge.


29th.--The mayor came before the Council, "and craved my Lord's furtherance for establishing a preacher for the town," which was assented to.


30th.--Mr. Graves preached. The Council sat. Mr. Malbie brought in O'Conner Roe and Dermot O'Conner O'Hanley, with their complaints.


December 1st, 1595.--"This night the noblemen and captains presented my Lord with a mask."


2nd.--Captain Higham was committed. The Earl of Thomond took his leave, and rode into Munster.


3rd.--Letters from England, brought from Dublin by Thadie Noland.


4th.--Thady Noland, the pursuivant, sent to Dublin with letters for England.


5th.--Letters from Mr. Brabson, from Mayo. My Lord departed from Galway to Athenree, where he lay at the abbey (Mr. Broune, the dean's).


6th.--Mr. Grafton brought in complaints against Sir Richard Bingham's followers.


7th.--To Lough Reogh (the Earl of Clanricarde's). Mr. Brabson returned from the Rowrckes, who would not come in, but sent a submission, and their complaints against Sir Richard Bingham and his followers.


8th.--To Balleneslowe (Mr. Brabson's).


9th.--To Athlone Castle. "Sat in Council, and dealt with Sir Richard Bingham touching the manifold complaints against him."


10th.--To Ballymote (Lady Straunge's).


11th.--To Mollingar. My Lord of Delvine, Mr. Newgent, and others met my Lord.


12th.--To Cloinne (the Lord of Delvine's). Letters for England sent to Dublin by Mr. Manneringe.


13th.--To Arbracken (the Bishop of Meath's). Conner O'Birne submitted before the Council.


14th.--To Riverston (Sir Robert Dillon's).


15th.--To Dublin.


16th.--My Lord sent for Sir Robert Gardner and Sir Harry Wallop to confer of such business as had passed in his absence.


17th, et seq.--The Council sat.


19th.--Sir John Norris came to Dublin.


27th.--Mr. John Hoye, the gentleman usher, sent into England with a packet.


28th, Sunday.--The Bishop of Lawghlen and Mr. Fenn preached.


29th.--"The Mayor and the citizens of Dublin came and made their excuse to my Lord, showing their disability, being not able to lend money to the State at that time."


30th.--Rise Ap Hugh came to Dublin, and certified the death of the Countess of Tyrone.


31st.--The Mayor and townsmen of Tredaugh presented their complaint of the soldiers' abuses.


January 1st, 1595[-6].--"Letters received from the Earl of Clanricarde and from Mr. Anthony Brabson, certifying the outrage of the enemy in Connaught, notwithstanding the peace, and how some of the Kellies were gone out lately, and burned and preyed certain towns of Mr. Francis Shanne's. ["O'Ferrall" in the margin.] This night certain lords and gentlemen presented my Lord with a mask."


2nd.--"This day the lords and gentlemen who were of the maske, being before invited, dined with my Lord, where they were honorably feasted."


3rd.--Letters sent into England by post.


4th, Sunday.--My Lord knighted Captain Henry Warren in Christ Church after the sermon.


8th.--Letters from Sir Richard Bingham and Tibbott Dillon, certifying the outrages of the enemy in Connaught.


9th.--It was determined in Council to send Sir H. Wallopp and Sir Robert Gardner to draw the Earl of Tirone to a peace at Dondalke, according to her Majesty's directions. Six rebels' heads were brought in, including some of the O'Reylies', who were overtaken with a prey, which was rescued by Mr. Plunckett, Mr. Taffe, and others.


10th.--The Lord of Slany sent for by the Council, "and direction given for the bringing in of Philip O'Reylie for the safeguard of himself and certain merchants who were bound for his coming in." Warrant and direction given to Wallopp and Gardener.


11th.--Dr. Hanmer and Mr. Fenn preached.


12th.--Letters to England. Captain Higham, come from Sir Richard Binghame, reported the state of Connaught to the Council. The companies of Captains Chichester, Percie, Parsons, Garrett, and Babtist, and Sir George Bourcher, were sent thither, making in all 19 companies at that time in Connaught. Wallop and Gardner departed for Dondalke.


13th.--Letters from Sir Richard Bingham.


14th.--Commission to Sir Richard Bingham for placing soldiers in Connaught. News from Spain that the river of Seville, overflowing, drowned 4,000 people, and did much harm.


19th.--Letters from Sir H. Wallopp and Sir R. Gardner, certifying the death of Sir Hugh McGennis, and that Tyrone was staying within three miles of Dundalk for O'Donnell.


21st, et seq.--The Council sat.


25th, Sunday.--Mr. Daniell and Mr. Fenn preached.


26th.--My Lord was advertised by the townsmen of Kells that the rebels had taken all their cattle and hogs, which were rescued by Captain Fleminge and his horsemen, who slew about 30 of the rebels, 13 heads being brought in.


27th.--Mr. Hoy, the gentleman usher, arrived with letters and 12,000l. from England. He brought news of the death of the Earl of Huntingdon, Sir Roger Williams, and Sir Thomas Morgan.


February 2nd, 1595[-6].--Sir H. Wallop and Sir R. Gardner returned to Dublin from parleying with Tyrone.


5th.--The Earl of Ormond came to town. Phergus O'Farrel sent in the heads of Farrell O'Banne's son and another rebel.


7th.--Letters from the Lord of Delvin, "certifying of the assault and burning of a castle, where some of the enemy were burned and the rest killed." Sir Thomas Norris came to town, and did his duty to my Lord. [The] Sergeant-Major returned from Connaught with letters from Sir R. Bing[ham]. Letters sent to England by Mr. Oldsworth.


8th, Sunday.--Letters from the Earl of Clanricard. Sir Henry Ducke died this day. The Bishop of Meath and Mr. Fenn preached.


9th.--"My Lord sat in the council of wars."


10th.--The Council sat "about hearing a controversy between the Earl of Ormond and Sir Charles O'Carrell."


11th.--Surley Boy came in, and did his duty to my Lord.


12th.--Surley Boy invited to supper.


16th.--[The] Sergeant-Major ["Chichester" in the margin.] sent with certain companies to relieve the Cavan.


18th.--Letters sent into England by Mr. Fowlkes. Sir Robert Gardner sent to England.


19th.--Captain Bartlett married to the Lord Chancellor's daughter.


22nd, Sunday.--The Bishop of Downe and Mr. Fenn preached. "My Lord and the Council sent Surley Boy a black velvet mantle laid with gold lace."


24th.--Letters received from Tyrone by Th. Noland.


25th.--"Mr. Manneringe died, and his office of searchership my Lord bestowed of his servants, William Miller and Richard Griffen. Sergeant-Major returned from the Cavan."


26th.--20,000l. arrived from England, by Dudley Norton. Mr. Manneringe buried.


March 2nd, 1595[6].--"My Lord sat in the council of war."


3rd.--Sergeant-Major (Chichester) with other captains went to relieve the abbey of Boyle.


4th.--Mrs. Huggans died.


6th.--Upon intelligence that 300 or 400 Scots and Irish were come over the Shannon into McGoghlin's country to burn and spoil, my Lord began his journey [thither], accompanied by Sir George Bowrcher, the Lord of Inssiequeene, Sir William Clarke, Sir Edward Herbert, Sir Harry Warren, and others. He rode to Tryme (Mr. Ashe's). Letters left at Dublin to be carried into England by Marviliack, "the next wind."


7th.--To Mollingar (Mrs. Hope's).


8th.--My Lord and Sir G. Bowrcher heard bills of complaint, and ordered that the country should be paid for things taken up for her Majesty's service.


9th.--His Lordship sent his carriages to Phillipstown, where preparation was made for his coming; but suddenly he took another way towards O'Moloie's country, and rode to Durrough (Sir Edward Herbert's).


10th.--To Rathmacgelduld (Tege O'Moloye's). The chief of the O'Moloies with other gentlemen and some kearne met my Lord, and declared that the Scots, at that instant, were burning the country within view. His Lordship sent 100 shot with certain kearne, under the guiding of O'Moloye, over the bogs towards them. Assisted by McGoghlin, they came near to the Scots that night, and at break of day fell upon them, and killed 140 of them, others being drowned in returning over the Shannon.


11th.--My Lord rode to Cloghon, O'Madden's castle, in Losmage, and encamped before it. O'Madden, being gone out in action of rebellion, had left there a ward of his principal men, who, on my Lord's approach, set three of their houses adjoining the castle on fire, and made shot at us. Being summoned to yield, their answer to Captain Thomas Lea was "that if all that came in his Lordship's company were Deputies they would not yield," expecting some aid. That night my Lord appointed Captain Izod to keep watch, lest the enemy should escape by a bog adjoining the castle. About midnight my Lord visited his watch, and understanding that some women were in the castle, sent "and advised them to put forth their women, for that he intended the next morning to assault the castle with fire and sword," but they refused.


12th.--The thatched roof of the castle was fired by a soldier who cast up a firebrand, "and whilst our shot played at their spike holes, a fire was made to the grate and door, which smothered many of them." The soldiers made a breach in the wall and took many alive, most of whom were cast over the walls and so executed. 46 persons were burned and killed. Two women and a boy were saved by my Lord's appointment.


13th.--My Lord rode to an island a mile distant, "where it was supposed some of the cotts should be found which the Scots got over the Shannon with." Mr. Brabson came from Althone, with a boat manned, to seek out the cotts on the river.


14th.--My Lord having appointed 50 of Sir George Bowrcher's soldiers with McGoghlin and his kearne for the defence of the country, rode to Corcurr, "where his Lordship rested in straw that night at one Tege McFirre's house." Letters from Sir R. Bingham.


15th.--My Lord rode to the fort at Phillipstown.


16th.--Sir W. Clarke despatched to England with letters. Mr. Foulkes brought letters from England. Mr. Malbie came from Sir Richard Bingham.


17th.--Order for the repairing of Phillipstown.


18th.--My Lord rode to Croghon (Sir Thomas Moore's).


19th.--My Lord returned to Phillipstown, and hunted the hare as he came. By the way the Baron of Upper Osserie and his son met him.


20th.--My Lord rode to the fort at Mary Borrough, and dined by the way at Mr. Dempsi's, where letters were received from England by post.


22nd.--To Stradbery (Mr. Gosbie's). "My Lord found to Mr. Gosbie's son's child, Sir Harry Warren being my Lord's deputy for the same."


23rd.--To Mounstereven (Captain Warram St. Leger's).


24th.--To Dublin. My Lord dined by the way at the Nasse, between which and Dublin he was met by the Lord Chancellor, Lord President, and the rest of the Council, with the citizens of Dublin.


25th, et seq.--The Council sat.


28th, Sunday.--Mr. Fenn and Mr. Pilsworth preached.


29th.--Mr. Garrett Moore came out of the North, and spake with my Lord.


April 1st, 1596.--My Lady rode to Kilmanum to prepare the house against my Lord's coming.


2nd.--Letters to be sent to the post of Chester for the Court by Mr. Beeston. Captains Dearing and Russell appointed to go to Chester, receive 300 horsemen there, and see them shipped and brought over. Certain corporals sent to conduct over the 1,500 foot.


3rd.--My Lord removed to Kilmanum.


4th, Sunday.--Mr. Traverse and Mr. Fenn preached.


5th.--Sir Robert Gardner returned from England. "A Spaniard which was sent into Spain for Englishmen to redeem the Spaniards here, returned and brought nine Englishmen out of the galleys; and for them nine Spaniards were delivered."


6th to 8th.--Part of the soldiers landed.


8th.--The Lord Chancellor and Sir H. Wallopp dined with my Lord.


9th, Good Friday.--The Lord President and Sir Geoffrey Fenton departed for Dondalke, to treat with Tyrone, O'Donnell, and the other principal traitors.


10th.--The soldiers who lately arrived were mustered.


11th, Easter Day.--The Bishop of Downe and Mr. Fenn preached. After the Bishop's sermon in the morning, my Lord knighted Sir John North in Christ Church.


12th.--Sir Robert Napper and Sir Anthony St. Leger dined with my Lord. The Lords of Gormonston and Lowth brought the ward of Mr. FitzWilliams before the Council.


17th.--Sir Robert Needham and Captain Russell landed with part of the companies of horse and foot.


18th.--Mr. Dean Wheeler and Mr. Fenn [preached]. Letters from the Lord President and Sir Geoffrey Fenton.


20th.--My Lord viewed the horsemen on the Green. Letters from the President and Fenton by Brimegam.


21st.--The Council sat. Letters to the President and Fenton.


22nd.--Sir H. Wallop and Sir R. Gardner dined with my Lord. Sir Edward Yorke arrived from England with letters. More horsemen landed.


26th.--Sir Henry Norris and Sir Robert Needham's companies of horses were erected.


27th.--The Lord President and Sir Geoffrey Fenton returned to Dublin from the treaty with the Earl of Tyrone.


29th.--Sir H. Wallop and Sir G. Fenton came to my Lord.


May 1st, 1596.--The Council sat (as usual). Sir W. Clarke arrived from England with letters. News came that the Spaniards had won Callis (Calais).


3rd.--News from England of the deaths of Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawekings, and Sir Nicholas Clyfford.


4th.--The Lord of Delvin came to town and dined with my Lord.


6th.--Letters to England by Mr. Beeston.


8th.--Sir R. Bingham came to town. Letters from Captain Stafford, from the Newrie, certifying that Spaniards had landed in the North with munition.


12th.--News of the death of Sir John Puckering, Lord Keeper. The Earl of Tyrone's pardon signed, and sent by Lieutenant Banckes to be delivered to Sir Edward Moore.


16th.--Sir Harry Norries landed.


17th.--Mr. Beeston set to sea with letters, and Sir John North also went to England.


20th.--News that Mr. Gosbie, his eldest son, and five of his men were slain in defending his town against 60 of the O'Moores. Mr. Gosbie killed Gorg O'Moore, one of the chiefest of them. Sir Robert Napper, Sir Anthony St. Leger, and Sir Geoffrey Fenton, with their ladies, dined with my Lord at Kilmanum.


21st.--Sir H. Wallop and Sir H. Norries came to dinner.


23rd, Sunday. Mr. Dean Wheeler and Mr. Fenn preached (as usual). Letters from the Earl of Clanrichard and the Mayor of Galway, "confirming the Spaniards' landing in the North, being 3 pinnaces, and in each 60 musketeers."


24th.--One of Captain Audlei's soldiers executed for running away.


26th.--"My Lord and Lady rode abroad a hunting the wolf."


27th.--Letters to England by post. The Earl of Kildare went to England.


29th.--"Certain soldiers who ran away from their captains were by my Lord's appointment put to cast the dice for their lives, and one of them, who cast least, was executed."


31st.--Sir R. Napper and Sir J. Fenton came to dine with my Lord. "Captain Warran returned from the Earl of Tyrone; at which time the Earl sent one of his followers, Shane McDonnell, with a letter to my Lord and the Council, which was sent him from the King of Spain, and charged the said Shane upon his oath, and Captain Warren upon his promise, that the said letter should be returned without any copy taken of the same. [See 22 January 1596, MS 612, p. 65.] The said letter was brought out of Spain, and delivered to the Earl by one Don Olonso Cobos."


June 2nd, 1596.--Letters to England carried to Chester by Captain Roberts. The Lord President and Sir G. Fenton departed for Connaught.


6th, Sunday.--My Lord and the Council received the Communion. Letters from the Mayor of Galway, "who sent an Italian to my Lord, who came into Ireland with the Spaniards and escaped from them." After his examination my Lord sent him into England to my Lord Treasurer.


7th.--Browne, the Lord President's man (with letters), Captain Streete, and Captain Higham landed from England.


8th.--Sir R. Bingham and Sir R. Napper came to my Lord.


10th.--The Lord Chancellor and Sir Harry Wallopp dined with my Lord, after which they sat in Council. Letters to England by Mr. Altone Clarke.


12th.--Letters from the Lord President and Sir G. Fenton.


13th.--The Bishop of Downe and Mr. Fenn preached. Letters to the President and Fenton. "Morrough McTege Oge secretly, with a barrel of powder, lead, and match, upon one of his L[ordship's] horses, [went]towards Ballenecor to Captain Tucher; which munition was delivered there the day following."


15th.--The Bishop of Meath came to my Lord.


16th--The Lord of Delvin came.


20th.--The Lord of Delvine sent in one of the O'Farrels, a notable rebel, who was taken and wounded by the Newgents. He died of his wounds.


22nd.--Letters and 12,000l. from England.


23rd.--Letters to England. My Lord and Lady rode to Rafarnam "to see the house." Letters from the Lord of Delvin and the rest of the Commissioners brought by Captain Streete. Baron Elliot came to tell my Lord "how Sir Edward Moore, being one of the Commissioners, had been to bring the Earl of Tyrone his pardon; who, before his coming, had taken a journey into the uttermost part of his country."


26th.--Captain Warren affirmed before the Council "that he had not given his oath to the Earl of Tyrone for returning the King of Spain's letter."


28th.--Letters from the Lord President and Fenton.


July 1st, 1596.--Letters from the Lord President and Fenton, "declaring that they of Connaught had deferred their meeting for a month." Mr. Henry Broune despatched into England with letters. Sir Robert Napper and his Lady went to England.


2nd.--Letters from the Mayor of Galway.


4th, Sunday.--Letters from the Lord President and Fenton. My Lord and the Council received the Communion.


5th.--Sir H. Wallop and Sir R. Gardner dined with my Lord.


6th.--The Sergeant-Major returned out of Connaught.


7th.--Wallop, Gardner, and Sir Robert Dillon came to my Lord. Order for sending 2,000l. to the Lord President (Norris) in Connaught, to pay the companies there.


8th.--Eight ships seen at anchor beyond the head of Hawth. Mr. Hoye and Gryffen, being sent to know what they were, brought word they were Scots.


9th.--Letters from the Lord President. Sir Geoffrey Fenton returned from Connaught. Letters to England (frequently).


13th.--Wallop and Gardner came to my Lord.


15th.--News that the Garradines had burnt a town of Captain Lea's.


16th.--Letters to England. Order for the making up of certain Irish companies into hundreds.


18th.--News of the capture, sack, and burning of Cales Cadiz) by the Earl of Essex. The Lord of Delvin came to my Lord.


19th.--Divers Irish Lords appeared before the Council about the general hosting. News that Tyrone had received his pardon.


20th.--Lords Delvin and Gormonston came.


22nd.--"Letters received from the Commissioners, confirming that the Earl had received his pardon (after much debating) with humility and reverence, protesting all faithfulness and duty to do her Majesty service; but he refused to take his oath to forsake all foreign aid."


24th.--Marviliack returned with letters from Sir Robert Cecill, who was chosen her Majesty's principal secretary. Mr. Wiseman and O'Connor Sligo also came over.


26th.--Sir H. Norries returned from Connaught.


August 2nd, 1596.--Sir G. Fenton departed for Connaught.


5th.--Letters from the Mayor of Waterford.


6th.--"The news of the Earl of Essex confirmed from Waterford and Milford."


8th.--Sir Henry Norris set to sea for England; and my Lord sent Morgan over with hawks and horses.


9th.--The Sergeant-Major (Chichester) went into Connaught.


10th.--My Lord rode with Sir R. Gardner, Sir R. Bingham, and Sir G. Bowrcher to the Lord Chancellor's at Rafarnam, where they sat in Council.


11th.--Letters from the Lord President and Sir G. Fenton in Connaught, giving hope of peace, and certifying "that the army goeth not forward on the 6th of August as was appointed by them."


12th.--Letters from Lieut. Greame, who certified that Feagh McHugh had received letters from the Earl of Tyrone, "and that himself feared to be burnt every night."


13th.--Sir H. Wallop and Sir R. Gardner came to Killmaneham, and dined with my Lord.


14th.--Letters from the Lord President and Sir G. Fenton "doubting of the peace." Letters to England by post. Letters from Captain Tucher "that James Butler had taken five of the Captain's his men and hanged them."


16th.--Letters to England by Mr. Wiseman.


18th.--Captain Thornton returned from sea. Sir Charles O'Carrell sent in his brother and two others according to my Lord's appointment, and desired that the Earl of Ormond might send in James Butler and the rest, "which were principal men [who] had done him wrong."


19th.--Letters from the Lord President and Fenton.


21st.--Letters from Sir E. Moore. Captain Lea returned from the Earl of Tyrone.


23rd.--Letters from Sir Thomas Norries.


25th.--My Lord of Delvin came to dinner.


26th.--"Mr. Strawbridge and my fellow Gryffen took a seminary priest in Dublin," who was committed to the Castle.


27th.--Letters from Justice Walshe, "that a female child was brought before him dead with two heads upon one body, which he sent to Waterford."


28th.--Letters to England by Marviliack. News of the deaths of Lord Hunsdon and Sir Francis Knowles, and of the return of the Earl of Essex with our navy. [Here follows a "report of the voyage." See MS 612, p. 89.]


September 2nd, 1596.--"My Lord and Lady with the Lady Bowrcher rode a hawking."


3rd.--Sir Robert Dillon came to my Lord.


5th, Sunday.--My Lord and the Council received the Communion at Christ Church. Mr. Howson and Mr. Fenn preached. The Sergeant-Major returned from Connaught with letters from the Lord President.


6th.--The Lord of Delvin sent in three of the O'Farrels' heads.


7th.--"My Lord and Lady walked abroad to see fish taken."


8th.--Sir Anthony St. Leger came to my Lord.


9th.--Lieut. Beeston was sent by my Lord with Sir Robert Needham's horsemen to convey munition to Ballenecor. They were attacked at the pass near Radrome by some of Feagh McHugh's followers, one man being slain and two or three hurt, but the munition was saved and brought back. Captain Tucher having sent some of his men to meet the munition, Feagh in their absence assaulted the fort, won it by the treachery of a sergeant, took Captain Tucher prisoner, and razed the fort to the ground. My Lord sent the Sergeant-Major (Chichester) and Captain Lea with 200 foot and 40 horse to Ballenecor, but at Newcastle hearing that the fort was lost, they returned.


10th.--Letters from the Earl of Ormond.


12th.--"This night, being windy and dark, between 11 and 12 of the clock, certain cows of Kilmanum town, breaking out of a banne, and running away, one of the town raised the cry, whereat my Lord and the household rose, and put ourselves in arms, supposing some treachery."


14th.--Letters from Ormond and Captain Mountague.


15th.--Letters from England by one of Sir Henry Norries's men and by Mr. Garrett, of Dublin.


16th.--Mr. Henry Browne returned from England.


18.--My Lord began his journey to Rathdrome, and rode to Old Courte, where he encamped, being accompanied by Sir Edward Yorke, Sir William Clarke, the Sergeant-Major (Chichester), Captains Peirsey, Marya Winckfield, Russell, and others.


19th, Sunday.--Marched to Newraff.


20th.--To Rathdrome. Here two or three in fetching wood were cut off by the rebels, one of them being Cassie, my Lord's messenger, "who was found sore mangled."


21st.--"My Lord continued at Rathdrome, and began to fortify the church, intending to leave a garrison there. In the afternoon his Lordship rode towards the woods, and appointed certain houses adjoining thereunto to be pulled down for timber to fortify with; but the rebels lying close in the wood gave us a volley of shot; whereupon my Lord sent the Sergeant-Major and Captain Street to entertain skirmish with them, which they did for the space of half an hour." Captain Mountague and Garrett Fleminge parleyed with Feagh McHugh.


22nd.--Captain Tucher's sergeant was executed near the camp for treachery and cowardice in yielding up the fort of Ballenecor. Two soldiers executed at Dublin for the same.


23rd.--Letters brought from Dublin by Philip Hore, "about the dividing of the treasure of 15,000l., whereof 8,000l. was borrowed here and repaid by my Lord Treasurer's direction out of England.


24th.--"About one of the clock this morning my Lord appointed Captain Lea with his companies of foot and kearne to rise, and to lodge as near the enemy (beyond them) as he could. Then my Lord rose by break of day with 200 foot and 50 horse, and marched towards Ballenecor with drums beating and ancients spread; and drawing near the ford, the rebels raised the cry, and made show on the hill by Ballenecor about 100 strong, besides 60 and upwards of their best shot, [and] drew down to the ford to meet us there at the bridge. Notwithstanding they lay at rest there for us, and played upon us, yet our soldiers behaved themselves so well as that we drove them from their stand, and recovered over the ford with small loss and some hurt. Then Captain Lea came to my Lord, who could not recover beyond them without descrying; whereupon my Lord sent him and Captain Streete another way into the Glynnes to meet with them; and coming to a town of Feaghe's, named Farrenerren, they burned it, and in returning from thence the rebels skirmished with them about an hour, whilst my Lord with his horse stood upon the mountain. After which, in coming to the camp the same way, my Lord appointed certain houses adjoining to the wood to be set on fire." Sir John Dowdall's and Captain Higham's companies came to the camp.


25th.--Sir Richard Bingham departed for England without my Lord's leave.


26th.--Letters from Mr. H. Browne (at Dublin), who was going with letters to England.


28th.--My Lord rode to the woods, to fetch timber for fortification. Mr. Mastersonne and Mr. Dudley Norton came to the camp.


29th.--Captain Lea was sent out with companies upon service.


30th.--Captain Mountague returned with two prisoners, and Captain Lea with a prey of 80 cows taken from the rebels.


October 1st, 1596.--The Earl of Thomond came to the camp. The two prisoners were executed, "and a horseboy of my Lord's for stealing a soldier's sword."


2nd.--The Earl of Thomond returned to Dublin. Letters to England and to the Lord President.


3rd.--The Earl of Ormond came to the camp with 100 horse, and after conference with my Lord returned to the rest of his company, 200 foot, and encamped two miles distant. About midnight my Lord sent out the Sergeant-Major and Captain Lea with our foot companies two several ways into the Glynnes, and by daybreak of the 4th "rose with 50 horse, and rode through part of the Glynnes up to the mountains, some six miles, where we met with the Sergeant-Major and his company, who had been discovered by the rebels; and, drawing together further on the mountain side, we descried about 100 of the enemy in two companies, which showed themselves on the Glynne side. And my Lord, knowing there would be no service performed without great disadvantage, commanded the Sergeant-Major to draw back; and in returning towards the camp we espied Captain Lea on the mountain by Ballenecor, standing with a prey of 300 cows and upwards, which he had taken from other of the rebels, and stayed there till my Lord drew down to the ford to assist him." We brought the prey safe to the camp.


6th.--The Sergeant-Major, with some companies of foot, sent out upon service.


7th.--The Sergeant-Major returned with 80 cows and a prisoner, a follower of Feagh's, named Hugh Boye, with his daughter. On receipt of letters from England, my Lord "sent post to the Lord President into Connaught."


8th.--My Lord departed for Dublin, leaving the camp at Rathdrome under the command of the Sergeant-Major (Chichester), who went on with the fortification.


11th to 15th.--My Lord and the Council sat.


16th.--My Lord returned to the camp from Dublin.


17th.--Sir George Bowrchier came to the camp.


18th.--Sir John North and Sir John Bowles, with their foot companies, each 100 strong, came to the camp.


19th.--My Lord sent the Sergeant-Major into the O'Birnes' country for beeves, who returned with 100 cows. A muster taken before my Lord. The Sheriff of Kildare sent in a prisoner, who was with Feagh at the taking of Ballenecor. He was executed near the camp. The Lord of Dunkellie and Mr. Newgent came to the camp.


20th.--Lieut. Flower and John Mastersone sent with some companies on service.


21st.--Captain Lea sent with some companies on service.


23rd.--Captain Lea, in returning to the camp with a prey of 80 cows, was fought with by the rebels at the ford at Ballenecor. My Lord, being abroad and hearing the skirmish, went in person to relieve him, and brought the prey to the camp. We had 9 or 10 slain and 20 hurt.


24th, Sunday.--Mr. Dean Wheeler preached. Letters from England by Marviliacke brought to the camp by Thomas Belfield.


25th.--The Sergeant-Major and Captain Lea sent abroad upon service Sir George Bowrchier rode to Dublin with Mr. Cooke.


27th.--Captain Flemming came to the camp.


28th.--Letters from Lieut. Flower and Captain Greemes, that they had taken 80 cows from the Butlers, and the castle of Newston, where they left a ward.


29th.--"My Lord received a packet of letters by Mr. Mastersonne, which came from the rector of the Irish seminary of Salamanca, brought to Waterford by one Father Archer, who went here in the name of Bowman; which letters were received by one Devorexe, of Waterford, whom my Lord committed." Captain Flemming's horsemen cut off one rebel's head, and took another prisoner. Lieut. Flower returned.


30th.--This night the Sergeant-Major and Captain Lea were sent abroad, and on Sunday, the 31st, by break of day my Lord went with his company of horse, and met them returning with 300 cows and 60 garrons, "and had the killing of 8 of the rebels, the chiefest of whom was Cahire Glasse O'Toole."


November 1st, 1596.--"This night, at the setting of the watch, six soldiers of Sir John Bowles and Sir Thomas North's companies, which had run away from their colours, were put to cast the dice for their lives, and one of Sir Thomas North's company, who cast least, was executed." Captain Mountague and Lieut. Flower sent abroad on service.


2nd.--Sir Henry Bagnall came to the camp. Phelim McFeagh's foster-brother brought in as a prisoner.


3rd.--Sir H. Bagnall returned to Dublin. Letters from the Council at Dublin by the pursuivant Farrell.


4th.--Mr. Cooke sent to Dublin. Phelim McFeagh's foster brother executed.


5th.--"My Lord rode abroad unto the Glynn side, where he lighted upon some of the enemy unaware, but being near their fastness, no service could be done upon them. About midnight three or four shott of the enemy discharged into our camp, whereat the alarm had like to have been taken."


6th.--Sir Edward Bowes came to the camp with his company, 100 strong. Victuals brought from Dublin by Thomas Belfied. Lieuts. Flower and Vaughan sent to Tullie and Newston with companies.


9th.--Sir William Clarke went to Dublin.


10th.--Captain Lea, in returning to the camp over the ford at Ballenecor with 40 cows, was skirmished with by the rebels, and forced to stay till my Lord relieved him.


12th.--"Lieut. Flower returned from Tully, where Lieut. Vaughan and six of his soldiers were treacherously by the enemy slain, and two of his brothers sore hurt."


13th.--Lieut. North and his company were put into the fort [at Rathdrome] till Captain Lea returned from the Glynnes, when he and Lieut. Flower were appointed to keep the same. Sir Urian Leigh arrived with his company, bringing one of Feagh's followers prisoner from Dublin.


14th, Sunday.--The camp moved from Rathdrome to Boylie Boye, the entry into the main Glynnes. Captain Trevers' company were sent back to the Newrie.


15th.--The Sergeant-Major (Chichester) and Captain Lea entered the Glynnes before day. "And by daylight his Lordship drew to the north side of Glan-Malorrighe with his company of horse and some shot, which he thrust into the Glynnes, and drew all along even home to the camp, the enemy making no fight upon any part of our forces to hurt." Captain Lea, passing through the Glynnes on the further side, had taken 200 cows, which he brought to the camp by the bridge of Ballenecor.


16th.--In consequence of heavy rains the camp was raised, and we marched over the bridge at Ballenecor with all the carriages, and through two bad passes to Rastbane, near Glan-Lurkin. My Lord appointed Feagh McHugh's pledges, one of them being his base son, to be executed, with one other of his followers.


17th.--Marched to Hacketts-town.


18th.--Mr. Harepoole came to my Lord.


19th--"The camp removed to Tullie. The Earl of Ormond was in fight the same day with the Butlers that were out, and burnt about the Briskloe in our sight. This night the Sergeant-Major and Captain Lea were sent out with companies to do some service upon the Butlers, and, lighting upon the Earl's camp, returned from him in the morning. In the meantime Mr. Harpoole had taken a prey from the Butlers."


20th.--The Earl of Ormond came to my Lord, and returned to his camp about the Briskloe. Letters from the Council at Dublin by Morgan Birne.


21st.--News that Captains St. Leger's and Marshall's companies had done some service upon the rebels in Leixe.


22nd.--Letters to England by Mr. Sparke. My Lord rode to Newston and relieved the ward there. The Earl of Thomond, Donogh Spannio, and other Cavanaghs came to my Lord.


23rd.--The following companies sent to their places of garrison: Sir John Bowles's to Cariekfergus, Sir Edward Bowes's to the Nasse, and Sir Urian Leigh's to Droheda. The Earl of Thomond went with his company to garrison at Kilkenney.


24th.--Captain St. Leger came to my Lord and returned.


25th.--Letters from the Lord Chancellor and Council by Thady Farrall, the pursuivant.


26th.--Letters brought by Mastersonne from the suffiran of Rosse, that 17 ships, containing 5,000 Spaniards, coming to Ireland, were all cast away by tempestuous weather. This was confirmed by the Mayor of Waterford's letters.


27th.--My Lord removed to Boulton, leaving the Sergeant-Major in command of several companies at Tullie.


28th.--To the Nasse (Mr. Coolie's).


29th.--The Earl of Kildare came to my Lord, who then rode to Dublin. The Council and citizens met my Lord by the way.


30th, et seq.--The Council sat.


December 1st, 1596.--Justice Dillon committed to the Castle.


4th.--"This day Chambers died, and his office of the keeping of Kilmanum my Lord bestowed of Mr. John Hoye, who was married this day to Mrs. Grace Cade, my Lady's woman.


5th, Sunday.--Mr. Dean Wheeler and Mr. Fenn preached. My Lord and the Council received the Communion.


6th.--Captain Follyott committed to the Castle upon a complaint made by one of the Lord Chancellor's tenants.


7th.--Divers of the Irish lords met before the Council.


8th.--Letters from the Earl of Tyrone brought by Thadie Farrall.


10th.--Samuel Norton (with letters) and Sir Robert Gardner went to England.


12th.--Mr. Fenn and Mr. Graves preached.


13th.--The Mayor of Dublin mustered the citizens.


14th.--Letters from Captain Mountague that Captain Thomas Lea, in coming from Wicklowe with victuals to the fort at Rathdrome, was set upon at a ford a mile from the fort by Feagh McHugh, but, with the help of some horsemen of the O'Birnes' country, killed 30 of the rebels, among whom were Morris Duffe, Feagh's nephew and secretary, and Edmond McShane, his uncle.


15th.--Captain Lea sent in 17 traitors' heads.


16th.--Letters from the Baron of Delvin.


17th.--Letters from the Earl of Tyrone by Captain William Warren. Letters from the Lord President (Norris), the Lord of Louth, and Sir H. Bagnall.


18th.--The Lord President came to Dublin from Connaught.


20th.--Crosse, Mr. Treasurer's man, arrived with 20,000l. from England.


23rd, Thursday.--Mr. Fenn preached.


24th.--Letters from the Sergeant-Major. "A soldier, counterfeiting a warrant of Captain Hugh Moystion's and naming himself to be one Hoy, for extortion and wounding a tenant of Mr. Finglasse's," was executed by martial law.


25th, "Christide."--Dean Wheeler preached.


26th, Sunday.--Mr. Hughson and Mr. Fenn preached. Letters from Sir H. Bagnall, that the Earl of Tyrone was encamped with 5,000 men within a mile of the Newrie.


28th.--"A dyffident was signed for the captains."


29th.--Lord Delvin came to Dublin.


31st.--"Captain Warram St. Leger certified my Lord that his company and Captain Marshal's met with one Captain Tyrrell, who was out in action in Leaxie, where they had the killing of eight of the rebels, besides the taking of their munition."


January 2nd, 1596[-7].--Letters from Captain Maria Winckfield, that Turlagh McHenry, captain of the Fewes, had taken Captains Baker and Gwest prisoners.


4th.--Sir Connia[r]s Clyfford, Sir Thomas Jerman, Sir Stephen Thornexe, and Sir Christopher St. Lawrance landed at Dublin.


6th.--Sir Conni[r]s Clyfford "received his oath" before the Council, and was appointed governor of Connaught.


7th.--Letters from the Lord of Louth and Captain Warren brought by Farrell.


9th, Sunday.--Dr. Hammer and Mr. Fenn preached.


11th.--The Sergeant-Major (Chichester) came to Dublin from Tully.


13th.--"A packet of letters sent into England by post, and brought back again by turning of the wind."


14th.--The Lord President departed to victual Ardmagh, accompanied by Sir George Bourchier and Sir Geoffrey Fenton.


16th, Sunday.--The Lord Chancellor (Archbishop Loftus) and Mr. Fenn preached. Letters received from Galway.


17th.--Seven Englishmen, sent from Spain to redeem so many Spanish prisoners, arrived at Cork. Their names were Wright, Hughes, Gage, Rogers, Byrche, Kellie, and Dixon. They had money given them, and were sent to England.


18th.--Letters from Connaught, that upon O'Donnell's coming into that province most of the people revolted again.


20th.--Letters from the Earl of Clanricard, that O'Donnell was come into the country of Clanricard, with 3,000 foot and 200 horse, burning and spoiling.


21st.--Mr. Henry Browne arrived with letters [from England]. The Lord Borrowgh coming to be Deputy.


23rd.--Letters from Sir G. Fenton, "that the Earl of Tyrone had suffered Ardmagh to be victualled with three of our companies, for the performance of which the said Earl had delivered in pledges." Mr. Thomas Horewell sent to England with letters.


24th.--Letters from Galway. Mr. Molinex, Chancellor of the Exchequer, died, and my Lord bestowed that office on Mr. Richard Cooke, his secretary.


25th.--Captains Russell and Mountague returned from the Lord President.


26th.--The Lord President and Sir G. Fenton returned from Dundalke. "Captain Henry Streete sent in 35 heads of the rebels of the Breney, besides 10 more of the rebels' heads which were stolen away; all which he had the cutting off in the town of Kells, where he lay in garrison, they attempting the town in the night."


The Council sat almost daily.


February 3rd, 1596[-7].--Lord Mountgarrett brought before the Council.


4th.--Sir Edward Stanley and Lady Clyfford landed from England at "the Ring's end."


8th.--Sir Conniars Clyfford departed for Connaught. Letters to England by Bignell, the Treasurer's man.


13th, Sunday.--Sir Conniars Clyfford's chaplain and Mr. Fenn preached.


19th.--Letters to England by John Fowlkes. My Lord began his journey towards Catherlough, and rode to the Nasse.


20th.--To Catherlough, where my Lord lay, at the Castle, Mr. Harpoole's.


21st.--A seminary priest named Lee, who this day said mass at Lawghlin bridge, was taken by a soldier, examined, and committed to the custody of the Provost.


22nd.--The Sergeant-Major and Captain St. Leger came to my Lord. Captain Lee also came, and certified that he had taken 200 cows and 50 garrones from Feagh McHugh.


23rd.--The Earls of Ormond and Thomond, the Lord of Doneboyne, and others dined with my Lord. Letters from England.


24th.--Letters despatched to Limerick, Ross, Cork, Waterford, and all other ports for restraining shipping from going to any part of Spain.


25th.--Sir G. Fenton sent news of the overthrow of 2,300 Spaniards in Brabant by the States.


27th.--Edmond Keting committed.


28th.--My Lord removed to Tullagh. Letters from England brought by Moore the pursuivant from Dublin.


March 1st, 1596[-7].--Captain Russell, Mr. Cob, and Mr. Cooke came from Dublin. Letters to the Lord President, the Lord Chancellor, and the Council at Dublin.


2nd.--To Haggardstown. Captain Richard Greemes took a spy.


3rd.--Over the mountains to Farrenerren. The Sergeant-Major with 200 soldiers had a light skirmish with the enemy, and took from them 50 cows, and brought in the head of one of their best shot.


4th.--"My Lord marched from Farrenerren to Ballenecor, and passed over the bridge; and from thence proceeded forwards over the mountain into the deepest bottom of the Glynne with carriages, where his Lordship dined; after which he knighted the Sergeant-Major, Sir John Chichester, being the place where Sir Peter Carew was slain in the Lord Graie's time. Then his Lordship returned another way through the Glynes, up a mighty rock and bad pass, which, God be thanked, with much ado we safely passed, without any annoyance from the enemy, to our camp at Farrenerren."


5th.--My Lord marched to Catherlough. Letters from the Council at Dublin by Stanley, pursuivant. Letters from Captain Henry Street.


6th.--Letters to the Council at Dublin, desiring to know what time was appointed for the Commissioners' meeting with the Earl of Tyrone at Dundalke, and promising if requisite to be at Dublin before their going, for furnishing the army to attend them. The sub-sheriff of the county of Catherlough was committed for abuse in gathering up corn in the country. Captains Montague and Richard Greemes brought in the heads of Dermond McOwen and Caire Glasse O'Birne, of Feagh's sept, and took a prey of 60 cows.


8th.--My Lord rode to Lawghlin, Captain Warham St. Leger's, where he was honourably entertained.


9th.--The Earl of Ormond came to Lawghlin. My Lord passed his word under his hand to the Earl of Ormond and Captain St. Leger, that if Garrett McMortaugh would cut off 20 of the kearnes, being rebels, he should have his pardon. My Lord returned to Catherlough.


10th.--Mr. Harpoole's men brought in from the Brisklow the heads of Geff. Tobie and Patrick Duffe, followers of the Butlers out in action, and a prisoner named Nicholas Tobie, foster-brother to Peirse Butler; "who, being examined, would not confess anything against the Butlers, or where they usually abode."


11th.--Patrick Moore, a prisoner, executed by martial law.


12th.--My Lord rose by 3 o'clock in the morning, and rode towards the Brisklowe, where he had appointed three foot companies to meet him, and beat through some of the rebels' fastnesses, but none could be found, as they had gone beyond the mountains. Some of our soldiers lighted on 16 rebels, one of whom, named Caroe McDonnell Cavanagh, uncle to Feagh's sons, was taken prisoner.


13th.--Letters from the Council at Dublin that six lasts of gunpowder, containing 140 barrels, lying at the Crane in Dublin, had by some negligence exploded, blowing up many houses adjoining, and killing many people. Mr. Harpole received a letter from Peirse Butler, asking for my Lord's protection.


14th.--My Lord rode to the Nasse.


15th.--To Dublin. The Chancellor and Council, with Mr. William Lane, Mr. Brounkett, and others, met his Lordship. The Council sat.


16th.--Captain Lea sent in two traitors' heads. Phelim O'Toole brought in one head, and took Turlagh O'Birne, one of Feagh's followers, prisoner.


17th, Thursday.--My Lord sent for Mr. William Lane and Mr. Brounkett, to speak with them. Mr. Fenn preached in the chapel. Captain Persie came to my Lord.


22nd.--The Earl of Kildare came to my Lord. Brian Reagh's brother's head brought in by the Earl of Kildare's lieutenant. A prisoner named Morris McHugh Cavanagh brought in by Captain Kellie. Letters from Molmorie O'Reylie, promising to perform some service in the Breney.


25th, Good Friday, 1597.--Letters to England by Lieutenant Fysher. The Lord President went to Dondalke to parley with the Earl of Tyrone. Captain Richard Greames brought in three traitors' heads and four prisoners, one of them son to Hugh Cancoe.


27th, Easter Day.--After the sermon in St. Patrick's my Lord knighted Mr. William Lane.


30th.--Captain Lea sent in the heads of James Butler, nephew to the Earl of Ormond, and two others. Letters from Sir Conniers Clyfford out of Connaught.


April 1st, 1597.--Letters to the Governor of Connaught.


3rd, Sunday.--The Bishop of Lawghlin and Mr. Fenn preached.


4th.--Captain Thomas Maria Wingfield came from Dondalk. Captain R. Greemes sent in one John Eustace, sometime his lieutenant, who had conspired to betray him and his castle to the rebels, as a prisoner, and also two traitors' heads, one of them being Hugh Duffe's brother.


5th.--Peirse FitzJames, sheriff of Catherlough, sent in 13 of the traitors' heads.


7th.--Marviliack went to England with letters. Sir G. Fenton and Sir G. Bowrchier rode to Dundalk to the Lord President.


8th.--Captain Trever landed from England with letters from the Countess of Warwick and others.


11th.--Sir William Lane went to England.


13th.--Two ships of Dublin arrived from Spain, bringing my Lord intelligence from thence.


14th.--Letters from the Earl of Ormond, that one Tirlagh Oge McHenry, with eight more rebels, was killed by his men two days before.


15th.--My Lord sat in the Star Chamber hearing a cause between Mr. Edgerton and Captain Mansfield. Mr. Edgerton was fined 100 marks for a riot, and committed to prison. John Ball, sergeant-at-arms, provost-marshal of Connaught, and marshal of the Four Courts, died. My Lord bestowed the first office on John Hoye, his gentleman usher, the second on Captain Lea, and the third on Mr. Gwilliams, his treasurer.


16th.--Letters to Captain M. Wingfield, at Dondalke.


20th.--Mr. Richard Mastersonn brought in the heads of 12 of Feagh McHughe's followers, having also committed seven prisoners to the castle of Wexford. My Lord sent Mr. Richard Cooke, his secretary, with letters to England. My Lord sat in the Star Chamber about ordering a cause between the Bishop of Lawghlin and Mr. Sheffeld.


21st.--Sir G. Fenton and Sir G. Bowrchier returned to Dublin. Letters from the Earl of Ormond, "that his men had taken six prisoners that were traitors in Munster with Morogh McShehy."


22nd.--A packet of letters sent to England by post, and carried to Chester by the Bishop of Lawghlin.


24th, Sunday.--The Lord Primate and Mr. Fenn preached.


30th.--Letters received from my Lord Borrough by Dakings, his servant, who was sent over before to make provision. One of Hugh Cancoe's sons and two other rebels executed by martial law.


May 1st, 1597, Sunday.--Letters from the Earl of Essex and the Countess of Warwick brought by Lieut. Fisher. Sir Peirse FitzJames's son sent in another of Hugh Cancoe's sons. Mr. Huson and Mr. Fenn preached. Captain Goodwyn died.


3rd.--Captain Thornton sent to sea with the Queen's pinnace for the Lord Burgh.


5th.--Letters from the Lord President (Sir John Norris), "that the Earl of Tyrone had deferred his meeting with him till the last of May, till which time a peace was prolonged, at the expiration of which the Earl promised to meet the Lord President in Dundalk, and deliver in his son as a pledge." The Earl of Ormond sent in 24 traitors' heads.


6th.--"My Lord sat in the Castle Chamber, where Captain Norries's cause was heard, who was adjudged (for speaking most heinous speeches against her Majesty's person) to be brought to the pillory with a paper on his head declaring his offence, and there to lose both his ears, to pay 500l. Irish for a fine, and to endure perpetual imprisonment." Widow Hope was fined 200l. Irish, and imprisoned, for the escape of the Newgents from Mollingar gaol.


7th.--Sir Thomas Jerman went with letters to the Council in England. My Lord took his last journey towards the Glynnes, in prosecution of Feagh McHughe, and rode to Rathdrome, where the foot companies met him.


8th, Sunday.--Early in the morning our foot entered the Glynnes, and fell into that quarter where Feagh McHugh lay; "and coming several ways on him, it pleased God to deliver him into our hands, being so hardly followed as that he was run out of breath, and forced to take a cave, where one Milborne, sergeant to Captain Lea, first lighted on him, and the fury of our soldiers was so great as he could not be brought away alive; thereupon the said sergeant cut off Feagh's head with his own sword and presented his head to my Lord, which with his carcass was brought to Dublin, to the great comfort and joy of all that province." Many of his followers were slain, and 200 cows were taken, with much pillage, which was divided among the soldiers. My Lord returned to Rathdrome, and there before the fort knighted Sir Calistinas Brooke, Sir Thomas Maria Wingfeild, and Sir Richard Trever.


9th.--My Lord rode to Dublin. All the way the people of the country met him with great joy and gladness, and, as their manner is, bestowed many blessings on him for performing so good a deed, and delivering them from their long oppressions." The Council, divers noblemen, and the citizens of Dublin, with many others, met his Lordship, and he was welcomed with universal joy.


10th, et seq.--The Council sat. Several of the foot companies landed.


15th.--"The Lord Burgh landed at ----, and came to Dublin, where he was invited to supper at the mayor's, after which his Lordship went to his lodging to St. Mary Abbey, at Sir George Bowrcher's house." 24,000l. and divers foot companies landed. Marviliacke brought private letters from England.


16th.--Dermond McNorris sent in five heads of Feagh's followers. "My Lord removed this night from the Castle to lie at Mr. Usher's house at the bridge foot, whereby the Castle might be made ready for the Lord Burgh against he should receive the sword." The Lord Burgh came to visit my Lord.


17th.--My Lord and the Council sat, "where the Lord Burgh came, and delivered her Majesty's instructions." After supper my Lord went to the Lord Burgh's lodging, where they conferred together.


18th to 21st.--My Lord and the Council sat.


19th.--Sir John Chichester sent in the heads of one Conner O'Kennedie and seven others of Feagh McHugh's followers. Mr. Cooke, "our" secretary, landed with letters from England. Letters from the Earl of Ormond that he had lately cut off 12 of the rebels by martial law, and kept four others prisoners. The Lord President (Norris) came to Dublin.


21st.--"My Lord and the Council sat in the afternoon, after which my Lord went to St. Mary Abbey to the Lord Burgh." The Earl of Ormond took his nephew Peirse Butler, executed him, and sent his head to Dublin.


22nd, Sunday.--The Lord Chancellor (Archbishop Loftus) and Mr. Fenn preached. After the sermon my Lord delivered up the sword to the Lord Burgh in St. Patrick's Church, and dined with him at St. Mary Abbey, "where the feast was kept." After dinner they sat in Council there about the "establishment."


23rd.--The Lord Deputy and Council met at St. Mary Abbey and sent for my Lord, who, after some consultations, departed.


24th.--My Lord went to the Lord Deputy and Council at St. Mary Abbey. Divers lords, knights, and gentlemen came to take their leave of my Lord.


26th.--My Lord departed from Dublin, being accompanied to the waterside by the Lord Chancellor and the rest of the Council, the mayor, sheriffs, and citizens of Dublin, and divers captains. "This evening we hoist sail, and the day following, being Friday, 27th, his Lordship landed at Ormshead, where his Lordship lay at Mr. Rowland Moystion's--in Wales."

Date: 27 May 1597
Held by: Lambeth Palace Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: MS 612
Language: English
Physical description: 117 Pages.
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, ed. J. S. Brewer & W. Bullen (6 vols., 1867-73), vol. III, document 270.

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