Catalogue description Cavendish Family and Associates: 1st Correspondence Series

This record is held by Devonshire Collection Archives, Chatsworth

Details of CS1
Reference: CS1
Title: Cavendish Family and Associates: 1st Correspondence Series

This collection of correspondence comprises letters to and from members of the Cavendish family and associates between 1490 and 1839, with the majority of the material being from 1670 to 1755. The letters cover political, social and personal matters of Kings; other royal family members; prime ministers; military personnel; privy councillors; members of the Royal court; British, Irish, and other European politicians; ambassadors; art dealers; art collectors; architects; artists; actors; clergymen; physicians and other medical practitioners; lawyers; judges; educators; servants; land agents; children; and many members of the aristocracy and gentry. As well as correspondence, there are also some bills, receipts, memoranda and legal documents that may have been enclosures to letters that exist in this collection.

Recipients of the majority of the letters are George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax (1633-1695); Rachel, Lady Russell (née Wriothesley, formerly Vaughan) (1636-1723); Rachel Cavendish (née Russell), Duchess of Devonshire (1674-1725); William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire (1698-1755); William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire (1720-1764); William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire (1790-1858); Dorothy Boyle (née Savile), Countess of Burlington (1699-1758); Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington (1694-1753); Henri de Massue, 2nd Marquis de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway (1648-1720); and Charlotte Cavendish (née Boyle), Marchioness of Hartington (1731-1754).

Historical events and topics covered thoroughly in multiple series of correspondence in this collection include: the War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1714 (CS1/97; CS1/108); the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, with particular focus on the threat to Derbyshire (see especially CS1/163, CS1/180, CS1/182, CS1/249, CS1/294, CS1/318, CS1/322, CS1/323, CS1/324, and CS1/333); the accession of James, Duke of York to the throne as James II; the  Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the arrival and reign of William III of England (II of Scotland) and Mary II of England; the Williamite War in Ireland c.1689; the royal court of King George I and George II; the death of Queen Caroline 1737; continental European wars including the War of the Austrian Succession and the Nine Years' War; French refugees resulting from the Dragonnades of 1681-85; investments in the South Sea Company and the South Sea Bubble 1720; ships being sent to North America; conflict between France and Great Britain over colonies in America and the West Indies as part of the Nine Years' War; the earthquake in Lisbon in 1755; the threat of Spanish invasion of Ireland in 1739; the movement of troops in Europe; general election candidates; the British government administrations of Sir Robert Walpole, Henry Pelham and Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle; the administration of Ireland under the 3rd Duke of Devonshire and Marquess of Hartington as Lord Lieutenants of Ireland (1737-1744 and 1755-1757); operas, plays and concerts; and political, royal and religious offices to be filled by recommendations and applications. The correspondence of Rachel, Lady Russell (includes CS1/28) and George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax (CS1/60), though unrelated, are from the same period and so the political and social environment of aristocratic England around the later 1680s is clearly captured through the wide range of correspondents of these two figures. The political lives of both these individuals are only mentioned in passing in this correspondence; their correspondence here is more personal than publically political. For example, it highlights the importance of a thorough and elite education for their children. Both received letters from the tutors of their sons  Wriothesley Russell, Marquess Tavistock (CS1/96) and William and Henry Savile, Lords Eland  whilst the tutors accompanied their grand tours of Europe (CS1/73, CS1/99, CS1/21). The future 2nd Duke of Devonshire s grand tour in 1690  around a similar time to his brother-in-law s  is also captured in his letters to his wife Rachel, Lady Cavendish (CS1/51) and that of her grandson is captured in his letters fifty years later (CS1/260). The theme of the Grand Tour is documented from the perspective of noblemen, servants and educators in this collection, with some instances of the same event or spectacle being described by each member of the travelling party.

Lady Russell s correspondence, which includes that with her childhood chaplain Dr Fitzwilliam (CS1/28) and Dr Gilbert Burnet (CS1/36), is also a large series in this collection and provides a distinctly different tone to her other letters in the collection. In her letters to acquaintances, lawyers, servants and family members, she is matter-of-fact, diplomatic and cordial. In her letters to Dr Fitzwilliam, Lady Russell appears vulnerable. She deliberates over the grief she suffers from the death of her husband and later her daughter and son. These letters provide an insight into the way in which Lady Russell relied on religion and the counsel of her chaplain to process the loss of her loved ones.

Loss and illness are a regular theme throughout all the series of correspondence in this collection. Together the series build a picture of the way in which literate, educated upper-class and middle-class people in the 18th century shared news of illness, handled loss, and used medical practitioners, retreats to Bath and Tunbridge Wells and medicine to cure themselves. Regular references are made to smallpox outbreaks, inoculation against smallpox, colds, coughs, distempers and humours, fevers and fits of gout, brought on by the rich diets of wealthy 18th-century families. Most of the letters in CS1  even those that are political in nature  mention personal news and activities of relatives and friends including deaths, births, miscarriages, marriages, engagements and proposed matches, separations, dowries, finances, crimes, gambling, the weather, hunting, dining and illness. There is also a clear picture of the movement of aristocratic families around the country during different seasons  between London, Bath and the countryside. The correspondence of Lady Russell's uncle (through her mother) and cousin Henri de Massue, 1st and 2nd Marquises de Ruvigny also feature in this collection (CS1/22). As well as detailing family affairs, CS1/97 provides a description of Henri, 2nd Marquis de Ruvigny's involvement in the Siege of Badjoz as an army general (see also CS1/108).

The correspondence of William Russell, 1st Duke of Bedford is well-represented in this collection, owing to his very close relationship with his daughter-in-law Lady Russell and his grandchildren Wriothesley Russell (future 2nd Duke of Bedford) and Lady Rachel (future Duchess of Devonshire). Another inherited group of correspondence that illuminates the close family connections between different generations is that between Gertrude, Marchioness of Halifax and her step-son William Savile, 2nd Marquess of Halifax (CS1/68) - these letters were likely inherited by his daughter Dorothy Boyle, Countess of Burlington, who would have only known her father through his correspondence, given that he died the year after she was born.

Many of the letters to Dorothy Boyle, Countess of Burlington (CS1/164) in 1735-37 are from other ladies-in-waiting to the Queen, keeping Lady Burlington abreast of events at court in Kensington and Windsor, or rearranging their scheduled waiting weeks with Lady Burlington. In Lady Burlington s correspondence, there are also letters from her family members, mostly asking after her health and that of her family. There are some letters from lawyers and agents (after the death of Lord Burlington in 1753) dealing with her estates in Ireland.

This CS1 collection provides evidence of the network of individuals that made up the cultured social circle of Lord and Lady Burlington in the early-to-mid-18th century. Letters exist to and from the Burlingtons and William Kent (CS1/206); Brian and Ferdinando Fairfax; Lady Isabella Finch (CS1/219); David Garrick (CS1/354); Eva Marie Garrick (née Veigel) (CS1/355); her own children Lady Dorothy (CS1/228) and Lady Charlotte (CS1/249); and her son-in-law Lord Hartington (CS1/260). The composer Handel also writes to Lord Burlington (CS1/150/0). All these characters and more were in some way connected to Lord and Lady Burlington, and often to others in this creative circle. Their letters show how Lady Burlington was central to these connections. There are examples in the collection of the same author writing to multiple recipients. For example, David Garrick and William Kent wrote to both the Burlingtons and Lord Hartington (the future 4th Duke). There are also examples of the same event being relayed in the letters of multiple authors. This occurred with political events such as the Jacobite invasion of Edinburgh in 1745 as well as more personal ones such as Lady Dorothy Boyle s fit that occurred at Chiswick whilst her mother and father were away, which gets relayed to Lady Burlington in the letters of William Kent, Juliana, Dowager Countess of Burlington, Lady Dorothy herself, Lady Charlotte Boyle and Lady Bella Finch.

Amongst Lady Burlington s, Lord Burlington s, Lord Hartington s and Lady Hartington s correspondence (CS1/164, CS1/127, CS1/260 and CS1/282, respectively) personal jokes and nicknames are common. Some of the nicknames mentioned include: Mr Kentino,  Zelle, Mademoiselle, Cann, Jewel, Signor, Dear Child. Others may be nicknames or pet names including: Quickety Quick, Licky, Little Rocky, Pup, Cackle Mackle, and Mottle and Moustache.

The letters from Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington in this collection are largely to his wife Lady Burlington and most concern trips to Londesborough to carry out maintenance and building work. He also mentions some architectural projects, including designing the assembly rooms at York. But considering the amount of work he did, this collection does not provide much evidence of Lord Burlington s architectural pursuits. Many of the letters he received that are in this collection relate to his estate in Yorkshire and include recommendations or requests relating to his position in the County, rather than his architectural work.

The marriage of William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington to Lord Burlington s daughter, Lady Charlotte, is the topic of some of Lord Burlington s letters (CS1/127/36) as well as of some of the 3rd Duke s letters (CS1/163), Lord Hartington s letters (CS1/260), Lady Charlotte Boyle s letters (CS1/282), Lady Burlington s letters (CS1/164) and Katherine, Duchess of Devonshire s letters (CS1/344). The Duchess of Devonshire was initially opposed to the union, claiming she did not agree with a match to a partner who was a child in comparison to her son Lord Hartington (CS1/344/0). The 3rd Duke of Devonshire and Duchess of Devonshire briefly lived apart because of their disagreement over this marriage match. The letters of Thomas Cheyney (CS1/203) illustrate his mediation between the couple.

The servants of the Russell, Bedford, Savile/Halifax, and Boyle/Burlington households mentioned in this collection include: Dr Sherrard, Mr Hicks, Mr Thornton, Mr Sellwood, Mr Charleton, Mr Wood, Mr Gee, Mr Ferret, John Wier, R. Graham, Mr Conner, Andrew Crotty, Mr Shelton, Harry Potter and Mr Conyer. There are also letters to and from lawyers such as Mr John Hoskins (exchanged with Rachel, Lady Russell in CS/34) and Sir Antony Abdy (exchanged with Dorothy, Lady Burlington and Lord Hartington  future 4th Duke in CS1/367). The 3rd Duke of Devonshire s agents William Hewett and Alexander Barker also feature in the collection both as a subjects of correspondence and as authors (CS1/216 and CS1/327 respectively). The 6th Duke of Devonshire's agent John Heaton also features (C1/663).

Many of these letters were penned by aristocratic women and provide evidence of how they used their social status to elevate their friends and family members to better offices and marriage matches. The letters of some of these women, especially widows such as Rachel, Lady Russell, Gertrude Savile, Dowager Marchioness of Halifax and Dorothy Boyle, Countess of Burlington reveal their great involvement with the running of their estates, ensuring legal matters relating to their land and tenancies were settled for their heirs.

Due to the 3rd Duke of Devonshire s roles as Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire and Ireland and a prominent Derbyshire landowner, he was often consulted on legal matters that occurred on his land. Legal cases represented in this collection include that of James Loton, gardener at Chatsworth accused of murder (CS1/254) and the unprecedented case of Lord Santry, in which a peer was tried by his fellow peers for his actions against a person of much lower social status (CS1/267). There is also a large series of correspondence between him and the John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland concerned with the legal dispute between them and the partners of Portaway mine (CS1/140).

The Devonshire and Burlington families had a vested interest in horses both for entertainment and travel purposes. A number of the letters of the 3rd Duke of Devonshire, the 4th Duke (when still Marquess of Hartington), Dorothy Boyle, Countess of Burlington and Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington mention horses being bought and gifted; looked after; raced and bred. CS1/130 is a series of papers concerning horses owned by the Dukes of Devonshire c. 1711-1730.

Another theme of many letters is recommendation to religious, government or royal offices. Many of the letter groups that only contain one item will be a recommendation from someone who knows the recipient to have some influence over the post. These letters are particularly common in the correspondence of the 3rd Duke and Lord Hartington during their roles as Lord Lieutenants of Ireland.

The letters between Lord Hartington and his father (CS1/260 and CS1/163) are heavily political and are especially frequent during the period in which Lord Hartington became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1755. The political situation in Ireland involving the influence of the Primate, George Stone (CS1/339) at the time, and the Ponsonbys, over the government of Ireland and the opposition to it that was causing unrest in Ireland is a matter that is covered thoroughly in all of Lord Hartington s correspondence from March to September of 1755. The rift in the 3rd Duke and Lord Hartington s views on the removal of the Primate from government are clear.

The political correspondence in this collection from Sir Robert Walpole (CS1/114), Henry Bilson Legge (CS1/257), Horatio Walpole (CS1/180), Henry Pelham (CS1/249), Henry Boyle (CS1/120), Thomas Pelham-Holles (CS1/182), Henry Fox (CS1/330), Sir Robert Wilmot (CS1/290), William Ponsonby (CS1/294), John Ponsonby (CS1/381) and Wellbore Ellis (CS1/335) provides detailed information about debates in the Houses of Parliament as well as other day-to-day events and activities. The letters shed light on the allegiances and opposition of various important individuals of the time toward the Whig government and the Crown over appointments, bills and petitions.

The letters to William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire are mainly from foreign art dealers and collectors such as Zanetti, Mahudel (CS1/174) and Crozat (CS1/170) about the 2nd Duke s collection of medals and carved gems which already at the time had an international reputation. Some letters in this collection mention discoveries in Rome and digging on Palatine Hill in 1728.

The material belonging to William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Devonshire includes material relating to the  Glorious Revolution , namely letters written from the then 4th Earl of Devonshire to Lord Danby concerning the arrival of and declaration of support for William and Mary and the 4th Earl s involvement in establishing their reign (CS1/18), which earned him the Dukedom of Devonshire in 1694. This collection also includes some material on building and garden work at Chatsworth (CS1/70) that occurred between 1688 and 1700.

This collection holds the correspondence of a number of other important Cavendish family members from the 17th-19th centuries, including that of: Sir William and Richard Cavendish c.1540 (CS1/1); William Cavendish, 1st Earl of Devonshire (CS1/3); William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of Devonshire (CS1/16); Mary Cavendish (née Butler), Duchess of Devonshire (CS1/29); Rachel Cavendish (née Russell), Duchess of Devonshire (CS1/30); Lady Elizabeth Cavendish to Lord James Cavendish (CS1/166); Lord Charles Cavendish (C1/211); Sir Henry Cavendish (CS1/363); Caroline Ponsonby (née Cavendish), Countess of Bessborough; Lord John Cavendish (CS1/428) (mentioning the education of the 5th Duke of Devonshire); Lord James Cavendish (CS1/284); Lord George Augustus Henry Cavendish, 1st Earl of Burlington (CS1/695) (mentioning the Pentrich Rising); Rachel Walpole (née Cavendish), Countess of Orford (CS1/430); George Augustus Cavendish (CS1/431); Richard Cavendish (formerly Chandler) (CS1/613); William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire (CS1/767); Blanche Cavendish (née Howard), Countess of Burlington (CS1/1087); and Fanny Cavendish (CS1/1133.4).

Of the very few letters from the period of the 6th Duke's life (1790-1858) that remain in this collection, most are from older women who were friends and relatives of the 6th Duke's mother, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, and who kept in contact with the Duke after his mother had died. Examples include letters from: Frances Cairnes Fortescue (née Murray), Countess Clermont (CS1/678.16); Lady Anna Maria Jones (née Shipley) (CS1/687); and Louise-Marthe de Conflans d'Armentières, marquise de Coigny (CS1/714). There are also letters from his governess Sarah Selina Trimmer sent at the end of her life (CS1/735).

As of February 2022 the following groups of letters were missing from the collection: CS1/670, CS1/739, CS1/671. The following items were missing: CS1/70.17, CS1/105.11, CS1/228.14, CS1/260.0, CS1/282.5, CS1/284.2, CS1/428.12, CS1/714.11, CS1/205.5 and CS1/359.0.


A number of the creators of records in this collection have different names and titles over their lifetimes; generally the NCA naming rules have been used as guidelines for names, with some diversions from it set out below:

At series level the last name and highest title that belonged to the individual on their death has been used. The exception is where only one letter exists in a group, in which case the same rule as with individual letters has been applied: the name and title used are those which applied at the time the record was created.

The exception to this rule is William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire, who is referred to as the Marquess of Hartington at series-level as well as item-level because all records relating to the period when he was 4th Duke of Devonshire are in a separate collection (CS4).

Titled women have been described in this catalogue by their title regardless of whether it was inherited by marriage or suo jure.

Date: 1490 - 1839

Arranged in accordance with ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description, Second Edition, Ottawa 2000 and The Devonshire Collection Cataloguing Guidelines.

This collection has been kept in the arrangement that was left after the initial organisation of the letters in the 1920s and the extraction of ducal groups of correspondence (CS4, CS5, CS6) between the 1970s and 2000s.

The initial arrangement of the correspondence was firstly by groups of authors/correspondents. Then the earliest letter in each grouping broadly dictated the run of groups of correspondence, so that there is a wider chronological order to the whole series. For example, the letters from Rachel, Lady Russell s correspondents are likely to be found towards the beginning of the series and those from the 6th Duke of Devonshire s correspondents are likely to be found towards the end.

Each author group was allocated a number, and these numbers have been kept in the current catalogue. Also, within the author groupings letters are arranged roughly chronologically.

Each group of letters by an author in the CS1 collection has been given a series-level description which provides a summary of the topics of the letters. The sizes of the groups of letters and therefore the lengths of the descriptions are wide-ranging  for some authors, only one letter exists within the series/group, whilst others have closer to 50.

Some letters from the 19th century have been left in CS1 despite arguably fitting into the ducal group CS6 or the Devonshire Family Collections Papers (DF). During the cataloguing of this collection in 2022, it was decided to keep these items in this collection rather than moving them. After the rearrangement of CS1 between 1970 and the 2000s these items were left in CS1 deliberately and it would not add very much to the understanding of this material to move them at this late stage. Instead, they have been catalogued to item-level and cross-references to related material have been added to the catalogue.One group of correspondence that has been relocated to another collection is CS1/143, which contains over 150 letters, notes, drawings and poems between Dorothy Boyle (née Savile), Countess of Burlington, Charlotte Cavendish (née Boyle), Marchioness of Hartington, Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and Alexander Pope. This material has been moved to the Burlington Collection (BU) with similar material and kept together there as a series (BU/7).

Many of the reference numbers in this collection are not consecutive because items were extracted for the ducal groups after the original referencing was assigned in the 1920s. It was decided not to re-reference to save further complication in identifying these items in published citations.

Some series have descriptions at item-level summing up the contents of each letter as well as an overal summary at series-level. However, time pressure did not allow for item-level cataloguing of every letter in this collection.

Related material:

In the Devonshire Collection Archives the following collections hold material related to the authors and recipients of the 1st Correspondence Series (CS1):

- Burlington Miscellaneous Manuscripts (BU)

- 2nd Series of Correspondence, 1840-1908

Correspondence of the Cavendish family, their friends, and acquaintances from 1840-1908 (CS2)

- 4th Duke s Group, 1755-1764

Correspondence of the 4th Duke, his friends, family and acquaintances (CS4)

-5th Duke s Group, 1764-1811

Correspondence of the 5th Duke, his friends, family and acquaintances (CS5)

-6th Duke s Group, 1811-1839

Correspondence of the 6th Duke, his friends, family and acquaintances (CS6)

- Inventories and valuations of the household effects and other material goods of the Cavendish family (CH36)

- Papers of Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork and later members of the

Boyle family (CM)

- Papers of the Finch Family, Earls of Aylesford (FCH)

- Manuscripts and papers of the Savile Family, Marquesses of Halifax (HX)

- Letters and papers of Rachel Russell (1637-1723) and those of her husband Lord William Russell (1639 -1683) (R)

- Newsletters and correspondence of William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of

Devonshire (1617-1684) with later estate material (WC)

- Papers of William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire 1713-1759 (DF1)

- Papers of William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire 1740-1768 (DF2)

- Papers of William Cavendish, 5th Duke of Devonshire 1764-1811 (DF3)

- Papers of William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire 18th- 19th century (DF4)

- Papers of William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire 1838-1896 (DF5)

- Papers of Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire 18th century-1820 (DF12)

- Papers of Blanche Cavendish, Countess of Burlington 1820-1840 (DF13)

- Papers of William Cavendish (1783-1812), Louisa Cavendish (d.1863) and Family 1821-1839

- Papers of George Augustus Henry Cavendish, 1st Earl of Burlington of

the 2nd creation and Compton family 1717- c.1834 (DF31)

- Papers of William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire and Rachel Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire c.1715- 1723 (DF32)

Held by: Devonshire Collection Archives, Chatsworth, not available at The National Archives
Language: English French Italian Latin

Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Devonshire, 1640-1707

Cavendish, William, 1673 - 1729, 2nd Duke of Devonshire

Cavendish, William,1698 - 1755, 3rd Duke of Devonshire

Cavendish, William, 3rd Earl of Devonshire, 1617 - 1684

Cavendish, William, 4th Duke of Devonshire, 1720 - 1764

Cavendish, William George Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire, 1790-1858

Russell, Lady Rachel, nee Wriothesley, c.1636-1723

Cavendish, Rachel, nee Russell, Duchess of Devonshire, d 1725

Boyle, Lady, Dorothy, nee Savile, 1699 - 1758

Boyle, Richard, 3rd Earl of Burlington, 1694 - 1753

Savile, George, 1st Marquess of Halifax, 1633-1695

Physical description: 7 boxes, 2660 items
Access conditions:

The collection is open for consultation. Access to the archive at Chatsworth is by appointment only. For more information please visit:

Copies of material in the archive can be supplied for private study and personal research purposes only, depending on the condition of the documents.

Immediate source of acquisition:

The correspondence and related papers in this collection are an accumulation of some of the inherited, received or authored letters of the Cavendish family from the 1490s to 1839.

As well as the direct ancestors of the Cavendish line and Devonshire dukedom, CS1 includes correspondence of persons who had married into the family whose papers came to be kept at Chatsworth. These letters came together through the inheritance and custodial practices of a few key figures who were related to, or themselves, recipients and authors of the material. They include Rachel Cavendish (née Russell), Duchess of Devonshire; her mother Lady Rachel Russell (née Wriothesley and formerly Vaughan); and Dorothy Boyle (née Savile), Countess of Burlington.

Save for a few exceptions, the letters and papers in this collection were written to a Cavendish family member, Lord Halifax, Lady Russell or Lady Burlington.

The large collection of correspondence of George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax and other Savile family members was likely kept by Dorothy Boyle, Countess of Burlington, who was the granddaughter of Lord Halifax. Her inheritance also included some of the letters of her grandfather Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham and other members of the Finch family. Her own letters received from her aunts, Isabella and Elizabeth Murray (née Finch), her husband and children and other individuals in her wide network make up a very large part of this collection. Most of the letters from Lady Burlington herself in this collection tend to be those that were sent to Cavendish or Boyle family members and have therefore been kept as Cavendish family papers since first sent. The only inherited letters from Richard Burlington, 3rd Earl of Burlington to exist in CS1 are those written to Lady Burlington or the Cavendishes.

A large proportion of the surviving letters sent to and kept by the Dukes of Devonshire and their heirs is preserved in this collection. As with some of Lady Burlington s letters, because family members wrote to each other, both sides of correspondence have occasionally been reunited in this collection at Chatsworth.

Rachel Cavendish (née Russell), Duchess of Devonshire was another important figure in the accumulation and preservation of this material. As well as the Duchess s own letters received by friends, family and acquaintances, the material includes the Duchess s mother s correspondence, such as Lady Rachel Russell s letters to Dr Fitzwilliam which were eventually returned to the Russell family after they had been sent to him. Lady Rachel Russell herself must have inherited letters which passed on to her daughter and this likely explains the presence of: a small amount of Wriothesley family correspondence; some examples of Lord William Russell s correspondence; the correspondence of her father-in-law and son, 1st and 2nd Dukes of Bedford; and the correspondence of her uncle and cousin, the 1st and 2nd Marquises de Ruvigny, all in CS1.

It was not until the 1920s that a concerted effort was made to comprehensively catalogue the family, social and political correspondence that had accumulated from various sources through the centuries at Chatsworth. During 1925 and 1926, all letters dated before and including 1839 were catalogued as First Correspondence Series (CS1).

In its initial form, the First Correspondence Series comprised around 10,000 letters. Subsequently, during 1926 and 1927, all letters (then known to exist) that were dated between 1840 and 1908 were catalogued as the Second Correspondence Series (CS2). When the First and Second Correspondence Series were compiled they, by definition, did not generally include other family papers such as diaries, scrapbooks, photos, keepsakes and legal papers. This material can for the most part be found in the Devonshire Family Collections (DF).

Although CS1 and CS2 still exist, they have been heavily altered across the last ninety years. Most pertinently, in various stages from the 1970s through the 2000s the correspondence of the 4th, 5th and 6th Dukes of Devonshire and their families and associates were extracted to form, respectively, the 4th Duke's Group (CS4); the 5th Duke s Group (CS5); and the 6th Duke s Group (CS6). Those collections include the letters from those ducal reigns, i.e. CS4 includes correspondence from December 1755 to October 1764 but any letters written by the 4th Duke whilst he was still the heir incumbent (Marquess of Hartington) remained in CS1.

With these ducal papers extracted, the number of letters and related papers remaining in the First Correspondence Series is now around 2,660, with the vast majority of the papers dating from before 1755, the date when the 4th Duke came into his title.

The childhood of the 5th Duke is captured in the correspondence of the 3rd Duke, Lady Burlington and Lord Hartington that remains in CS1. The rest of the life of the 5th Duke and his wives and that of the 6th Duke s youth is largely captured in letters now in CS5. It is not clear why the correspondence of the 6th Duke that has remained in CS1 was not transferred to CS6 like most Cavendish family correspondence from 1811 to 1858, as most of it dates from his ducal reign rather than before it.

For the original list of CS1 before CS4, CS5 and CS6 were formed, please see either the paper original or the Excel spreadsheet, available from the Devonshire Collection Archives.

  • letters,
  • correspondence,
  • Irish politics,
  • British government,
  • foreign affairs,
  • 18th century,
  • 17th century,
  • family affairs,
  • estates,
  • aristocracy,
Unpublished finding aids:

A copy of the typescript of the original 1920s index of the First Correspondence series by surname is available from Chatsworth Archives.

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