Catalogue description Indenture of fine. Joyce Rowley, widow, and Thomas Rowley, gent., plaintiffs. Thomas Broughton, gent., deforciant. Fourth part of a messuage, land and appurtenances in Nether Heickley and Norton on the Moors, co. Staff. (Please order number 161)

This record is held by Birmingham: Archives, Heritage and Photography Service

Details of MS 917/1310
Reference: MS 917/1310
Title: Indenture of fine. Joyce Rowley, widow, and Thomas Rowley, gent., plaintiffs. Thomas Broughton, gent., deforciant. Fourth part of a messuage, land and appurtenances in Nether Heickley and Norton on the Moors, co. Staff. (Please order number 161)

Another copy. Hilary term, 1566/7. (Please order number 162)

Date: Hilary term 1566/7
Held by: Birmingham: Archives, Heritage and Photography Service, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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