Catalogue description STRUBBY (LINCS.)

This record is held by Berkeley Castle Muniments

Details of BCM/D/6/3
Reference: BCM/D/6/3
Held by: Berkeley Castle Muniments, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Administrative / biographical background:

The holding was granted by William de Cornhill to Robert de Chaucombe in free marriage with William's daughter Juliana. It was then settled on her daughter Milicent Basset, but passed to the Segraves, and Juliana de Chaucombe quitclaimed her rights to Nicholas de Segrave. By 1325 it had been alienated, as a note in the Segrave Cartulary confirms. [BL Harl. MS4748,f.22, See BCM/D/6 Administrative history]

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